> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Creative Quilts From Your Crayon Box, by Terri Linn Kygar

Do you remember the fun of playing with new crayons, fresh out of the box, when you were a little kid?  There is a new quilting book out that I think will give you that childhood excitement and open up the door to new forms of quilting for you with  fun and easy techniques that will help you create beautiful results.

  Martingale - Creative Quilts from Your Crayon Box (Print version + eBook bundle)

 "Creative Quilts From Your Crayon Box: Melt-n-Blend Meets Fusible Applique'", by Terrie Linn Kygar and published by Martingale/That Patchwork Place is a perfect book for quilters of all interest (art, traditional, contemporary) and all levels (beginners, intermediate, advanced).

Are you wondering what the Melt Blend technique is? Watch this video:

Isn't this an amazing technique that produces brilliant results?

Martingale - Creative Quilts from Your Crayon Box (Print version + eBook bundle)

Learn to use crayons, markers, colored pencils and more to create designs on fabric to make beautiful and unique quilts.  Insights are shared on supplies, preparing Applique' for Coloring, Learning to Color, and Assembling and Finishing your Quilt. There are also four easy to follow instructions for six different coloring exercises.

Martingale - Creative Quilts from Your Crayon Box (Print version + eBook bundle)
The possibilities of what you can create with insights from this book are truly endless!

Martingale - Creative Quilts from Your Crayon Box (Print version + eBook bundle)
There are seven delightful projects in this book that range in size from 11"x12" to  28 x 30", each with easy to follow instructions and great visuals.

And, there is a Quilt Gallery which includes photos and insights on many spectacular quilts made by Terrie Kygar, that are all inspirational!

SewCalGal recommends this book as a "must have" book for anyone interested in learning techniques for creating your own quilted pieces of art using crayons, colored pencils, and markers.

I hope you get a chance to check out this book at your local quilt store or at the online store for Martingale & Company.  I think you'll have fun creating with this book!


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Trish said... 1

Wow, those look beautiful! Thanks for sharing! That's definitely on the "to do" list.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said... 2

WOW! Maybe I need to save all those crayons I have been throwing in the trash while purging the house in anticipation of moving. Kids are in college, figured I didn't need any more crayons laying around.

Dana Gaffney said... 3

Beautiful and I love the creativity, that book is now on my list. Thanks.

Jacqueline said... 4

Your timing is perfect. My youngest granddaughter and I just started her on a quilt project using crayons.

Joanna said... 5

I definitely want to try this technique. Those quilts are gorgeous.

Belinda said... 6

That looks like so much fun!! I'd love to try that.

Gene Black said... 7

I had seen this video before but wasn't interested at the time. Now I find that I would really like to try this technique. Ha ha..just what I needed- something else to do.

Anonymous said... 8

I have seen something similar years ago but never pursued it...."Timing is everything" is the phrase that comes to my mind. Looks fascinating!!! and easy to accomplish.

Linda said... 9

Thank you for showing us this. I need this book!

Lynette said... 10

That looks really interesting. Putting this on my wishlist. :)

Barb said... 11

That is soooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing. I love it!!! Thanks so much for this info.

Jean said... 12

Wow! What a cool technique! Thanks for sharing the info on the book!

The Quilted Dog said... 13

Wow, this is an amazing technique for blending colors. But how stable is the color on the quilt, eg. is it washable, or is this strictly for decorative purposes only?

The Quilted Dog said... 14

And second question: can you sew over this? It looks like she hasn't from the photos of her quilts.

Carrie P. said... 15

I watched the video and it looks like such a cool technique.

free indeed said... 16

THanks for these reviews you do. There is so much out there that would remain hidden gems if it wasn't for reviews like yours that open up the possibilities. What a very cool technique and I've wanted to try some small art projects like this.

Marjorie said... 17

This looks like so much fun. And imagine being able to color fabric exactly the way you want it, even if you can't find the color at the quilt shop. Great review.

Anonymous said... 18

I've used crayons on fabric before, but not where I melted and painted with them. The method that I used before would wash away in time, where this looks a bit more permanent. Thanks for the video showing how she uses them.