> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Friday, July 20, 2012

Winner of the Patchwork Style Blog Giveaway

I'm happy to be able to announce the winner of the Patchwork Style Blog Hop giveaway today, but first I have a little bit of info to share.


There are still more stops in this blog hop, where you can hear more insights about this impressive new book, as well as have more chances to win a copy.

July 19th - Anita Grossman Solomon http://makeitsimpler.blogspot.com/
July 20th - Lyric Kinard http://lyrickinard.blogspot.com/
July 21th - The Quilt Show
July 22th - Jane La Fazio (JaneVille)
July 23th - Free Spirit
July 24th - Nancy Zieman

You can also order a copy from Dragon Threads, the publisher for this book: http://dragonthreads.com/books/sassaman.htm

I do want to thank Dragon Threads for asking SewCalGal to participate in this fun blog hop and shipping a copy of the book directly a winner in the US.  While SewCalGal appreciates all sponsors for Fun Friday giveaways, I also appreciate those that ship directly and they determine if the prize will be sent to a US, US/Canada or anyone worldwide.  But, SewCalGal still absorbs the cost for shipping many prizes directly to winners and I absorb the expense of shipping to "followers" that can be located anywhere in the world.  Unfortunately, shipping expenses have far exceeded what my personal funds can support, as well as those that I earn via paid advertisements (e.g. Adsense/AdChoices), along with donations from various "Postage Angels".  Thus, I am not hosting a Fun Friday Giveaway this week.  But, check back, as I am working with sponsors along with other ways to raise funds to offset shipping expenses, and hope to get back on track of having a new Fun Friday Giveaway every week very soon.

Congratulations to Rhonda D you are a winner of a copy of "Patchwork Style".  Enjoy!

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Snoodles said...

Congrats to Rhonda!
I'm with you, SewCalGal...I'm loving sponsors that will ship to giveaway winners. It's the only way I can work mine. I hope you can find some innovative solutions - perhaps you can pass them along!

Quilting Babcia said...

I think most of us are aware of the very expensive shipping costs, and wouldn't mind your asking every winner of a giveaway to pay the shipping. You are more than generous with your time and talent in providing all of us with reviews of noteworthy books and shows, not to mention the hugely time consuming FMQ Challenge! I don't think anyone would think less of you if you made it a requirement to enter a giveaway that the winner would pay shipping (unless sponsor agreed to do so). Just my 2-cents.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Congrats to Rhonda D!
I certainly understand the shipping cost dilemma, and agree with Quilting Babcia's suggestion.

Rhonda D. said...

WOW! I can't believe that I won!
Can't wait to see the book. Thank
you so much for the giveaway!!
