
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Being Thankful

This quilt was made by Pamela Allen of Kingston, Ontario, Canada.  I saw it at the IQF/Long Beach Show this year.  I love this whimsical quilt with beautiful fabrics, prints and creative threadplay & quilting.  I know the birds on this quilt depict guinea fowl, but they also make me think of free roaming turkeys.  Pamela is a teacher and author

Here are a few more beautiful quilts that were displayed at this show too: 

As we approach Thanksgiving I've been thinking about all the reasons that I'm thankful.  I don't normally write about myself, but it is a bit difficult to describe how one is thankful without sharing some personal information. 

I'm very thankful for all the people I've met and have influenced me and supported me in with my interests in quilting, sewing & embroidery.  I'm thankful for a loving husband, who while he has Melanoma, is in overall good health.  I'm thankful that I had minor back surgery today, to help my back, and I am in overall good health.  I'm thankful that my family members are good, kind people.  I'm thankful to have many friends who always stand by me to help me, when I need them to give me encouragement when  need it, and simply enjoy spending time with me.  I'm thankful we have a roof over our heads, food on our table, and while we are not rich, we have enough money to pay our bills.  And I'm thankful that I "realize" that all the things I am thankful for are not things that everyone has as I never want to take these things for granted, nor forget there are those less fortunate and can use help & encouragement too!

I'm so thankful, I've decided to hold a Thanks-giving giveaway.   Insights on this giveaway will be posted tomorrow on my site for sharing insights for contests & giveaways: , but it will only be open to my followers of this site (  
In the meantime, feel free to post a comment and share insights about what you are thankful for.  And please know I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. My list is so very long of what I'm thankful for. But let me just say I am thankful for my blogger friends like you who always have a kind word to share, and who love to sew, too!

    It really does look like they could be turkeys in that quilt...very cute!

  2. I love the designs and the quilts are amazing. I love that slide show of quilts that is neat.

    *®*´¯`•.¸¸.♫• Happy Holidays ♫•.¸¸.•´¯`*®*
    (¸.•´ (¸.+´♥♥¸.+´
    (¸.•´ (¸.+´♥ Heidi ♥)

  3. I a thankful for friends like you that think beyond themselves, caring for others, being kind and saying kind words just at the right time. Thanks so much for your friendship!!

  4. love the turkeys too fun!
    great quilts at this show.
    Thanks for posting the pictures I love seeing quilts from shows in different parts of the country.
    Thankful for a lot of the same things as you, the simple things and add in my fabric collection so I can continue to make quilts for years to come! And my book collection for continued inspiration from the antique quilts I love .

  5. Very thoughtful post, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    I'm thankful for all my wonderful family and friends.

  6. It sounds like you have a loving family which really gives you plenty to be thankful for. Enjoy that family and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  7. Love those Turkeys! I so agree with all you have to be Thankful for. All I have to do is think about people who are worse off than myself and I am flooded with gratitude. Its a wonderful life!


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