
Thursday, September 2, 2010

AccuQuilt and Electric Quilt Pattern Challenge ***Updated***

Do you EQ?  Here is a great challenge that you may want to enter:

AccuQuilt is sponsoring a challenge for EQ users to design using any of their dies.  If your design is selected, you will win a bundle of new dies that will be launched in October plus major bragging rights! Your designs could be used in future GO! die packaging, project sheets, and patterns.

To enter, email to submit your EQ7 designs using AccuQuilt GO! die shapes.  Your entry should be submitted in two formats:  JPG and EQ7 (PJ7).

AccuQuilt recommends using at least 3 dies per pattern. Projects submitted must be a quilt, table runner, or wall hanging.  Project sizes must be under 48” x 72” in size.  Projects should use at least three fabrics/colors (AccuQuilt color palette preferred).  All projects should be rated for a beginner to intermediate quilt level.  All styles of quilts from traditional to contemporary will be accepted, but fabric crafts and apparel will not be considered at this time.

If your design is selected, we would own the rights to your design. You will be acknowledged as the designer. AccuQuilt retains all rights to those designs selected.

No Studio designs will be accepted at this time

Last day to submit designs is Thursday, September 30th

Winners will be contacted via email, by AccuQuilt,  for follow up including obtaining the written instructions for pattern.

Electric Quilt also has some tips on their FAQ page for designing with AccuQuilt blocks.

**** UPDATE *****

AND, this gets better.  Electric Quilt is holding a giveaway, for EQ7 software.  If you want to win a copy of EQ7

Send an email to:

Subject: AccuQuilt and EQ7

Include your, Name,
Email address,
Address, and

CONTEST ENDS 9AM ON TEUSDAY SEPTEMBER 7TH! So get your entries in now. It's a short contest, but Electric Quilt want you to be able to participate in the AccuQuilt Challenge this month.

Latest update:  Electric Quilt has created a library you can download with AccuQuilt Designs.


  1. I know there are alot of people out there that will do amazing stuff with that EQ7 .... even if I had an EQ7, this brain just does not go there...give me a piece of papere and a pencil...(now we are talking)

  2. YAY! I'd just blogged about wanting EQ7 -- thanks for sharing this important info! :)

  3. Oh yea baby....I want to own every one of those dies girlfriend!!!


  4. Wow, EQ7 giveaway is awesome! My DW and I have been talking about getting this. I posted about it at this fabric forum, though, I hope no one else enters. :)


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