
Friday, June 18, 2010

A Time to Sew

I had fun visiting some of the shops participating in the Southern California Quilt Run yesterday, and am looking forward to visiting more.  I do enjoy seeing beautiful quilts on display, shopping for fabrics, books, patterns & gifts, and particularly enjoy seeing how each quilt shop has their own personality.  One day on this quilt run was exhausting, but fun.  I'm on inspiration overload.  So, I thought I'd just share insights on one store with you now.

My first stop was A Time to Sew, in Laguna Hills.  This is a beautiful shop, well organized, with a great selection of quilting items, and a very friendly staff.

Martha Hurlburt and her husband, Ron, have owned this store for 2 1/2 years.  They have several clubs, including a UFO Club where they share ideas and applaud finished projects.  And there is a special reward for those that have completed their 10 projects for the year in September! {what a great idea}.

They also have a Saturday Sampler Club (aka block of the month).  And twice a month they have a "Fuzzy Slipper" free sewing night!  What fun!
Don't you just love this cute quilt design by Java House Quilts
There is also a nice collection of kits available, all at great prices too! 
I loved their collection and display of books.  Excellent selection, with many new releases too!

Their Online store is available, but they do not have all their products setup yet.  So, you may want to call their store if you see something you want that isn't available via their online store.  You'll also find that they have a large offering of classes, which are held in a lovely classroom.  You can even sign up for their classes online.

A Time to Sew
2701 Cabot Road, Suite 101
Laguna Hills, CA  92653
(949) 282-0084

Great store.  Highly recommend it!


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