
Thursday, November 19, 2009

SewCalGal - Giveaway

SewCalGal Insights' site for sharing insights on contests, giveaways and special announements is the host for a Thanks-givaway.  There are many delightful items in this giveaway, but you need to check out: for more informaiton on this giveaway.

IF SewCalGal were not hosting this giveaway, SewCal Gal would certainly want to enter and win this giveaway.  But please remember to enter, you need to follow the rules and enter at:


  1. I am over here too. I'm still greatful....and Thankful too :)

    Add my name again...and again....again....just keep adding my name...LOL


  2. So...I am a follower of this blog and now the other...okay, making sense!!! DUHHHHH

    good luck on your giveaway!!

  3. I have been a follower of your blog and do enjoy the things you blog about. It gives me inspiration to try, go, create, or organize etc. new things

  4. I follow your blog and enjoy your creativity.

  5. New follower here. How do you find all these neat sites?

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway. And I am pleased to tell you that you are the lucky one! You have won my bag. Send me your snail mail address so I can put it in the post. Congratulations!


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