> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Giving Quilt Challenge With Over $15,000 in Great Prizes

There are challenges and then there are challenges.  Some challenges inspire us to try new techniques, whereas some challenges may help us push our talents to be the very best, to simply have fun, to try to  win a prize, or to help a good cause.  And then, there are those challenges that have so many reasons to join, we just need to make sure we do them.  As such, SewCalGal is hoping this is a challenge that you will want to participate in and you'll want to share it with all of your quilting friends and favorite quilt shops too!

What would you like to know about it first?  How about the prizes?
There will be over $15,000 worth of prizes, including a new Bernina 750 machine.

How about the great cause?
The Giving Quilt Challenge is part of the Quilted In Honor initiative by Island Batik to help raise funds and awareness for Operation Homefront.  
Participants get a chance to make a beautiful quilt using fabrics from Island Batik's Quilted In Honor collection, raise funds for Operation Homefront and donate their quilt to Operation Homefront which will give the quilt to a needy Military Family at Christmas. 

The Giving Quilt Challenge was announced at the AQS Des Moines Show this week, by Island Batik.  You can find more information about it at their page for this event, but I'm delighted to share more insight with you too!

What is a Giving Quilt?  It is a quilt that has pockets sewn in, which are designed to accommodate gift cards or cash. Eleanor Burns, from Quilt In A Day, has created a great video tape that shows you how to make a giving quilt.

Giving Quilt Challenge from Quilt in a Day on Vimeo.


Quilts can be made of any design, but need to be made with Island Batik's Quilted In Honor Collection, be of a certain size and include 24 to 36 card pockets.  For more details on this challenge, visit the Quilted in Honor page at Island Batik.

Deadline to Enter is February 7th, 2014

Island Batik has also confirmed that this challenge is open to International participants.

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Barb said... 1

you always encourage your readers and bloggers to go outside themselves to achieve more and to be better. Thanks!!

Joanne Lendaro said... 2


Oh wait!! That's facebook. Great post, heard about this somewhere else, glad you are promoting it too. But I guess that's what SewCalGal does!!

Carol J said... 3

What a great cause! Is this only open to US residents? Didn't see any mention of that in any of the rules.... Just wondering :) Thanks for sharing!

Carol J said... 4

What a great cause! Is this only open to US residents? Didn't see any mention of that in any of the rules.... Just wondering :) Thanks for sharing!

SewCalGal said... 5

Island Batik has confirmed this challenge is open to International Residents. :)