
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Golden Quilter Awards

I've had some very generous offers for donations to the Golden Quilter Awards. But I want to step back and focus on awards and recognition for those that are nominated and ultimately receive recognition for the Golden Quilter Awards. As such, I'd like to seek your feedback. What do you think would be an appropriate prize for a "Lifetime Achievement Award", or the "Most inspirational Designer" or "most best SW product"?  What prize is appropriate to recognize these winners?  Or is the prize simply that they are recognized by their pers. 

Part of me says it would be wonderful to give a nice engraved plaque to the winners of each category.  But, due to the cost, I would need sponsors to help fund the cost of these awards.   But maybe you have other ideas for how to recognize and award the winnners of the Goldne Quilter Awards. 

Please let me know your ideas for what type of award (gift) is appropriate. In the meantime, if you check my blog for sharing insights on giveaways, you'll find insights on a contest I have that is open to those that take time to nominate those for the "Golden Quilter Awards".

1 comment:

  1. Just a suggestion, but what about framed certificates instead of plaques???


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