
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Quilting Weekly

I have been researching various ways quilters can learn and/or expand their machine quilting skills.    I've come across a variety of opportunities, but I've not yet had time to really dig in and evaluate these opportunities, enabling me to share insights at this time.  To clarify,  I'm still researching.  I'm hopeful that I can publish my findings in February.  In the meantime, I want to share some insight on one of my findings so far and also seek your inputs, if you wish to share your insights.

Years ago I thought the only way I could learn was to take a class, where I could directly learn from the teacher who was in the classroom with me.  But I've since learned that there are many ways to learn and also to gain inspiration.  While I still love to take classes & workshops where the teacher is physically in the same room with me, I have also come to appreciate learning through a variety of of forums, including the internet.  And I'm excited that there are so many learning opportunities that offer a variety of quality classes in a virtual setting.  

I came across "Quilting Weekly", which offers a variety of classes online, including a class on machine quilting taught by Chris Dahl.  She lives in the Midwest state of Illinois, USA and has years of quilting experience, with various forms of quilting.  While I've not yet been able to take any classes available by Quilting Weekly, I am hoping to take a Machine Quilting class by Chris, offered thru Quilting Weekly, in the near future. 

If you have taken any classes thru Quilting Weekly and/or machine quilting classes by Chris Dahl, I'd like to hear your thoughts.  Please feel free to post feedback to this post, or email me directly. 

And, I hope to share insights with you soon, as I complete an online machine quilting class with Quilting Weekly soon!

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