
Monday, June 21, 2010

Quick Diamond Quilts and Beyond

Jan Krentz has released a companion book to her popular book "Quick Star Quilts and Beyond", with her recent book "Quick Diamond Quilts and Beyond",  published by C&T Publishing.  This new release continues to provide new insights and inspirations for making spectacular diamond quilts.  

While these quilts look challenging, Jan shares insights in this book to make these projects Beginner friendly!

There are 12 new diamond quilt patterns in this book, all without inset seams. Each pattern has well written instructions and excellent visuals.  Insights are provided to help with fabric selection, with tips on color value, texture, and contrast.

Also, included  is an excellent "Diamond" Gallery that shows pictures of  30+ inspiring quilts.  I'm confident that many future award winning quilts will be created from quilters that use techniques provided by Jan, and inspirations from this gallery.  Wonderful quilts!  Wonderful book!

This book is available via the online store for C&T Publishing.

To help with creating these beautiful diamond quilts, Jan has designed a set of acrylic rulers especially for cutting diamonds with a rotary cutter. They are the “Fast2Cut” 45 degree diamond, half-diamond and quarter-diamond. SewCalGal has not had an opportunity to use these rulers, but expects them to be high quality rulers that are helpful when making designs from this book.

I'm also looking forward to checking out Jan's book "Quick Star Quilts and Beyond", which has 20 projects. And her "Hunter Star Quilts & Beyond", has six different ways to make a Hunter Star.  Hymm....I actually think I'd love to have all of Jan's books in my quilt library!

Copyright Notice: All photos displayed in this article are copyright protected. Permission was given by C&T Publishing to be used in this article. Please do not use or print these photos without seeking permission by the publisher.


  1. Oh my! Lots of inspiration with this book. It will have to go on my wish list.

  2. That doees look like a very inspirational book...

  3. Beautiful quilts and such a variety just using diamonds!

  4. I have always thought diamonds were so hard to do, but those are beautiful.

  5. I love these designs! So many possibilities for backgrounds using these diamonds. I am going to have to look for this book!

  6. Beautiful makes me want to try diamonds!!!

  7. And now I want to try the beautiful diamond patterns. Your lovely posts are dangerous to my project pile :)


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