> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Friday, June 20, 2014

Product Review: Elmer's Sticky Out Adhesive Remover

This post might be better titled "How to get out of a sticky situation?".   As SewCalGal is always on the quest to find new products that can be helpful in a variety of crafty situations, I decided to check out "Elmer's Sticky Out Adhesive Remover".

Sticky Out can be found at your local craft stores in  4.0 Ounces, Clear (171). It is marketed with the claim that it "Removes crayons, labels, glues, stickers, tar, oil paint, and more. Perfect for eliminating your gooey, gummy, sticky cleaning problems. Clear gel solution".

SewCalGal found this product to be an inexpensive solution to resolve problems with many sticky situations.  And, it is mild in smell and on the hands.  While testing it, SewCalGal found it to definitely remove marks from crayons, low tack labels, machine embroidery stabilizer residue for sticky back stabilizers, as well as some residue on irons as a result of various iron on adhesives.

You simply apply it to an area which you wish to remove a tacky substance, let it sit for 20-30 seconds and wipe clean with water (SewCalGal used a moist towel for most of my tests).
SewCalGal can  recommend this product for those that want an adhesive remover, but need a mild one.  While there are stronger adhesive removers available, they also tend to have a strong smell and can be harsh on the hands. Thus, I do recommend this inexpensive adhesive remover as a good resource for getting out of a mildly sticky situation.  You should also be able to find this product at your local craft stores.


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Dana Gaffney said... 1

Oh good, I'm going to try this on my iron, the other stuff I've used leaves a smelly oily residue, not want I want near my iron. Thanks.

Missy Shay said... 2

This is good to know! A lot of time I just put olive oil on it and let it sit for a few minutes, to get sticky stuff off, but that is not always practical.

Connie Kresin Campbell said... 3

Thanks for the review, this sounds like a product I would like. So many times the labels are impossible to remove on containers. I'll look for this!

Jacqueline said... 4

Thanks for the info..