Everyone is invited to participate. There are two categories:
- IF you DID NOT enter the 2012 FMQ Challenge to win a Grand Prize, which required you to complete 12 or more FMQ challenges, you now have a 2nd chance. You simply need to complete 12 or more of the tutorials released in the 2012 FMQ Challenge to enter to win a prize in the 2013 FMQ Challenge. And show evidence when you enter in the linky towards the bottom of the post.
- If you DID enter the 2012 FMQ Challenge to win a Grand Prize, you can still enter this challenge (Challenge #6) by showing evidence that you have continued to improve your FMQ skills. Your challenge will be showing that you have improved by continuing to practice four or more of the FMQ tutorials released in 2012. Your evidence will need to show what you created in 2012 vs 2013 and your insights on how you improved!

Participants in 2013 FMQ Challenge #6 - 2012 FMQ Challenge 2nd Chance will need to complete their projects and enter no later than October 31st to be eligible to win a prize from sponsors of the 2013 FMQ Challenge. When you enter you need to clarify in your post, or by of flicker comments if you are entering in category #1 vs category #2.
For bloggers:
Please post your entry on your blog. To clarify, you can include as many photos in your post that show evidence you completed this challenge. But you can only add one link to the linky tool below. And share insights in your post to clarify you are participating in this challenge as category #1 vs category #2, with insights on what tutorials you completed and if you are in category #2 show how you improved.
For non-Bloggers:
1) You will need to have a Flickr account (www.flickr.com).Remember only one link (entry) per person. Have fun. This is your second chance and you have till October 31st 2013 to enter!
2) Upload your photos for this month's challenge to Flickr, batch organize, send your photos to groups, select "2012 FMQ Challenge". While Flickr, limits the amount of text you can share in your description, feel free to share your perspective on this exercise and/or your past FMQ experience, if you wish.
3) After your photos have successfully been loaded to the "2012 FMQ Challenge" group, click on your best photo in that group, ideally one that shows the stencil and how you quilted using that stencil. Copy the URL link to your particular photo entry. Add that link to the linky tool above, to officially enter this show. You can post comments when you upload your photo to reflect if you are entering as category #1 vs #2
For more info on the 2013 FMQ Challenge and prizes, please visit the main page for this event labeled "Free-Motion Quilt Challenge".
Update 11/11/13 - Congratulations to the lucky winner of the 2013 Free-Motion Quilting Challenge #6 - 2nd Chance 2012 FMQ Challenge

This is a bit confusing. I entered only the 2013 challenge. What do I need to do for this challenge 6? ? Finish all 2912 challenges?
Maartje your settings are as a no reply blogger, so I couldn't email to you to reply to your comment.
Yes, Challenge #6 is a 2nd chance challenge for those that didn't complete 12 of the 16 FMQ challenges during 2012, which was required to enter to win a Grand Prize in 2012. So, now those that completed those challenges late, or those that want to complete them before Oct 31st have a chance to claim another entry to win a prize in the 2013 FMQ Challenge.
Please let me know how I could make this post clearer on what this challenge is all about.
During 2012, I completed 10 of the 12 month's challenges, so to enter Challenge #6, can I select 2 of the ones I didn't do to complete my 12?
Yes Ruth, you are correct. As a 2nd Chance Challenge this gives you the ability to finish the goal of completing any 12 of the 16 tutorials released in the 2012 FMQ Challenges.
This is perfect! I have 5 more challenges left from 2012, and this is just the motivation I need to get back into the FMQ swing. I've been doodling feathers on my iPad like mad for a couple of months now, and I ALMOST feel brave enough to attempt Diane Gaudynski's feather challenge now! :-) Thanks for the second chance.
Great idea this second chance, I do hope lots of ladies who didn't get their monthly challenges finished will take the opportunity to do them now. Well done SewCalGal, you have done it again.
I am participating in this challenge as category #1.
Thanks for this oportunity.
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