"In The Studio with Angela Walters", published by Stash Books, an imprint from CT Publishing, is a must have book for any quilter interested in improving their free-motion quilting skills, as well as confident beginners.

Tips and designs shared in this book can help you create texture, movement, contrast depth and more in your quilts. While Angela is a longarm quilter, insights in this book are appropriate for those working on a longarm machine, as well as those using a domestic sewing machine.

Projects in this book range in size from 28 1/2" x 32 1/2" to 66 1/2" x 81 1/2" and they include instructions that any experienced quilter could easily follow.

And the free-motion quilting techniques and designs can easily be applied to your own projects.

Angela shares insights on quilting your quilts with a broad range of topics, from stitching in the ditch to quilting a strip section to quilting the background, and more.

SewCalGal really likes how Angela shares insights how free-motion quilting can create texture in your quilts, how to mix designs, add dimension. This book is packed full of jewels to help you
add beautiful free-motion quilting to your projects. I hope you
get a chance to check this book out at your local quilt shop or at CT Pub's online store soon.
You can find Angela at:
blog: http://www.quiltingismytherapy.com
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angela.walters.714?fref=ts
twitter: https://twitter.com/AngelaFMQ
You can find CT Pub at:
online store: http://www.ctpubblog.com/
blog: http://www.ctpubblog.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilovequilts
twitter: https://twitter.com/ctpublishing

Thanks for the insight SewCalGal appreciate all the work you do for us quilters....
WOW... Will have to hope over to Angela's site. I am loving her thread art! :)
I love Angela. I'm taking her Craftsy class right now, Free Motion quilting with Feathers and it's terrific. I love how she demonstrates her techniques both on the long arm and on the domestic. I'll have to look for this book. BTW, did you see her quilt on the cover of Quilter's Newsletter this month? It's to die for!
Excellent - love Angela's work!
I was lucky enough to take a lecture class with Angela at MQX in April.
She is such a personable, smart, and funny lady. I bought her book and she autographed it for me. :)
Angela is so talented. I have seen her often on Quilting Arts on our pbs tv station.
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