
Friday, June 18, 2010

SewCalGal's Tribute for Father's Day: Men Who Quilt

In honor of Father's Day, I wanted to do something different.  Yeap, an entire article about Men.  Many think of Father's day as a day to recognize just that - a Father.  But I'm of the mindset that it isn't just a Father that deserves recognition.  Frequently, a great Father has help from others:  Grandfathers, Uncles, Brothers, Step-Fathers, and male friends.  To all of you, I wish you a very Happy Father's Day!

But my focus today, is to also recognize Men Who Quilt.   After all, men who quilt  definitely contribute to nurturing, inspiring and bringing happiness to others.  And, given I frequently here from a male quilter that they feel like there are not many men who quilt, I wanted to share insights on those men that do quilt and really make a difference to our wonderful world of quilting!

There are actually more wonderful male quilters than many may realize, and a good number of them have made a significant contribution to our world of quilting.  While I can't cover insights on all of them, I do want to increase awareness that there are many talented guys out there.  So, here goes my insights on some fantastic male quilters:

Al Hutchins, of Quilt Artistry Studio, is an excellent long arm quilter and teacher.  Al and his talented wife, Barbara, actually moved their long arm quilting business from So. Cal. to Fayetteville, NC to be able to be closer to their kids and grandkids.  While SewCalGal misses having them in So. Cal. she is delighted to know they are closer to their family, and have expanded their business to include instructional DVDs, and are frequently giving training at quilt shows and workshops.  SewCalGal definitely recommends Al for any long arm quilting service, teaching, or presentation.  Here is one of the many quilts that Al quilted for me.

Jeremy (Sew Like A Man) is a husband, and a father of four, has a PhD,  and he likes to quilt.

I met Dick Linhart on Facebook.  Dick is a talented quilter, that is making a difference by making quilts for Quilts of Valor (QOV). Dick also served many years with the American Red Cross, and worked in Wisconsin on various social work related positions.   His wife "Tink" has always been a devoted sewer, but when their son, Jon, was deployed to Iraq in '04, Dick (and Tink) became very active in Quilts of Valor.

Patrick Lose is a famous quilter, designer and author, that has also designed several lines of wonderful fabric.  He has a brilliant quilting style, full of vibrant colors and design, all targeted at bringing good cheer.

Matt Sparrow ( from Alberta, BC., who is a talented longarm quilter.  He also has some nice videos on you stream.

Tim the CFO of AccuQuilt has certainly made a difference in the world of quilting, has "experience" quilting, and definitely is trying to recruit more men to become quilters.   You may have seen one of his videos.

Ricky Tims is a well known in the world of quilting. He actually began designing and making quilts in 1991.  He is very active in speaking and teaching engagements, as well as with The Quilt Show.

Ryan Walsh  (I'm Just a Guy Who Quilts) is from the Catskill Mountains, New York.  A father of two boys, happily married, and loves to quilt!   Ryan at I'm Just A Guy Who Quilts

Mark Lipinski  is a well known quilter with quilts and designs that reflect his personality!  Let me just say that they both stand out in a crowd!  He is booked solid teaching and lecturing, to such I'm not sure how he finds time to design and/or quilt.  But somehow this guy seems to manage it all!

Scott Hansen (Blue Nickel Studios) is a talented quilter and designer. He is also married and has 3 children.  One of his patterns is available for free at Free Spirit Fabric and on his website.  And, Scott is a quilter that enjoys making and trading ATCs.

John (Quilt Dad)  is a 35 year old happily married, father of three, who loves to quilt. He is very talented and enjoys modern quilt designs.  I'd also love to make a quilt using his design called "Off the Grid" that he made for Moda Bake Shop.

Brian is very talented and was recently recognized on High Plains Quilting for winning an award with his beautiful quilt. While this is a spectacular quilt, what is even more fantastic is this was part of a special Quilt Exhibit called " "Wranglers Among Us", and it was the 10th exhibit of this nature! It was on exhibit at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum until this past May lst.    Don't you just love those Wranglers in Golden, Colorado?  I sure would have enjoyed visiting this exhibit and seeing all the beautiful quilts made by "Wranglers".  This would certainly make for a fun trip next year!

Mark L. Sherman is an award winning quilter, teacher, and lecturer.

Kaffee Fasset is a world renown quilter, author,  and fabric designer.

Designer, David Strom, coordinated volunteers to make this beautiful charity quilt.  For more info on this charity quilt check out:

Wayne Kollinger (Tuxedo Park Designs) is also a talented quilter, author, designer that also shares many great design insights on his blog.

Greg (Flat Out Quilting) lives in the flatlands of Kansas and enjoys quilting. He is very talented and I "expect" to see Greg winning awards at the National level, very soon.    Yes, I have high expectations to Greg.  To clarify, SewCalGal sends this note special note to Greg....don't give up, you are very talented.  While you may view you are in the flatlands, and a fish out of water, follow your heart and continue to create!

Michael James is a world renowned quilter, with a  unique style.  His line of  fabrics are frequently used to make beautiful quilts and clothes.

Rob Appell has his own line of designs, written a book "Making Waves..the Adventures of a Surf Quilter", and has many spectacular designs that you can also buy a kit to make.

Gene Black (an Alabama Artist) is a talented quilter, who also has a fun blog.  I think also anticipate seeing Gene winning awards at major quilt shows, very soon!

Doug Leko of Antler Quilt Designs is definitely a guy to watch.  He is only 17 years old and has already started his own business, designing patterns, which were shown at Quilt Market!  And, he has been featured on Moda Bakeshop.

I'm confident there are more Men who Quilt than I've identified in this post.  As such, I do hope you'll feel free to add comments on any guy you know who quilts, that you'd like to share insights on.  As well, as feel free to add a comment if you want to share any insights on the guys I've shared insights about.

To all the Men who Quilt, I want to recognize you for your contributions in the world of quilting.  While you may not view you have done much, even if you are new to quilting, you are an inspiration to others.  I do hope all of us will continue to recognize any man who quilts, to encourage them, as well as encourage future male quilters. 

Happy Father's Day and, from my perspective,  Happy Male Quilter's Day!  Thank you for being a guy that quilts!


  1. I SAW Kaffe yesterday! Only through a glass door but nevertheless... I was at the Quilt Exhibition at the V&A, he was doing a workshop there (that I couldn't get tickets for), but I did see him!

  2. Great post, some familiar names and some new ones for me to check out. I would also like to add another one, Thom Atkins of Santa Cruz, CA.

    He is started out as sculpter but was involved in a traffic accident, severely damaging his wrists and thumbs which initially made it impossible to work in his original medium. He had a love of beads and he tied it with fabric and thus quilting was his new art form.

    (Please note the link above is to his quilt gallery. He has galleries of his sculptures but some of them are nudes and I hope no one is offended. That is why I gave the link to the quilts because they are landscapes, florals and geometrics.)

  3. I'm in Al's Southeast Statler Owner's group...I agree him and wife Barbara are wonderful and giving.
    I didn't spot Scott Murkin in your list....he too another wonderfully gifted quilter!!

  4. Thanks for doing the leg work for us! Inspiration comes in many forms.....

  5. outstanding post there - many thanks for recognizing these men as Quilters Who Influence all of us !

    I would include the dearest Charlie from - he really needs to be recognized !

  6. What a wonderful tribute....I just love our guy quilters...

  7. What a great post!!! I am off to check out these new (to me) men quilter :)


  8. Darlene, thanks for including me among such great talent. We are a small but passionate group of quilters, and I for one have really appreciated how much we are welcomed and embraced by the female quilting community.

  9. Well, there are more men quilters out there than I knew! Some of the names were familiar but some of them were new to me - thanks for the info!


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