Looking for some cute summer shoes that reflect your love of quilting or beautiful fabrics?
Cushe has some cute shoes that are made with beautiful Hoffman fabrics. Plus, fans of Hoffman can get a $5 discount when you order online and enter the word "HOFFMAN
Here is a pair of Teva sandals.
The woven straps have a definite quilting motif.
You can find these Teva sandals on Amazon.
SewCalGal would like to know what you think of these shoes? And if you have any special sources for quilting clothing, shoes, or accessories that you would like to share? It doesn't seem that there are many options, so I was quite excited to find these sources for shoes.

Looking for some cute summer shoes that reflect your love of quilting or beautiful fabrics?
SewCalGal would like to know what you think of these shoes? And if you have any special sources for quilting clothing, shoes, or accessories that you would like to share? It doesn't seem that there are many options, so I was quite excited to find these sources for shoes.
I just ordered the Cushee shoes in blue but would love the all - just like fabric!
The only things I've seen is what people have made. I keep telling myself I am going to decorate shoes, but I never seem to have the time to do it, not to mention the patchwork skirt I've been wanting to make for years!
Wow the shoes are really cool. I love Teva sandals and have several pair.
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