
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bloggers that have AccuQuilt products ***updated***

There is a growing community of Bloggers with AccuQuilt products. I've been researching ways to network this group, where any blogger with any AccuQuilt can participate.   We are a growing community with a great voice, and ability to network and opportunities share insights are endless!

There are a couple of different ways you may want to participate in this group.

You may want to "officially" join this team by posting this badge on your blog, but it is not required.  On the other hand, if you post this badge on your blog and email me that you have done so, once I verify it I will add your site to the links on my sidebar, with other team members.  Links to these bloggers also are linked to show viewers all your posts that include "AccuQuilt" in your post.

I've also done some tweaking to the Linky tool and am opening it up to any blogger with an AccuQuilt product.  My criteria for you creating a link is to ensure you link to a "post" not your blog, that your post reflects something insightful for those interested in AccuQuilt. 

Please do not link posts that pertain to giveaways, but if you want to promote a giveaway please email me and I will gladly share insight on my page for "giveaways and contests".  I also want to ask a favor, in that inside of your post you reference you are sharing this with SewCalGal's team of Bloggers that love AccuQuilt products, and include a link back to this post.  I ask this, in that you may have readers that would be interested in reading other AccuQuilt related posts that have been added to this linky.

Lastly, I want to clarify this isn't an AccuQuilt sponsored activity.  It is more of a matter that I believe our numbers are growing and I'd like to find a way for us to network.  To help encourage my fellow blogging friends, that are also AccuQuilt owners, to network and be part of the Bloggers with AccuQuilt products, I will periodically be having giveaways that will be of special interest to this community or give them an extra way to enter.  

I am hoping that all the posts that are shared in this linky provide inspirational insights and/or tips that will be of interest to those that love their AccuQuilt products.

While the above linky is for posts pertaining to AccuQuilt, below is a linky that this team can use to post their videos pertaining to AccuQuilt.


  1. I have already posted a couple of times about my GO cutter on my blog. I will be posting often on it, I'm sure. Today is my birthday, so I have managed to acquire a good collection of dies now and I am really ready to GO!!!! (Pun intended....LOL) I have also joined two Yahoo forums whose members are owners of AccuQuilt GO cutters. The networking is very helpful and I'm glad you are doing this!

  2. Hi I own both the Studio and Go! faric cutters, I have all the Go! dies and I am now working on buying all the Studio dies.. I have a blog and I have posted on all my images that I have downloaded to my blog and my Etsy store that they are all cut using the Accuquilt cutters and dies.
    I plan to post updates on my blog about AccuQuilt ( Studio/ Go! products and all the projects I make using them... I also plan to post images of my new Studio cutter Rags to Riches Starter Set that I just received it a few days ago...
    If you have trouble with my email you can reach me at this email..

    Sharle LaFleur Vincent is my facebook name(Beautifulseams is my blog and Etsy store name)

  3. I have both the Studio and Go! fabric cutters and dies and I post on my blog whenever I upload an image I use AccuQuilt to make the project,it is posted on my Etsy store also. I will be posting about any projects I make using the AccuQuilt and dies.

  4. OOPS, I linky'd my blog in total. sorry bout that! here is the link:
    Should I re do the linky?

  5. I've just gotten aroud to joining and have posted your script. Already blogged about winning my GO! and will continue to post about what I'm making with it.

  6. I posted a new Smilebox on my blog that shows some of my designs using Accucut dies. Hope you enjoy it.

  7. i have posted at least once about my GO! absolutely love it. i don't know how to put a link on my blog--my dear daughter helped me put one on the for quilt festival. i would like to be part of your group, though!! have a great day

  8. I posted earlier about having both the Studio and the Go!, however I feel I had to post it again!!I could not do without nor would I try LOL..I use my Studio way more than the Go!,it's so fast and cuts 10- 12 layers of fabric in a flash !! and your done...I am more into the rag quilting, however I want to do all traditional types of quilting also and since I am a "newbie quilter the AccuQuilt Studio/ Go! helps me with accurate cuts everytime !!! So with that being said ...I Love Love my AccuQuilt Studio/ Go!

  9. I played yesterday taking a "Feather's & Filler's" free motion quilt class. Now I'm re-charged to finish my "Schoolhouse" quilt. I have a Smilebox on my blog, check it out

  10. Very nice Karen love your blog, it' nice to
    re-charged, every time I use my AcuQuilt Studio cutter I get inspired all over again!!

  11. I just started using my Go! and I'm in LOVE!!! I will definitely be going through my scrap pile and putting them to use now. Thanks for setting up a group for us to share ideas!

  12. Well, for sure I have been busy!!!
    I have designed several new quilts using some new AccuCut dies that I have recently purchased. The patterns will be ready for sale soon. Check out my blog to see a sneak preview of whats to come!!!

  13. Thank you so very much for the help with commenting on my posts. Your input is so appreciated.

  14. Using AccuCut dies is sew much fun!!!
    Check out what Quilted Inspirations has been up to,

  15. Karen I visted your blog and it is great !!I especially like the blog on the Drunkard's Path, I just recently purchased the studio die and now I am anxious to use it after seeing yours!! love it..

    PS: I am also a member of Quilt With Us and I love it !!

  16. Karen love your blog!!I especially like the blog on the Drunkard's Path, I just purchased the Studio Die and I am anxious to use it..

    P.S. I am also a member of Quilt With Us..I love it and all the people on it are great!

  17. I have a "Work in Progess" update of my Design Wall that I am doing using my AccuQuilt Studio Fabric Cutter and Rag Dies on my blog take a look!! Now the blocks are not lined up perfectly as you can see, however I do have my chennile hearts on and you can see where I am going with it. Now I have to SEW!! Love my AccuQulit Studio and Dies!!

  18. Note to "FabricFrog"

    Your Blog settings are as a no reply blogger. In addition you have your blog settings to allow only members to comment, thus I am unable to contact you. Please email SewCalGal directly if you are interested in joining this team of Bloggers. And, you may want to review my page for "giveaways & contests" (see tab at the top of this page) that will help walk you thru steps to change your settings from a noreply blogger to allow bloggers to reply to your comments on their blogs.


  19. Hi April at "FabricFrog" I am trying to leave a message on your blog and let you know I just became a follower, however it will not let me a post message.

  20. Where do the days go? I posted what I have been doing for the past week so go to my blog and check things out.

  21. What's on my Design Wall this week?? Well I am in the process of making a "Layer Cake" Lap Quilt using my Accuquilt Studio and the Take 5 Die.. I love this Die!

    More to come...
    Sharlene@ BeautifulSeams

  22. I just won a GO! Thanks to Jackie at Canton Village to be patient and wait for it to arrive!

  23. HI: I cut 400 purple applecores on a Rented "GO". It was so easy, I would love to own either a "Go" or a Studio. I follow Accuquilt on facebook.

  24. My favorite die (that I own) has got to be the circle cutter. It is perfect and ridiculously fast.

  25. I soooooooo love designing with AccuCut. Check out what is new in my world. Kits and patterns will be available at my website
    Go to my blog and see all my new designs

  26. I "officially" joined and added a badge. I'm looking forward to see what is "Go-ing" on with all the other Go users.

  27. "Work in Progress"I am making a Lap Quilt using my Studio and the Drunkard's Path die,I love how fast and easy it went together!! This will be one of my favorites, next to the Take 5!!

  28. I just posted the badge on my blog! I just got my Go! but I am already in love with it and I am really looking forward to using it a lot.

  29. Fall is here with new designs. Stop by my blog to see what they are and I hope you enjoy them.

  30. I just won a Go! at Mandy's over at Simply Solids... I'm so excited for it to arrive.

  31. I am thrilled that you have organized this, as I have been benefitting from using AccuQuilt in my Civil War Chronicles BOM quilt and in my Harriet & Carrie Hargrave lessons from their "Quilter's Academy" series. I injured my right hand last fall and really appreciate not only the wonderful accurateness this product offers, but also the strain it saves my hand. I just adore my AccuQuilt and have both the Baby Go and the full size. Please visit my blog for special monthly instructions that pertain to the AccuQuilt cutter. I am happy to place the link on my blog!


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