
Monday, November 23, 2009

Can I get arrested for abusing my sewing machine?

Am I at risk for being arrested for sewing machine abuse?  Is there a 10 step program for people like me?  I am usually good about taking my machine in for servicing on an annual (or semi-annual) basis, and I "try" to remember to add a drop of oil every so often, but I must confess I'm not always that good about cleaning after each project (or even cleaning every couple of projects)..

After recently making several charity quilts and ~30 red canvas aprons, plus doing quite a bit of machine embroidery, all without cleaning, I knew I had been pushing the limit of taking care of my machine.  While I'm lucky that she is running like a charm, I think she deserves to go to the sewing machine spa (aka servicing), I just don't want to give her up during the holiday window for a basic cleaning so I'm realizing (a bit late) that I need to do my part to keep her clean, well fed (w/oil) and happy.  But, do I have to the tools to do this?

I've seen advertisements for those vacuum attachment kits that help you clean your sewing machine, but I never got around to ordering one until I saw them available on IHAN.

This mini-vacuum kit easily attached to my vacuum cleaner and allowed me to quickly vacuum up the dirt & dust inside (and outside) of my sewing machine.  I actually had so much fun using this cleaning tool I used it on our computers & keyboards, as well as flat screen tvs, ornate lamps, and other household items that collect dust and dirt in small crevices.  This device really did an excellent job and was easy & fast to use. 

I was so delighted with this vacuum attachment kit that I ordered several kits from IHAN to give to friends that enjoying quilting, sewing & embroidery.

Also, IHAN has a really easy to use online gift registry tool.  You may want to do some online shopping and register for your favorite gifts for your family & friends to buy you for Christmas.  SewCalGal is also registered on this gift registry.  I think this is a great tool.  After all, you don't want to end up with a "worst gift" this Christmas!


  1. Thanks for all that , you've reminded me my girl could do with a clean !

  2. Sounds more like neglect than abuse....but that you have remedied the situation (wink)!

    I had a machine seize up on me right before Christmas, mid project, one year. Luckily, all it needed was some oiling. I'm happy to report I wasn't arrested, and got off with a stiff warning from my Mom about maintenance.

    The vacuum kit sounds like a great idea for cleaning many nooks and crannies.

  3. Gosh, she looked just like mine yesterday morning only filled with black fuzz and threads. Every other time I change my bobbin I clean and put in that drop of oil. Makes so much difference and she hums instead of clunks!! Will check out the vacuum. Karen

  4. Great idea! Thanks for sharing. I think I'll look into getting a kit.

  5. I took a class once from Libby Lehman, thread expert and machine quilter extraordinaire, and before we even began, she did a lesson on cleaning the sewing machine. Now I keep my oil bottle, a box of Q-tips, and a pack of pipe cleaners next to my machine. And EVERY time I change bobbins, I pull out the bobbin case, put a drop of oil on a Q-tip, swab out the whole bobbin area, and run a pipe cleaner around everything including the bobbin race and tension. Add a drop of oil, and PURRR! My Bernina is now about fifteen years old and still purrs. The vacuum kit looks like a great idea, and would be especially helpful with my embellishing (needle-felting) machine, which collects tons of fuzz.

  6. Thank you or sharing your experience with everyone. I appreciate your thoughtfulness!!!

    I love mine too....they really do work wonderfully.



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