
Friday, September 3, 2010

Hyperquilting, by Patsy Thompson

I am a very lucky owner of a "signed" copy of the book "Hyperquilting", by Patsy Thompson

I first learned about Patsy Thompson thru Kelly's blog (I Have A Notion).  And, I was lucky enough to win a copy of Patsy's DVD, Free Motion Fun with Feathers 2, during Kelly's 30 (32) day Anniversary giveaway.  And, I thank Kelly for introducing me to Patsy, through her blog and winning a copy of this DVD, I also want to thank Kelly for the copy of Hyperquilting, signed by Patsy.

I was very impressed about this DVD, I shared insights on my blog.  I also realized I would someday own a copy of every DVD that Patsy created, with the plan building my skill one at a time.  I soon realized I was rady for another DVD, but instead of ordering just one I orderd two DVDs from Kelly.  I want to point out htat my last minute decision was shortly before I was heading off on vacation, with my laptop, and I very much wanted to watch these DVDs while on vacation.  But no problem, Kelly (IHAN) was able to ship me these DVDs quickly and I was able to watch them while on vacation.

I frequently watch these DVDs and am truly amazed with how my FMQ skills have improved.

Patsy's book "Hyperquilting" is also an amazing book that has excellent photos, with step-by-step insights on how to create beautiful FMQ designs.  Patsy uses the term "Hyperquilting" to refer to her style of amazing FMQ, using decorative threads that really make your FMQ and quilts become spectacular!  I have truly seen some basic quilts that I've created become spectacular, even though I was treating them as exercises to build my FMQ skills.

I  recommend Patsy's DVDs and books for anyone that is interested in learning and/or improving their FMQ skills.  I also view  her DVDs and books are a must for anyone that wants to become a spectacular free-motion quilter.  Even if you already are comfortable with FMQ, I'm sure you'll pick up many new tips and be inspired with the insights that Patsy shares in her DVDs and books.

And, of course, I recommend IHAN as a great place to shop for Patsy's DVDs and Books, and anything quilting, sewing, and/or embroidery related.  Great service & prices!

If you are not familiar with Patsy, you may want to check out her site where she also has a large collection of beautiful FMQ designs that are free to download.

Lastly, if you are a member of The Quilt Show, Patsy has just released her 6th FMQ video lesson that is free to all Quilt Show subscribers. Plus, Patsy has a current giveaway for Quilt Show subscribers where you could win a copy of her book "Hyperquilting" or her book "Feather Adventure".  And, if you are not a current subscriber of The Quilt Show,  I think you'd really enjoy it.  I know I have...actually, I've wondered why I waited so long to subscribe.

Happy quilting!


  1. Oh.....I am a believer, infact when I entered her giveaway that is the book I listed as the one that I wanted. I loved those videos...and of course, I love Kelly from "I Have A Notion".....

  2. She does do amazing videos anyone can follow... I agree it's a must own!

  3. Great post! I love Patsy's teaching style. I first saw her on TQS and am glad you reminded that she has a new lesson up!

  4. This looks like a great "must have", I'll be adding it to the wish list! Thanks for sharing your insights, I'm always looking for ways to improve the stitching skills!

  5. I have been watching her videos on The Quilt Show. I also entered her contest and mentioned Hyperquilting as the book that I wanted if I win!

  6. When you give something your seal of approval, it goes on my wish list! Just so you know.... ;) Sandy in MD
    PS I love Kelly too!

  7. I'm so glad you have enjoyed Patsy's work. She is amazing I agree.

    Thank you for passing along a great reference to others for are so kind :)


  8. Thanks for sharing your insights. The feathers look beautiful!


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