
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Applique blocks for Charity

 I love applique.  I enjoy looking at applique quilts and I enjoy making them.  The quilt blocks that I'm sharing with you in this post are actually for several different quilts and they were made by my friend Bobbie Z., who is a Master Applique Quilter. 

The blocks to "all" of these quilts she passed on to me for the purpose of helping various charities!  She knows I  enjoy making quilts to help raise funds for various charities, as well as donating quilts to those in need.

I love the design, color and fabrics of these heart applique blocks.

The wildflower blocks are spectacular.  I should clarify that for each set of quilt blocks, Bobbie has made more blocks than those I'm able to share.

And for each set of blocks, I'm trying to share closeups of 1 to 2 of the blocks.  Unfortunately my camera doesn't do these quilt blocks justice.  My photographs loose the quality of the applique and my flash in various photos distorts the color.  Still, I hope you also enjoy seeing these beautiful blocks. I know I do.

While I admire Bobbie's applique skills, I also admire her ability to select fabrics, including delightful background fabrics. 

I also love Hawaiian style applique.  This is one of my favorite styles of applique.  Unfortunately I like to make "king size" Hawaiian applique quilts, which tends to take me a year or two to finish.  Here is a beautiful Hawaiian style applique block that Bobbie has made.

Here is another delightful set of applique blocks that Bobbie has made.

And I love this floral applique set of blocks.

What is so special is that Bobbie gave me all these blocks as she knows I love to make charity quilts.  And she wants  these blocks to be completed for the finished quilts to help raise money for various charities.

Tomorrow we have a group of quilters that will be meeting to select a set of Bobbie's blocks to make a quilt to raise funds for a brain injury program.  I'm really excited to see which set this group will select and how they will set the blocks for a finished quilt.

If you have ideas for how to turn any of these beautiful blocks into a finished quilt and/or use these blocks to help raise funds for any charity, I'd love to hear from you.

Each year I try to pick various charity project(s) to help raise funds for, as well as to make charity quilts for those in need.  I also like to hold thank you parties at the end of the year.  I'm not yet sure how I will pursue this for my virtual friends, but I do plan on coming up with a virtual thank you party at the end of the year.  So, if you are involved in helping to make quilts or sewn items for variou charities, I hope you will blog about it and share a link via the MckLinky in my post:  This way, I can be sure to include you in my virtual Thank you party in the end of 2010! 


  1. The blocks are absolutely stunning, and how kind of this lady to give them to you. Good luck with your fundraising - with prizes like this you should get a tremendous response. Ros

  2. Those are all so gorgeous! What generous and caring people. Of course, I don't think quilters know how to be any other way. ;)

  3. Your friend is truly a master appliquer. The blocks are gorgeous!

  4. I love applique too both needleturn and machine applique. Your friend does lovely work!
    Good luck with all the charity events!

  5. Your talents are endless how do you do it.
    As always it is a pleasure to visit here x x x

  6. These are so gorgeous! They should do well. You are right, Bobbie's color choices POP!

  7. The blocks are wonderful. How generous of your friend. Are the blocks her original design or is there a pattern for these? I would love to know.

  8. Gorgeous blocks and good luck with the fundraising.

  9. My friend bobbie doesn't have an account that will let her post comments on my blog, so she shared some comments that she wanted me to post on her behalf:

    Hi All...I am Bobbie and I have to thank you all for your kind comments on my blocks. All the blocks were made using the needleturn method. I did not design any of the blocks they are from many different other designers. The flower blocks that all have a look of a heart are from a book called "Hearts and Flowers" by Kathy Delaney. The flower blocks on the confetti looking background are from a pattern by Pearl P Pereira
    (P3 Designs) called "WildFlower". The other blocks are from many different patterns that I no longer have and I don't recall the authors.


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