
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pets on Quilts Show: List of Winners

I certainly had fun at the Pets on Quilts Show.  And I appreciated hearing from so many of you, about how you also enjoyed this show.  Thank you to everyone that made it such a special time.

I also want to take a moment to remind us all, that every day there are pets that are living in shelters, and some end up being put down due to lack of space.  While many of you have adopted pets from shelters, I hope we can all continue to be an advocate for our local shelters and encourage others to adopt, and looks for ways we can help our furry friends that live in these shelters.    I'm also hoping, that,  when possible, we can all donate a pet bed or quilt, to our local shelters so that these furry kids can also have a comfy nights sleep.  I know I'll be blogging more about this in the near future, but I do so hope you'll also help spread the word that animal shelters can certainly benefit from the help of quilters too! 

Ok.  This is what you've been waiting for.  I've created a spreadsheet that contains a reference for every possible entry that one could win a prize in this show (e.g. PR, share a Pet on Quilt, View, View All, Vote, etc.).  With the exception of the winners of the Viewer's Choice Awards, I used a random number generator to select winners in each category.  

Drum roll.....drrrrrmmmm...drrrrrmmm

Award       Category            Winner                              Prize

1           Viewers Choice      MJ Baker                            28
             Cat on Quilt  

2           Viewers Choice      Bitten by the Quilting Bug   19
             Dog on Quilt 

3          Viewers Choice       Bitten by the Quilting Bug     5
            Misc Pet on Quilt 

4         Cat on Quilt              Sheila Painter                        6

5         Cat on Quilt              Carolyn Hunter                    30

6         Cat on Quilt              MJ Baker                              2

7         Dog on Quilt            Aunt Polly                            21

8         Dog on Quilt           Judy Leftwich                        32

9         Dog on Quilt           May Your Bobbin                  15
                                          Always Be Full       

10       Other Pet on Quilt   Lucky Pup Quilter                  11

11       Other Pet on Quilt   Creative Kick                         4

12       Other Pet on Quilt   Nanbon's Corner                   27

13       Show Viewer         Quilt Times                            29

14       Show Viewer         Bejeweled Quilts By Barb    16

15      Show Viewer         Talin's Corner                        26

16      Show Voter            Stormy Days                            9

17      Show Voter            Nancy Sue Phillips                25

18      Show Voter            Nanbon's Corner                   20

19      Show PR Helper    My Empty Nest is Full           22
                                         Of Cat Hair

20      Show PR Helper    Cat Song Stitchery                  10

21      Show PR Helper     Sideroad Stitcher                 18

22      Show PR Helper    Sew Cindy                            17

23      show PR helper      Quilting Book Lady                7

24      show PR helper      I Quilt Scarlett & Grey         12

25      Show Voter All       Kim Sherrod Studios           31

26      Misc                        Sew Fun 2 Quilt                     1

27      Misc                          Aunt Bonnie                        3

28      misc                         May your Bobbin                23
                                           Always be Full

29      misc                         Marilyn's Maze                  13

30      Misc                        Quilting Can Be Fun           24

31      Misc                        Creations, Quilts, Arts          8

32      Misc                        Felines & Fibre Arts          14

Winners have 5 days to claim their respective prize, or another name will be randomly drawn.  Please email SewCalGal with your snail mail shipping address and include the award # and prize # in your email message.

And, please remember, if you have not yet had time to view all the quilts in this show you can now go visit at your liesure anytime.  I'm sure those that shared their Pets on Quilts with us would still be happy to have you visit and leave a comment. 

Also, I do hope everyone can reach out the the Sponsors of this show to say thank you, especially those of you that won a prize.  I know I appreciate all the Sponsors donating prizes for this show and I'm confident they'd love to hear from you too!  After all, they were very generous!


  1. Congratulations to all the winners... Every pet who has a quilter as an owner/parent/friend is lucky, and vice versatile. I am so blessed to have Jack in my life, and I have really enjoyed tis celebration of the unspoken heroes that greet us with hugs and kisses whenever they see us.

  2. Congratulations to all the winners!

  3. Thank you so much for my winning a prize in Muffin Karen's name. I know if she were here with me, she would be so excited that she would start running and her tail would wiggle and everything. It brought back a lot of memories of losing her a little while ago. I seldom enter anything, and was sure shocked. I know I have tears in my eyes. Well, I'am crying a little thinking of her, and how excited she would get. Thank you so much, my dear friend. Nuts. Now I'am crying. What a wonderful memory for my little girl, Muffin Karen.
    Thank you.
    Happy Quilting!

  4. I just saw what I won, and thank you so very much. Thanks to all of the sponsors for helping to make something like this possible. What a "Loving and Caring Pet " show.
    Thank you Darlene.
    Happy Quilting!

  5. Every pet owner is a winner in my eyes. They're giving a home, food and love to an animal. And that's an animal requires - thank you to all the wonderful participants - THE ANIMALS !!!!!!!!! That make our life full

    And many thanks to Darlene for hosting this wonderful, caring event.

  6. Congrats to all the winners and Yippee! This is the first time that I have won anything on the internet. Granted I do not enter many giveaways...but will in the future.

    Thank you so much for your generosity.

  7. Congratulations everyone!!!

    Thank you again Darlene for a WONDERFUL and fun show!!

    Thank you for my prize :) I will email you.....


  8. Congratulations to all of the winners. They did a fabulous job.

    It is so nice to make people aware of the needs of the shelters and the pets within them.

  9. Thank you Darlene, I love my prize. But what I really want to thank you for is what you wrote. My Brady would have been put down if we hadn't found each other. He may only be beautiful in my eyes, but he has the heart of a lion and I love him. My favorite breed is a rescue.

  10. Congrats to all the winners! Thank you for hosting this, It was a lot of fun!!!!

  11. Great Job everyone!! Special THANKS to SewCalGal! That must have been a lot of work.

    Now, I'm off to thank the sponsor of my PRIZE!! Whooot whooot.. :)

  12. Oooohhhh, I'm a winner, thanks so much. Thanks too to all the generous sponsors.

  13. Congrats to all the winners!!!

    Darlene, you put on a great show!

  14. Thanks Darlene for a great show, thanks to the sponsors for the great prizes, thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations to everyone who won. It was a lot of fun.

  15. Thanks for sponsoring this was great fun to see all the ways pets were represented in and on quilts. Congrats to the winners.

  16. Congratulations to all the wonderful entrants who were all winners! Great quilts, beautiful pets and a big round of applause for Darlene!!!

  17. Forgot to tell you Darlene, right now I'm in the process of fostering a little kitty (there's a post on my blog about it). We got her when she was a tiny 3 weeks old and was bottle feeding. Now she's 6 weeks and doing fine. It was a ton of work but really one of the most rewarding things I've done in a long time! Now we got to decide to adopt her out or keep her!

  18. We quilters love our pets and the best thing you can do is adopt from a shelter...our Chole is our love (now the the kids are adults) and we are happy we gave her a happy and safe home.


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