> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Thursday, August 23, 2012

AAQI - Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative Update

The Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) has released a Press Announcement to help send the words of "Thank You" to everyone that has helped with  AAQI.  They are happy to report that AAQI has raised over $747,000 to-date for Alzheimer's Research.  And, they couldn't have done it without the help of many quilters that want to find a cure for Alzheimers!  But, more help is still needed.  Help is needed to get the word out about AAQI, upcoming auctions, as well as the need for more quilt donations for future auctions!

SewCalGal also wants to recognize the accomplishments of AAQI and those that help support this wonderful cause.

Here are a few noteworthy items:

- AAQI quilts to be submitted for fundraising at Houston need to get mailed by August 31st.  Last year, over $62,000 was raised at this event.  With your help and support many hope more will be raised this year.
- AAQI has quilts for sale that would certainly make for great gifts!
6049-Welcome Snow
{above} Welcome Snow, by Jeanie E. Rash

- The upcoming AAQI Auction starts September lst and ends September 10th.  There are many spectacular quilts in this auction too!

{above} Vista, by Diane Petersmarck

- The Celebrity Invitational Quilt Auction will be held November lst-10th.  Quilts made by various celebrities, that will be up for auction include:  Diane Gaudynski, Alex Anderson, Hollis Chatelain,

 Caryl Bryer Fallert, John Flynn, Becky Goldsmith, Pat Holly, Libby Lehman, Marsha McCloskey,

Sue Nickels, Mary Sorensen and Ricky Tims.

The AAQI team, SewCalGal, and many others, all appreciate the help and support by these amazing celebrity quilters to help raise funds to fight Alzheimers!

Celebrity Invitational Quilt Auction To Benefit AAQI

AAQI is asking:

If you’re making a Priority: Alzheimer’s Quilt and have hopes for Houston, get it registered and in the mail by August 31st. That gives our volunteers 6 weeks to receive it, scan it, price it, tag it, and ship it from your house to Illinois, from Illinois to Michigan, and from Michigan to Texas

SewCalGal is asking:

Please help spread the word about AAQI and encourage friends and family to check out their quilts for sale, regular auctions, as well as their upcoming Annual Celebrity Auction.  And, of course, help is needed to make quilts that can be auctioned to help this great cause too!  Don't forget AAQI!

AAQI Quilts For Sale:  http://www.alzquilts.org/quiltsforsale.html
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/AAQI.News

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Barb said... 1

This is truly an amazing cause, after having two uncles and a very dear friend suffer from this it is truly heart warming to see those that support and help out.

Janet O. said... 2

Worthy cause. Have purchased 2 AAQI quilts in the past two weeks.

Dana Gaffney said... 3

Love this charity and the whole idea of how they raise money. Thanks for the update and putting the word out.

Diane said... 4

It is so heartwarming to be a part of a grassroots charity like the AAQI, where everything possible is done by volunteers. From quilt makers to quilt buyers and all the processes in between - we're united in the goal to fund Alzheimer's research!