
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Electric Quilt Blog

I love reading blogs that share insights and inspire.  In this post I want to share insight about the Electric Quilt's Blog, as well as some tips on tools to help follow blogs.

EQ has a wonderful blog, that I believe is a great source of information that is perfect for anyone interested in Electric Quilt products, as well as anyone interested in learning about quilt designers, events, and more.  Clearly, there is more happening on this blog than sharing insights on EQ products.    For example:

Did you know that the talented quilt and machine embroidery designer, Sarah Vedeler, uses EQ to design her brilliant quilts?  I so enjoyed the post on the EQ blog about Sarah.

Lacey J. Hill is a talented designer and quilter, whom I also enjoyed reading about in the EQ Blog.

I also learned about Michele Scott, from the EQ Blog.  Michele is a talented multi-published quilt designer. 

Then, there are great insights on EQ7 via the EQ blog.  I was very excited to learn that EQ has a new video about the EQ7 Image Worktable.  And, while I've played with this feature, I was inspired by this post and this amazing video that was shared on the EQ blog.

I could give a variety of more examples about why I enjoy following the EQ blog.  I hope you'll pop over to visit this blog, and that you'll decide it is a great blog to follow too.

While I'm sharing insights about following blogs, I also want to mention how much I enjoy Google Reader.  There are many that are new to following blogs, and probably more familiar with saving sites they visit to their Favorites.  While the Favorites utility is handy for saving links to sites that we like to visit, it doesn't let us know if a blog site has been updated or not.  With respect to following blogs, Google Reader is  a big step above the Favorites utility, as it allows you to track blogs that you want to follow and easily identify if a blog has been updated or not.  Thus, you don't click to visit a blog to find it hasn't been updated.  While I'll share more about Google Reader in the near future, a quickie overview follows: 

1.  Go to
2.  Click the button "Add Subscription" and type in the web address for any blog that you want to follow.  For example:

In the future, in lieu of visiting links thru your favorites, simply go to your and you'll be able to click and view blogs that have recent posts.  I visit daily, to ready a variety of quilting blogs.  EQ's blog is definitely one of my favorites!  And I do hope you'll pop over to visit their blog.  Feel free to leave them a note to let them know what you think of their blog, any recommendations for future articles, or changes to their blog.  Like most bloggers, I'm sure they'd love to hear from you!  Bloggers love comments!


  1. Thanks for the info...just might have to go over there and check it out.

  2. Adding Google Reader's "next" button to my Bookmarks Bar in Safari allows me to actually go to the Blog Itself instead of just reading the updates. I didn't realize how much I was missing during the long months I read all my subs in the Reader window.

  3. When you go to your blogger dashboard and look at the blogs you follow updates there is a 'do you want to read your blogs in blogger' link right at the bottom. If your click on this then all the blogs you follow will automatically be added to your google reader list

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  4. I love the EQ blog. Thanks for the heads-up on the new video. I'm gonna run right over and watch it!

  5. EQ's blog is terrific! I have found it very helpful while learning to use EQ7.

  6. Again, excellent information. I think EQ is the hotest thing in quilting....honestly....I can't think of another "notion" that does as much as EQ does. It totally rocks :)


  7. I love google reader and have been using it for 2 or 3 years now - it is so handy!
    I am ordering EQ7 soon and I will check out their site and add their blog to my list - I will have a lot to learn.

  8. Thanks for the reminder about the EQ blog - I have visited it in the past but hadn't visited it recently.

  9. I read about Sarah V recently, and I just adore her quilting style. It's enough to make me want the EQ software and an embroidery machine just so I can make some of her quilts!!

    Also, about Reader--I always like to click through from the Google Reader page and read from the actual blog itself, but it's so nice to have all the new blog posts in an easy to find way.

  10. Oh thank you, thank you, thank you.



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