
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Road to California Quilt Show

The 2009 Road to California Quilt Show, in Ontario, CA., is one of the best shows ever.  Hard to believe that this is the 15th anniversary of this wonderful quilt show.  For Southern California quilters and quilt artists it seems like this show has been a part of our world...and it has for many of us who have learned to quilt during this timeframe.  I guess I'm getting old, as when I think about it 15 years isn't really all that long ago.  And when you see what Carolyn Reese and her team have assembled, it is easy to understand why people now come from across the United States and other countries to attend this amazing show.  Thank you Carolyn & team!

This year there are over 500 quilts, clothing and dolls on exhibit. There were traditional and art quilts, all well displayed.  I was inspired by many of these quilts.  It was clear that it is an honor to the quilter that submits a quilt that is exhibited in this show.  SewCalGal also realizes that there are more vendors that would like to have space at this show than there is room, but for the 2009 show there were more than 165 vendors with a variety of merchandise.  Yumm!  And this show will continue thru this coming Sunday. 

I hope you'll be able to attend the Road to California Quilt Show this year.  There is still time to get in the car and make the drive, or come by bus, airplane or train!  And, nearby hotels have room!  You won't want to miss this show it is fantastic!  I truly believe it is better than last year and may be the best Road to California Quilt Show I have ever been to!  And if you can't make it this year, I hope you'll enjoy the insights I will share with you via my blog, and that you'll be able to attend this show next year!

While I'll show more insights about this show in future posts, I want to share a few highlights with you.  I'm going to try to share insights on quilts, vendors, exhibits and other aspects of this great, great show!


I loved seeing this quilt by Terri Stegmiller.  Terri is a mixed media quilt artist who also teaches classes that I hope to someday find time to attend!   I find Terri's style to be inspiring and fun.  I was also delighted to see her quilting up close, as I've never seen a photo that really captures the beauty of quilting and/or quilt art.  Thus, there is another benefit of attending a show (or owning beautiful quilting and/or quilt art to display in your home).
Cozy Designs

 Daniella & Jenna Stout were cheerful vendors sharing many beautiful new patterns that are being released at this quilt show (soon to be available via their online store for retail...and also available for wholesale orders).  For those that make it to this show pop by to check out Serenity, Leftovers, Dreamweaver and other delightful designs by CozyDesigns.  And if you can't make it to this show, remember you can order these designs online....but the new designs may not be posted online until a few weeks after the show.  They are all fun designs, with well written instructions and visuals. 

The Quilt Show

It was a delight to visit the Quilt Show booth and meet Alex Anderson.  While I'm new to being a member of "The Quilt Show" I have been a fan of Alex Anderson for a long time.  I am delighted to share that she is as heartwarming in person as she is on tv.  And I will soon be sharing more insights on "the Quilt Show"...but for now I want to recommend that anyone that attends the Road to California quilt show to take time to visit the Quilt Show booth and gain insight on their show, and meet Alex.  She is so charming and talented!

Featured Artist:  Martha Nordstrand
Several spectacular quilts, from Martha Nordstrand's collection, are on exhibit as part of a special collection by this Featured Artist.


Martha brought many copies of a variety of her design books, but sold out all copies on the first day of this quilt show!  But, all of her delightful books can be ordered directly from her at the quilt show.  Or, you can order via her site:

Quilt In A Day


Delightful Eleanor Burns was there and kindly allowed me to take a photo.  Quilt In A Day had cute totes that were released at this show, and Eleanor signed many totes and books for fans in her booth.  I also learned that her next book will be released this coming April. It is called "American Barns".


Luellas is a wonderful quilt shop in Southern California and I hope you'll visit their booth at this quilt show.  They have many delightful new patterns in their booth, but I was very excited to hear that Luellas is a new dealer for Zundt Designs.  Zundt is a machine embroidery designer, from Switzerland, that makes high quality designs that are wonderful!  And Luellas has Zundt designs on display at this show.  These designs work well for making beautiful quilts, clothing and other quilted items.


Pellon introduced a new line of batting at this show, called Pellon Legacy.  I'll be sharing more insights about this delightful batting in the future, but for now I want to encourage everyone visiting this show to visit this booth.  Go "cuddle" with this delightful batting.  I'm planning on taking the batting I picked up at this show to bed with me tonight.  I think it may be the softest and and most huggable batting I've ever seen!  I'm hearing positive feedback about this new line of batting for hand or machine quilters.  This line includes batting of a soy blend, bamboo blend, wool, cotton, polyester, cotton/linen, rayon, and ultra-thin polyester.  SewCalGal has been a happy user of Pellon stabilizers for years, so SewCalGal is very excited to hear about these new battings.....and VERY excited to be able to cuddle with these new battings at this show.  Oh, they are so soft!  Do stop by this booth.  And if you can't make it to the show, please let your local quilt shop know you want them to stock Pellon Legacy battings!

It seems that every quilter has a SewEzi table.  These lightweight portable tables are durable, yet lightweight and portable.  And, if you don't yet have your own SewEzi table they have a fantastic special at this show.  Definitely stop by this booth and check out these tables and accessories.

Flynn Quilt Frame Co.

John Flynn was bringing smiles with everyone that visited his booth and tested his machine quilting frame.  I saw many delighted customers taking home frames and/or acryllc templates.

Kaleidoscope Collections

SewCalGal will be sharing more insights on the Kaleidoscope Collections in the near future, but SewCalGal highly recommends everyone that visits this Quilt Show takes time to visit this booth.  This software is absolutely amazing and easy to use.  It will be well worth your time to visit this booth and learn about Kaledoscope Collections if you are visiting this show...or check out their site.  This is an amazing software product!

For those that are able to attend this great show, in the next couple of days, you may want to consider taking a break (put your feet up and relax) and attend a lecture.  The "Registration Desk" at the quilt show, also can sell you tickets for a lecture and/or special event each day.  While all the lectures are great, here are some that I want to call to your attention:
2-4pm  Do It Yourself:  Machine Mainteance, by Ernie Floyd
7-8pm  The 'Thread" Doctor is In, by Bob Purchell
12-1pm  Developing the Artist within Through Quitls and Wearable Arts, by Melinda Bula
2-3pm    The 'Thread" Doctor is In, by Bob Purchell
7:30pm   If Only Her Quitls Could Talk, by Alex Anderson
9:30am   Wear Yur Big Girl Panties, by Mary Ellen Hopkins
Food Hints:  Food service and seating has definitely improved over past years.  The Convention center did a great job providing food in the tent, with plenty of seating. There was also better seating outside and inside. Plus there was a larger number of food service booths inside, including California Pizza Kitchen!  Yumm!

Parking:  This year, parking was a non issue. SewCalGal was able to drop off people at the doorstep to the show, and park the car in a parking lot across from the convention center.  A bus waiting for those parking cars and gave us a short tide back to the center.

 Sack Sitter Booth:  Special arrangements have been made with a local Boy Scout Troop to operate a "sack sitters" booth.  They are located near the front of the exhibit hall.  All proceeds support the local Boy Scout Troop.  It is ok to get pampered and leave your bags, backpacks, totes, etc. with "Sack Sitters".  They are conveniently located as you enter the main showroom, under the alcove near one of the vendor exhibit areas.

Buy a program.  Well worth the $1.  And, in the back of the program there is a form that you can fill out to enter to win a "Mini Retreat" sponsored by Tin Lizzie 18.  You could win 4 days of classes at Road 2011 plus 4 nights at the DoubleTree hotel.  Darn, I didn't enter this contest.  Double darn!  Clearly, I wasn't paying attention to a great opportunity!  Darn, darn, darn, triple darn!  I think I'll go back tomorrow, Sat., & Sunday...just to enter this contest!

And, if you missed this great show, you can also order a CD with professional photos.  Just send the following:

Sales Tax (for CA residents, aka our sunshine tax)   $1.01

You can send a chedk made payable to "Road to Ca" or provide them your credit card (Master or Visa only).  If you go the credit card route, simply provide your CC#, Exp date.  And provide your signature.  Mail your order form info to:  Road to California, 1529 W. 13th St. Unit A, Dept. CD, Upland, CA  91786.  Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery too!  SewCalGal definitely recommends buying the CD! 

I really feel I need a new camera.  While I love digital, I'm beginning to thing not only are there better digital cameras getting released, but I'm also thinking that my "old" digital camera has degraded.  Just doesn't seem as crisp as it previously was.  Hymm. 

In closing, I do hope you make it to this quilt show.  And if you can't make it, I hope you enjoyed hearing my insights.

I'll also be holding a few giveaways on my site for Contests & Giveaways, with items that Road to California Vendors donated and items that I bought at the show.  So, check out: as you'll start seeing these giveaways posted in January & February!


  1. Living in the UK, I won't be able to get to this show, but thanks for your report on it. I really enjoyed it, and hearing something about the quilts and the new products is wonderful. Thank you.

  2. I've never been to the Ontario Show but I really, really have to say thank you for your wonderful post about the event. I, for one, read every word, zoomed in on the pics, and enjoyed everything you wrote.

    I don't think I've ever heard of a quilt show this big with so many well-known quilters and merchandise.

    Thank you so very much for taking the time to share the photos, the links and the wonderful tidbits.

  3. Thanks for sharing a bit of the show with us stay-at-homers! And thank you for your kind words about my quilt.

  4. Now you are making me want to attend! I went the last 2 years and thought I would skip it this year. Ugh!!! Decisions, decisions......

  5. What a great post, thank you sew much for taking the time to share the show with those of us who won't be attending.

  6. Totally loved your pictures and information......I will have to come back and read it again...and am looking forward to any other information you have for us....

  7. Thanks for the pics, and show info.! I never get to the shows, so am always grateful when a blogger posts about them!


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