> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Monday, September 30, 2013

Thank You To Sponsors / Charity Fundraiser

Today I want to recognize and thank special sponsors of a charity fundraiser that SewCalGal hosted in December 2013 (Quilters Christmas Party), where 100% of the funds raised were donated to Operation Homefront (OH).  With the help of many generous sponsors and quilters that donated money for chances to win raffle prizes or buy items at auction, over $2,400 was raised for OH.  And, a good portion of the funds raised came from sponsors that donated a sizeable check made payable to OH, in exchange of advertisement space on SewCalGal for 2013.

While SewCalGal has historically avoided taking paid advertisements, it was an honor to display images and links for these businesses who make our world of quilting, sewing and embroidery so wonderful, and they also care so much about others that they donated funds to OH.


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IHAN Logo oval

Quilt in a Day

BNR Logo63-6i-B

The FAT QUARTER SHOP NEW LEAF STITCHES STUDIOKAT DESIGNS,  CRAFTSYIHANTHE QUILTED KITTY,QUILT IN A DAY,  and ASF LIGHTWARE SOLUTIONS/Beam N Read all have wonderful products and excellent customer service.  Plus, they truly care about quilters and people in general.  Thus, I hope you understand why SewCalGal is an advocate for these businesses.  In so many ways, they continually help to make our world of quilting, sewing, and embroidery a wonderful world of creativity!   

I also want to "plant the seed", giving you glimpses into an upcoming event where you can win some great prizes and also help a few charities with amazing causes.  While SewCalGal had an open call for bloggers to participate in this event, four bloggers came forward to champion fundraising for causes that they are passionate about.  And, this coming November, SewCalGal and some amazing sponsors are committed to helping raise funds for these great causes in an event that will be known as the "Quilter's Bee Giving: a Charity Fundraiser".  After all, quilters are giving!
quilter's bee giving badge
I'll be sharing insights on the upcoming Quilter's Bee Giving Charity Fundraiser soon.  This event will benefit four different charities where a Blogger Champion will share insights about these great causes.  Sponsors are currently being recruited to donate prizes that will be raffled or auctioned and quilters can decide which of these four non-profit programs their donation will go to.  There may also be additional fundraising going on at various blogs during this event too.  Stay tuned!

Sponsors that want to donate prizes or have questions can email me.

Marjorie's Quilting BeeHope for HH
Green Fairy Quilts Green Fairy Quilts Charity
Jaybird Quilts
Alex's Lemonade Stand is Fighting Childhood Cancer, One Cup at a Time
Snoodles at LIlypad Quilting
Greenville Humane Society
Greenville Humane Society

SewCalGal will be announcing insights on sponsors for the Quilter's Bee Giving Charity Fundraiser in the very neary future.  In the meantime, check out the page on SewCalGal labeled "Charity Announcements"  as this page will be updated to provide current links for the Quilter's Bee Giving event, as they are posted. This page also shares insights on a variety of charity events that might be of interest to quilting, sewing or embroidery enthusiasts. Thus, I hope you'll bookmark it and periodically check this page for current insights.

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Snoodles said... 1

Looking forward to this event! Thanks for letting the team at Lilypadquilting participate!

Joanne Lendaro said... 2

Bunch of really nice people!