
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pets on Quilts Show - Its not over till its' over

In some respects the Pets of Quilt Show 2010 is now officially over.  But, as the benefit of virtual quilt shows you can continue to view the quilts, as come back as often as you like (24/7).  I am going thru all the comments to update my spreadsheet, to reflect entries for the various ways one can win a prize.  Once I get this completed I will be using a random number generator to pick names for each prize.  With luck, I hope to have this completed and be able to announce the winners tomorrow.  In the meantime, I wanted to share these silly riddles with you, as I heard them from someone visiting the show.  My apologies that I can not remember who shared this, and I hope you'll forgive me, but while I've had fun the past two weeks it has been a bit hectic.  I did think these riddles were cute, and thought you may know a small child that you want to share this with:

"What did the dog say when it sat on the sandpaper?"

"Rough, rough."

"What did the cat say when it sat on the sandpaper?"


I've had some good constructive feedback on better ways to have structured this quilt show, and I appreciate this feedback.  It will definitely help should it be held again in the future, as well as help me for related shows.  If you do have any recommendations you have not yet shared, feel free to leave a comment and/or email me.  I'd love to hear your recommendations.   As I host the Christmas Quilt Show, late fall/early winter, and the Golden Quilter Awards in the spring, I wanted to hold a show in the summer and certainly have enjoyed the Pets on Quilts Show.  But I'd also be interested in hearing feedback to determine if you'd like to see the "Pets on Quilts Show" being held in 2011, or have a recommendation for a different theme.  Lastly, I'm looking for ways to get more EQ6/EQ7 and fibre-arts quilters participating in these shows.  Again, if you have any recommendations or feedback please feel free to leave a comment or email me.

I also want to thank the sponsors for this show for their generosity, those that submitted their pets on quilts to share with all of us, those that helped with PR, and those that took time to view the entries and leave comments to those that shared.   Quilt shows wouldn't be fun without the quilts to see, and I do realize it takes time to enter any show, thus I am appreciative and want to encourage every quilter to enter shows (virtual, local, international).  This is the a great way for quilters to share, to learn, to support, to inspire, to have fun, and much, much more.


  1. Yes, thanks to all who entered and thank you sponsors!! Prizes help add to the fun :)

    And SewCalGal!! I appreciate all your hard work in setting this up and keeping track of all the data.

    Now to start thinking about Christmas quilts!! (with pets?, probably!)


  2. I've been enjoying the quilt show. Its given me a great opportunity to see how others have made pet portrait quilts, which I have an interest in. If you DO hold one in 2011 I may have my dog portrait done, and ready to enter.

  3. I enjoy your enthuasiam and your willingness to host shows. Since I don't get a lot of time to travel around and see many shows, I enjoy seeing the ones hosted on the internet.

    How about a garden quilt show? That could be a fun spring show....not that you need another show to add to the list...LOL.

    Thank you for hosting and encouraging others.


  4. I've had a lot of fun. Thanks to you and to all your sponsors and to everyone who participated!

  5. It has been heaps of fun. I for one vote for another Pets on Quilts 2011 show. Now, on to the Christmas Quilt Show. Thank you for all your work with this. I know it is a big job.

  6. Lovely idea, logistically I appreciate you handling the complicated details. I would play again in 2011, for sure. With a bigger example of my skills and less of my cat's stunning coat!

  7. Bravo, bravo (standing ovation here). Thank you for this one, I know it's been a lot of work for you and I certainly appreciate it. This one has been more based on fun which made it more... well, fun. I think it will grow if you continue it. I enjoyed every entry, beautiful quilts and wonderful critters, once again, it doesn't get any better than this. Thank you so much.

  8. Thanks for holding the show. I enjoyed sharing my pets and seeing everyone elses pets. Have you ever done a Patriotic Quilt Show or maybe a Memory Quilt Show? I'm looking forward to the Christmas Quilt Show.

  9. I just loved this Pets on Quilts, it was so fun. I know you have put alot of work into this and you will be so busy thanks for all your hard are amazing. Spreadsheet??? What is that??? ( spreadsheet would be scratch paper and doodles) are amazing.


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