> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fall Machine Embroidery Blog Hop - Last Day

Today (Friday) is the last day of our Fall Machine Embroidery Blog Hop. Still, plenty of time to visit the participating blogs for tips, tutorials and inspirational machine embroidery projects all sponsored by  the Embroidery Shoppe, from South Africa.   
Fall ME Blog Hop copy

Here is the line up for this hop:

Monday, Nov 4th
Tuesday, November 5th
Wednesday, November 6th
Thursday, November 7th
Friday, November 8th
Today, I get to share insights with you on the projects I stitched out using the Retro Birds collection, by Embroider Shoppe.

retro bird collection

I found this collection of whimsical birds to be visually entertaining and fun to stitch out.
retro birds3
Each of the birds in this collection are so cute, stitched with colors recommended by the designer (or your own).
 retro birds2
You can also stitch out the design using all the changes of colors in this design, or stitch our in a different color palette, possibly neutrals to create an elegant neutral design on linen, or even manually reduce the number of color changes.

retro birds

Of course, you may want to stitch out these cute Retro Birds using exact colors shared by the designer. But for me, these designs just screamed whimsical  and brights.   I thought of making a table topper, a wallhanging and also using these designs on Pasmina Scarfs for gifts.  But I also think they are cute design that would work well on purses, jackets, placemats, mugrugs and much, much, much more.  I hope you'll agree the possibilities of using the Retro design collection are endless.

close up

You may have seen the sneak peak kick off post, for this blog hop,  where I stitched a version of these whimsical birds using the brightest Aurifil 40 wt threads that I have in my stash.  While I would love to have a larger selection of Aurifil threads (who wouldn't) I still think the collection of Aurifil threads that I have in my stash and used for this project worked well.

The Retro Bird embroidery collection comes with six whimsical bird designs and two floral spray designs.  And I enjoyed stitching out these sweet designs on several Pasmina Scarfs, which I think would make excellent gifts, as well as on 100% cotton for a quilt.  

P1060426 masked P1060435 maskedP1060429 masked

These designs also stitched out beautifully on cotton, that I am thinking would be fun  to make into a table runner or wallhanging.  
P1060451 maskedP1060450 maskedP1060452 masked

I have been auditioning fabrics from my stash.  What do you think?  Will any of these work or what colors would you recommend for this project?

Did I mention a Giveaway ?

The Embroider Shoppe is sponsoring this giveaway and you get to pick out your favorite design.  To enter, simply visit the Embroider Shop and leave a comment on this post letting me know what is your favorite design that you would like to win and stitch out.  I'll randomly select a winner on Monday, November 11th and send that winner an email, as well as update this post.

And, don't forget that all of the blogs participating in this blog hop are hosting a giveaway where you can select your favorite design from Embroidery Shoppe. So be sure to take time to visit all the wonderful blogs in this hop (they have great tutorials and share inspirational projects on their blogs, as well as tips and tutorials).
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2ne said... 1

Love the guinea fowl - but it is so many great embroidery :-)
Thanks for showing the quilt with embroidery.

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said... 2

I like all of the back ground fabrics....the birds are cute. I guess it would depend on the color of the kitchen for choosing the table runner back ground....but then again...I'm assuming it would go in the kitchen....they could fly almost anywhere.


Betsy said... 3

I actually love those retro birds. I embroidered a Lily on the back of my jean jacket. Those birds would look awesome on another one that I bought.

Gene Black said... 4

I like all of the background fabrics, my favorite is the aqua/teal one though.

I am still saying James the Bear is probably my favorite design at Embroider Shoppe. But I also really like #220 Crazy Applique. I would have a hard time deciding.

MaryBeth said... 5

The bugs life alphabet is really cute. Thanks for the giveaway

tich said... 6

I am not usually drawn to blue, but I like the aqua one and the royal blue. Not quite so keen on the other one. I am still drawn to the coin purse deign, but I keep on swithering, but great fun being indecisive!

Tina said... 7

I Love The Kitten With Pansies. Your Scarves Are Lovely.

LeAnne said... 8

The Retro Birds are really cute. They really give those scarves a punch. I also like the Mouse Ornaments.

Needled Mom said... 9

Those really are cute. I think I would choose the teal or royal for the background.

The designs have all been wonderful. I love the 3D designs, but the purse pincushion was wonderful too.

beaquilter said... 10

these scarfs are SEW cute.... I want one!! :) where did you buy them?

Sandy said... 11

I thought I knew which set I wanted until I saw those adorable birds! Now it's a toss-up — those birds are *so* cute!

kbo said... 12

Many color backgrounds would compliment these stitch outs birds. I too like the Retro birds but all the projects from the blog hop have been creative and inspiring. Thanks for putting this together for us to enjoy SewCalGal.

Eileen said... 13

SewCalGal, this has been such a great week for me! All the information is so good for me since I'm a real newbie to ME.
I keep going back to Zandra's shoppe and I still like the Tea, Coffee and Cake group the best. I think they'd make an adorable wall hanging.

Dogwood Lane Rambles said... 14

I love the little Bugs Hairclip set so cute. Thanks for the inspiration.

Anonymous said... 15

I would love to win Zandra's embroidered handbag. I love your whimsical bird on the orange/coral fabric.

Tammy said... 16

Oh the birds are fabulous. I think I love the ladies lingerie set the most...

Patsy said... 17

All of those bird designs really ARE cute. I had not done any straight machine embroidery before this hop and you guys are getting to me with all these cute designs!

VickiT said... 18

OH gosh, I'd seen the Retro Birds before but chose others as my favorites this week. Now, since you have shown them stitched out, I have to say they are my absolute favorites and I think what I would choose in the 4x4 size or possibly the 5x7.

I assume you chose the 4x4 to stitch the scarves. Is that correct?

As far as your question, I think your aqua fabric looks the best. Really though, you can make a design like those birds fit any fabric color, you just need to choose the thread colors that fit best with the fabric but I'm sure you know that. ;)

Cecilia said... 19

I really like the way your projects look. I love the retro birds and the little scissor pockets the best, but the bears are cute too. Thanks for sharing tips and ideas with us, I've learned a lot. I like all of your background colors, but the red is my favorite.

Sandra said... 20

Those birds are cute. I would have to say that

#406- St. Joseph Lily

is my favorite design at Embroidery Shop.


Cleary (Cie) said... 21

Wow what a wonderful giveaway I really like the #16- Tiger kitties

Linda Fleming said... 22

I love the Retro Birds - each one is unique and the colors are just beautiful!

Joan said... 23

There are so many lovely embroideries. I like the retro birds and the little mice. Thank you!

LJ said... 24

Love that little birdie on the black scarf - he really pops out; does make me think of wrens, one of my favorite birds. On Monday, I mentioned that I was looking at the mice ornaments designs from Emb Shoppe. Now I'm on the fence after seeing the 3D poinsettias stitched out. I love them both.

Rebecca Fiedler said... 25

I love your retro birds but I think I am most drawn to the 3dbutterflies

Sewgirl said... 26

The birds on the shawls are so cute...really nicely done! I am enamored with the Cupcake fiesta collection myself, and think they probably would look cute on tea towels, my favorite thing to embroider and giveaway!

Bonnie58 said... 27

Thanks so much for the hop. It;s been great and so informative with all the tips and tricks. I love all the designs. They look wonderful and very professional. Thanks so much for sharing

Lee said... 28

I love the Dapple the Dachshund! With the sweet flowers!

Nancy said... 29

Oh, they have so many designs to look at. I will say that the retro birds you did are lovely, so thanks for making my choice easy.

Rebecca Grace said... 30

I love these little bird designs! As dense as the stitching seems with these, they would be absolutely perfect to decorate a little pair of toddler sized jeans, just open up the inseam so the pant leg can lay flat in the hoop. I would add bling with hot fix crystals afterward... :-)