
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Quilting Snacks

What  are your favorite snacks at a quilt sew-cial?

Chocolate dipped strawberries?

Flavored Rice Cakes?  Milano cookies?

How about  Butterfingers,  Hershey's kisses, or Reese's Cups?

Brownie Bites?

Or how about cute M&Ms?

I'd love to hear what your favorite snacks are for when you are at a quilt sew-cial.  I'm planning on what to take to an upcoming sew-cial and don't want to think only about my tummy.    Oh dear me, what shall I bring to a sew-cial?


  1. I like Chocolate dipped Pretzels...cause then you don't have to STOP quilting to eat...not too messy there :)

  2. When we had snacks at a recent guild meeting, I took those little bite-sized cupcakes you can get ready-made at the bakery section of your grocery store. Mine had some Key Lime Pie flavored ones, and they went like hotcakes--even better than the chocolate, if you can imagine that!

  3. Anything with chocolate is good. Yumm for chocolate dipped strawberries. Have you tried the dark chocolate pretzel slims from Trader Joes? Soooo good.

  4. I tend to forget to eat when I really get in the zone! LOL But chocolate is always good!

  5. I did belon to a quilt guild in Missouri but never been to a quilt social.....whaaaaa

    But when I am at home and busy sewing, I do not is when I stop....but M & M's are the best...or oh we are talking!!

  6. You had me with the chocolate covered strawberries....


    And here I am, re-starting up my "new health plan"!!!

    And, unfortunately, I don't think I've only ever been to 1 or 2 sew-cials, before.... but these berries would have been LOVELY!!!

    Hope this helps! *s*

    Rosa Robichaud

  7. I'm afraid I'm boring and just take a huge pile of seedless grapes to snack on. That way there's no chance of sticky fingers marking my quilt

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  8. Tim Tams....need I say more? I also always appreciate when people bring fruit because it is healthy and I find once I start with the junk I can't fruit is always good :)


  9. My favourite would be dried apricots with dark chocolate.

  10. Stop, please stop, I would like some of each please. Really the strawberries appealed to me the most. I'm a fruit girl so they are the best.

  11. I love coffee and any kind of cookie. I'm a "sweets" love. That said, I love to bring mixed nuts, bananas, hummus and carrots -- just so my pants still fit.

    Love Mr. Goodbar - my favorite candybar.

  12. I wanted to add this one to the comments. It is from @eileensideways via Twitter.

    i like to make these for my quiltynites

    Don't these baked buttons look yummy?


  13. I'm a sucker for Hershey's kisses. Just can't resist! And as you can guess, they are not just at snack time, but ANYTIME! (or is that all the time)

  14. I don't usually eat anywhere near my sewing machine, I am just a messy person you see. Now, take a break, and something sweet would work, Or some pretzels and cream cheese, the chocolate strawberried are good, I got this thing for the goldfish crackers, and if I am being pretty good it is fresh fruit with a dip I make from 1/2 cream cheese and 1/2 marshmallow fluff or cream, that is what most of my friends go for.

  15. Some one has just sent me a milky way..... :-)

  16. All of the above.

    Oh - got milk?

  17. Definitely whole, ice cold milk; good bread and a toaster then real butter and grape jam; raisin bran with aforementioned milk and sugar snuck from the coffee drinkers; powdered choc for cocoa; premixed cookie dough-portioned out for quick baking......


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