
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

QuiltingArts: Let Your Inner Animal Out Challenge

QuiltingArts has just posted photos and insights on 120 art quilts that were submitted to QuiltingArts in response to their "Inner Animal Reader Challenge".  SewCalGal is so excited about these amazing quilts and appreciates QuiltingArts sharing photos and insights on these delightful quilts online.  This is an awesome online exhibit of inspiring quilts, where many insights are shared on how some of these quilts were created.  I do hope you'll take time to visit all of the beautiful quits that were entered in this chllenge and kindly shared online under the exhibit:  Let Your Inner Animal Out 

This exhibit is inspirational!  And I wanted to be sure you don't miss the opportunity to view these beautiful art quilts:

{above}  Lynn Redmond's colorful "Crazy Colored Kitty"

{above}  Diane Lochala's lovely "Bobcat at Heart" quilt.

{above) Ann Turley's delightful quilt, that I can't find an official name for.  Makes me wonder what you might call this cute quilt.  "Queen for a Day"? 

{above} Pokey has a delightful entry that I couldn't find a name for.  Hymm.  What would you call this beautiful piece of art?  "Watching with Joy?".

{above} Bonnie Ouelette's "Wild Thing, You Make My Heart Sing". 

I hope you'll take time to go admire all of the beautiful quilts that were entered in QuiltingArts' challenge "Let Out our Inner Animal". 

Thank you to QuiltingArts for this wonderful challenge and for all those that entered.  SewCalGal hopes that more quilters and artists will be inspired by this wonderful online exhibit. 

I do hope you'll go check out this online exhibit: Let Your Inner Animal Out And, I hope many of you will be inspired and subscribe to QuiltingArts Magazine! It is an inspirational magazine, with every issue being a treasure!


  1. Interesting how everyone's inner animal is so different, an interesting experiment & some darling quilts.

  2. Lovely quilts!
    Thanks for having stopped by to visit me on the OWOH magic carpet ride. It's been such fun seeing all the inspiring and colorful blogs. So nice to have 'met' you through there!

  3. I love that magazine.. They have incredible art in there and it is so inspirationable..??

  4. Nice post, I love the magazine also!thanks for your efforts

  5. Thank you so much for placing a picture of my little quilt with your post. The challenge was more than a contest for me as I thought about my 'inner-self' and walked through my memory lane.
    Best Wishes, DianeL

  6. the frog is my favorite...all the quilts are amazing!

  7. This is the kind of thing I'm talking about when I mention you . . .When you get the chance, go take a peek at my blog: . I’m passing on an award to you. Don’t feel obligated to continue it on, I just want you to know how much I admire all that you do for others (and me). Thanks!

  8. I think I met you and didn't even know it. When you were taking pictures of Tennesse waltz quilt, I asked you if that was yours and you shook your head no. I think you were wearing a red shirt. Was that you?

  9. Great photos of the quilts they are amazing. Thanks for sharing them, and stopping by to visit my blog.

  10. oh, oh,....I know Marilyn and lovely friend Marilyn is wonderful. We stayed with her the 2 times we visited in the States....she is truly a special person...hugs Khris


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