> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome to the 2012 Free Motion Quilting Challenge

Welcome to the 2012 Free Motion Quilting Challenge.

I want to introduce you to Frances Moore, our first FMQ Expert in the 2011 FMQ Challenge.  You could essentially think of Frances as "Miss January".  Frances loves teaching FMQ designs and how to plan FMQ for various quilt designs & sizes, to quilters of all skill levels. She also teaches a variety of quilt classes, not just FMQ.

Frances has been teaching quilting for 8+ years.  I met her during my FMQ research, in 2011, when I attended a FMQ Workshop with Two Wacky Woman.  I found Frances to be an excellent teacher, a wonderful person, and be blessed with a nice senses of humor too!  I enjoyed her class and was delighted when she agreed to be one of the 12 FMQ experts for this challenge.  What sets her apart from other FMQ teachers is her "No frame, stitch regulator, marking or gloves" approach. 

While I want to encourage everyone to take as many FMQ classes as they can possibly take, I also want to heighten awareness that Frances is willing to travel to teach a variety of workshops, and all levels of free-motion quilting.  But, for those living in Southern California, or willing to visit sunny Southern California, Frances will be teaching at an upcoming FMQ Quilt Retreat, by Two Wacky Woman, March 23-25 in Mission Viejo, CA.

If you are interested in having Frances give a presentation/workshop at your quilt guild, please have your guild program coordinator contact Frances directly.  Likewise, if you want her to teach at  your local quilt shop, talk with the store owner to recommend they contact Frances.  

Frances Moore
email:  frantasticquilts@sbcglobal.net
blog: http://frantastic-stitchwitchery.blogspot.com/

During the 2012 FMQ Challenge, each month a tutorial will be released.  Some experts may provide a tutorial with text & photos, whereas some may provide theirs via video.  Frances created a special video tutorial for us that I think is excellent!  I hope you enjoy it too!

January FMQ Tutorial

If you have a MAC and/or problems viewing this video please try watching it directly from youtube via this link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=A9GiSm7iHDI.  You may also want to try different Mac browsers (e.g. Mac Firefox vs Mac ?).  If you still have problems viewing the HD FMQ tutorial, please email me and I'll see what I can do to help you.

To clarify, the January challenge will be to learn and/or improve your FMQ skills by practicing the design that Frances has shared in her video tutorial.  Pull out your practice quilt sandwiches have fun.  For those that are new to FMQ, remember to drop your feeddogs.  And, if you have problems with the leaf motif, think of creating heart shapes.  The goal is  to not finish this tutorial in one day, but to practice until you feel you have this FMQ design embedded in your muscle memory and can do it on your quilts.  At that point, if you are doing the optional FMQ Sampler Quilt, pick an 8x8" block in the lst row and sew out this design in that block.  Before the end of the month, besure to photograph your favorite stitch outs of this design and follow the instructions to this months challenge, via the linky below.

For those using Facebook, you may also want to post photos in the group "2012 Free Motion Quilting Challenge" to share with others.  To clarify, these are not official entries, but this forum is a great way to network with others participating in this challenge.  We also encourage members of this group to help each other when questions are asked.  As this isn't a class, our FMQ experts provide a tutorial, we don't want to impose on our experts to be available to answer all of our questions, so lets try to help each other where we can.

Frances has generously offered to try to answer questions for those participating in this January FMQ challenge.  So, this month, you also have the option of emailing her your questions and if you follow her blog, you may see your question get addressed in one of her blog posts. Plus, following her blog is a great way to learn more about Frances and get inspired by her beautiful quilting.

Our sponsor for the challenge this month is Aurifil.  One lucky winner will receive a sampler pack of 5 Aurifil threads and another lucky winner will receive a Silk Stars Thread kit, with 12 spools of 40 wt threads.

Aurifil Silk Stars Thread Collection-

To be eligible to win a monthly prize, simply complete the current months' tutorial in the month it is released and get  your entry submitted via the linky tool, at the bottom of this page, no later than January 31st.  But do remember this challenge is more about learning and improving your FMQ skills, so don't rush thru the exercise just to enter.  Take time to practice and embed this design to your muscle memory, before you enter.   To clarify, DO NOT just add a link to your blog, but to your post that shows that you have completed this tutorial.  You get one link, so keep practicing until you feel you are finished with this tutorial.

For bloggers, please post your entry on your blog.  To clarify, you can include as many photos of this tutorial exercise in your post, but you can only add one link to the linky tool below.  You may also want to include insights in your post about your past FMQ experience and thoughts about this tutorial.  Totally, optional, but you may also want to let everyone know that you have taken the Pledge and you did this exercise to enter the the challenge this month, where randomly selected winners will win a prize.  You may inspire others to want to join this challenge too!   


For non-Bloggers:
1) You will need to have a Flickr account (www.flickr.com). 
2) Upload  "one" photo to Flickr, batch organize, send to groups, select "2012 FMQ Challenge - January".  While Flickr, limits the amount of text you can share in your description, feel free to share your perspective on this exercise and/or your past FMQ experience, if you wish.
3) After photo has successfully been loaded to the "2012 FMQ Challenge - January" group, click on your photo in that group and copy the URL link to your particular photo entry. Add that link to the linky tool above, to officially enter this show.

Update:  Winners of the January challenge were announced on a separate post dated January 12th.
Should anyone wonder why they an X next to their link, it appears to be a new feature of this linky tool and no one else sees it. To clarify, the red X only appears on links that you personally add to this linky tool.

One link per person that has taken the pledge to learn and/or improve their Free Motion Quilting Skills, on a home sewing machine, in 2012.

1. JudyG  165. Ann J, France  
2. WiAmy  166. Kearstie Grenier  
3. Angelina Kendra  167. 2ne  
4. Janet  168. Sheryl in Louisiana  
5. Annette Schultz   169. Helen Pickens  
6. Pat West  170. Sheila in Nova Scotia  
7. Joanne  171. Barbara C  
8. Marjorie  172. Dana  
9. Fran Wessel  173. landscapelady  
10. Lisa Dodson  174. Jean O  
11. Mona Keegan  175. Brenda Crisci  
12. Andrew Love  176. Aileen  
13. elizabeth  177. Diane Myron  
14. Catherine Journel  178. Debi Rodriguez  
15. Debbie  179. Rosemary  
16. MC  180. Linda J  
17. Mandy @ M and M plus 3  181. Tina Gilley  
18. Angie SoCal  182. Beatrice in France  
19. Jane (Jane madly quilting)  183. Penny P.  
20. Jennifer Soosay (zospecial)  184. Dana  
21. Mary in CO  185. Janet K   
22. Danielle Hudson (My Quilting Journey)  186. Sue in Belton, TX (Stitching with Sue)  
23. Emmie (link to blog, not to post for entry to challenge)  187. Diane at Pine Point  
24. Ellen Williams  188. Elaine Tanner  
25. Carolyn @ sew.darn.quilt  189. Fabricunderfoot  
26. Angelika Konradt  190. karri howe  
27. Mary Schroeder (Quilt Dancer)  191. Pat in Oregon  
28. Kelly  192. Diane Mitchell  
29. JoanieinNC (Joanie's Quilts)  193. Annie Bikes  
30. Barbara (link to a blog, not a link to a blog post entry for this challenge)  194. Karen M  
31. Laura McGrath  195. anna  
32. Joan Moser  196. Susan Isaacson  
33. Lynn Meadows  197. Kathy Kline  
34. Maria  198. quilter99755   
35. Cathy L in IA  199. Joan  
36. Deborah  200. njoyk  
37. Christine L  201. Laura From Oroville CA  
38. Carole M  202. cindy lewis  
39. Az álmok valóra válnak (link to a blog, not a direct link to a blog post entry for this challenge)  203. Cathy Norris  
40. AJ (aka KnittyAJ)  204. Abby  
41. Linda --Wisconsin  205. Corina in Manitoba  
42. Kerstin  206. Karen M  
43. Heather Vitella  207. Tracey  
44. Laura E  208. May  
45. Joan in Oregon  209. Sandy aka Stitches  
46. Claudia Chang  210. BjoLiz  
47. Linda in Texas  211. Vail in TN  
48. Maria M  212. Sheila  
49. Jane  213. Jen (Closet Quilter)  
50. Margie in Oregon  214. Jan Alexander  
51. AJ Yoeckel  215. Martha Briese  
52. Sandra B.  216. Misha  
53. Tanya @ Wee Little Birds  217. TBGirl  
54. Dinah  218. thimble  
55. Irinka  219. Peggy Harty  
56. Vicki ♥  220. Barb@Witsend  
57. Kim  221. deborah  
58. Rhonda Phillips  222. Shari T  
59. Lyn Doring  223. Kd of KdQuilts  
60. Maryellen McAuliffe  224. Linda E in AZ  
61. Linda in Nova Scotia  225. Diane Mitchell (link to a blog, not a link to a blog post entry for this challenge)  
62. Terry  226. What Comes Next?  
63. Carrie P.  227. Anne H  
64. Tammy  228. Sherry @ SherThis  
65. Diane Wild (link to blog, not a link to a blog post entry for this challenge)  229. Liz from New Zealand  
66. Janet @ Shiisa Quilts  230. Tina Ryan  
67. Bobbi  231. Editfolt from Hungary  
68. Zodiac Quilter  232. Az álmok valóra válnak  
69. Jane  233. Carolyn  
70. Barb  234. Bettina  
71. My Fabric Obsession  235. Ana M  
72. Colleen  236. Dea  
73. Marina  237. Barb  
74. Dara  238. Owl Quilting  
75. Sheila P  239. Agnes B. Bullock  
76. Connie @ Quilting by the River  240. Eileen Hoheisel  
77. Sharon  241. Lynn  
78. Frauke  242. Elaine  
79. Nancy Rehak  243. Kate Coleman  
80. Connie Boulay  244. OTquilter  
81. Barbara S.  245. Marianne  
82. Claudia E.  246. Nina Lise@Mrs Moen  
83. Ann_vbg  247. Ulla-Britt  
84. Marilyn  248. Kay Lynne  
85. Silvia in Italy  249. Marina_msk  
86. PJB  250. Olga K.  
87. Josie McRazie  251. Susan DB  
88. Susan Poole  252. Lynn Kelly  
89. Miri  253. LNWeber  
90. Irinka  254. Laura Conowitch  
91. Anna Reich  255. Sharmond  
92. Jeanne in IL  256. Kay  
93. carol  257. Shelly Tiefenthaler  
94. Mary Couch  258. Eden at Cut'n It Up  
95. Györgyi (angelpatches)  259. Maria Elkins  
96. Michelle  260. Ann C  
97. Valerija (a.k.a. lerusisik)  261. Kathy Jo  
98. Tatiana Connor  262. Cindy M.  
99. Háriné Tamás Zsuzsa (invalid link)  263. Jenice  
100. Irelle  264. @pril @ KoolBeenz Blog  
101. Helen (Helen's FMQ Challenge)  265. Mary Reed  
102. Diana  266. Texastwirl  
103. Anna Lazanna  267. Nadezhda  
104. Marianne S  268. Dawn  
105. Cindy J  269. Kirsten R  
106. Linda de Beaudrap  270. jaj  
107. Cathy  271. MizPax  
108. Mary Y  272. Joanna in Tucson  
109. KrisR  273. moehi  
110. Corinne  274. Larissa Hart  
111. Carolyn Babineau - fabric works  275. Бежик  
112. Nancy H.  276. Ana Buzzalino  
113. Ann Marie @ 16 muddy feet  277. Denise :) @ Count It All Joy!!!  
114. Caryl W  278. Wendy  
115. Maya from CA  279. Sharon-NY  
116. Joyce  280. Janet O.--rogue quilter  
117. Cynthia  281. Sheryl Bordelon  
118. Nancy  282. Jennifer Ley  
119. Hilachas  283. Laceflower  
120. Trish @ AllThingsCrafty.com  284. Gombocz Ági  
121. Patty @ A Stitch in Time  285. M-R @ Quilt Matters  
122. Michelle  286. Zhalena  
123. CarolE  287. Beth C  
124. Mary Fanslau  288. Kim C MoodyBlue  
125. Maria W @ Not Only Quilts  289. Lynn Chouw  
126. Diane ~ yarngoddess  290. Michelle K.  
127. Rhonda B  291. Yvonne in VA  
128. Julianne  292. Martha  
129. Bending Pins  293. Alena Shafer  
130. Joanna  294. Åsa  
131. kj  295. Liane Nabinger  
132. Silvia Yazbek  296. Jennie  
133. Jackie @ Jackie's Stitches  297. boutschoisis  
134. Janice LM  298. Marina-Amarillys  
135. Marlene (Madam Quilter)  299. Kim at Quilting Adventures  
136. Jayardi  300. Lisa @ By a Thread  
137. Barb - Mountain Quiltworks  301. Olga Kuba  
138. Svetlana  302. Pat @ ColorMeQuilty  
139. Sally King  303. Cheri at Under Quilted Covers  
140. Mary Gillette  304. Manuela  
141. Debi Britton  305. sao in Midlothian, VA  
142. Mary Jerz  306. Quilter Kathy  
143. Carol in Ontario  307. Cheryl M.  
144. Billie in TX  308. Kara  
145. Jen @ The Quilty Home  309. Ktquilts  
146. Ferne (Sew Sweet Thymes)  310. Marie Joerger  
147. Bente  311. Gail F  
148. Carol Babineau (link to a blog, not a blog post entry for this challenge)  312. Amy's Free Motion Quilting Adventures  
149. Laura in Ireland  313. Terry  
150. Janet Beckwith Stewart  314. Barbara at Cat Patches  
151. funthreads  315. Laurel @ the Patchinista  
152. Ann at PrairiePrimrose  316. Kate  
153. Christine Pollhaus  317. Sally at Sally's Angelworks  
154. Jo Turner  318. Susanbh12  
155. keratet  319. Susan in Texas  
156. Chris@Quilt Talk  320. Suzanne  
157. Linda Harvey  321. Michele Hester  
158. Mary Ann @ RocknQuilts  322. Diane Loomis Quilts  
159. Renate   323. rebecca sheppard  
160. Coral  324. Stephanie in MN  
161. Kate @ KwiltsbyKate  325. Bari in MO  
162. Marjorie  326. Elizabeth  
163. Danette   327. Genevieve Howell  
164. June D  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

To officially be entered in the 2012 FMQ Challenge please take time to fill out the "Pledge Form" .  Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out an easy way to get the email addresses collected in the Pledge Form to automatically load to my MailChimp mailing list, as originally planned.  While I apologies, I do ask, if you want to receive email reminders when new FMQ tutorials are released each month, please also sign up via the special mailing list for this activity.

Those on Facebook, may also want to join the "2012 Free Motion Quilting" group that was created to allow networking with those participating in this challenge.


Lesley said... 1

What a wonderful start to the free motion challenge. Frances's tutorial is wonderful and certainly inspires me to get started on my practice sandwich, but I think I should wait 'till later in the day when my eyes are more open. Her work is simply amazing. Thanks for hosting this challenge. A great start to the new year!

Wacky Woman said... 2

Great tutorial; practice, practice, practice. Thanks for hosting such an inspiring event!

SewCalGal said... 3



Melissa said... 4

Can't wait to get started practicing! Thank you for the fabulous tutorial!

GA Quilter said... 5

She makes it look so easy.I also liked the Quilt Angel.The tutorial was great

ferne said... 6

Great tutorial! I have already been drawing it and have a project I could use it on. The design really flows nicely! I have all month to practice between other projects and working...I should get it down by then.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said... 7

Well; I have watched the tutorial, and it looks great!! Frances makes it look easy...lol. fingers are crossed; but not for long. Thanks for this.

Tracey said... 8

Great tutorial. I am excited to try this. I am still waiting for my FMQ foot to arrive, but I will practice drawing it until it comes!

Diane Wild said... 9

I'm going to start practice with the drawing. I seem to get lost after two motifs. Practice-concentrate, practice-concentrate, practice-concentrate. Work that muscle!!

Carol said... 10

Great video! This is going to be fun.

I have an off the wall question though. I'd love to know what type of machine and batting she used in the video.

Renate said... 11

Wonderful tutorial to get started. Off to check out Frances's blog and draw in my sketchbook for practice.

Nicki said... 12

The tutorial from Frances was terrific. I was afraid that I would get left behind each month so I'm loving the fact that our homework is only ONE thing & simple (as opposed to very intricate). It looks like it's going to be slow at steady as we go along during the year. I think I will be able to keep up. Thanks for offering this challenge.

Sally said... 13

Nice tutorial but it would have been nice to see how she starts and stops and buries her threads.

Laurel said... 14

oh, that was fantastic. phew. that felt totally accessible... can't wait to go grab a pencil and a piece of paper and start sketching it!

landscapelady said... 15

This looks like fun! Thank you for organizing this:-)

Barb said... 16

OH wow.....this will be such a learning experience and I hope I am up for the challenge.

Anonymous said... 17

I am saveing all my scrap paper to practice on.

landscapelady said... 18

I just posted my blog link and then realized you probablly want us to do that after we have posted our pieces. If that's the case I'm sorry:-( hope that's ok

Denise :) said... 19

I've got the perfect piece to try this on ... and not only will I get some FMQ practice in, but I'll get a UFO put away, too! I'll spend some time with pen and paper playing with this before I take needle to fabric. Thanks, Darlene -- this is going to be great! :)

Carolyn said... 20

I can't wait to get started in the morning. Thank you for this challenge, what a great way to begin the new year! I'm lovin' the leaf design.


Bente-I like to QuiltBlog said... 21

Thank you, it´s great video, I´ll practice on paper too before I´LL start FMQ. Great pattern to start with, not to difficult I think, and it looks good too!
Liebe Grüße
Bente - Germany
I like to QuiltBlog

Trish said... 22

Just finished my first practice piece of leaves. Some of the stitching looks like leaves, some like apples, some like a kidney, even one like a banana! It was fun and completely doable! Thanks for having this Challenge! I know I will learn lots! Must get back to my stitching...

Maggi said... 23

Great tutorial to start. Decided to take the p[ledge but can't access the mailing list which says it is unavailable.

Frederique said... 24

Just the same as Maggi, I can't access the mailing list. Great tutorial, thanks Frances!

shelly said... 25

Nicely done. For those of us who live in a rural setting this is such a treat! Thank you from the ranch!
shelly beth grappe

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said... 26

Wow, I certainly appreciate the time to put thogether this tutorial...Thank you
So Very Much!

I'm looking forward to playing and practicing!


Bouts Choisis said... 27

A very pretty motif and a great video. I shall start with practice on paper - drawing one leaf is fine but more tricky to get them to "flow" and fill a page! Looking forward to this challenge.

Grace C. said... 28

A nice design and good tutorial. I practiced on paper a few times, then a a scrap sandwich and finally went to a sampler I am quilting for my daughter and decided to incorporate the leaf motif in part of that project. I really learn from watching and then doing. This is fun. How do I post a pic from my phone camera? Grace

Editfolt said... 29

Thank you for your presentation Francess. I go to practice, it is a very exciting challenge for me, everyone welcome: Hungary:)

jan said... 30

I too would love to do this. I will take the pledge.

BillieBee (billiemick) said... 31

Loved the video, but it looks like these guys and gals on Mr. Linky already know what they are doing......great job!

KrisR said... 32

yeah.....I just want to say that I'm tired already and I haven't started yet. :o)

Tonight I'll doodle in front of the TV - tomorrow....I FMQ.


Jan Alexander said... 33

Frances makes it look so easy! Can't wait to give it a go...

MC said... 34

Getting everyone to link up is a great way to do it. It's really fun to see everyone else's take on this exercise!

laila said... 35

Let's get to work, fine and instructive video. a bit hard to find leafs at this time of year in Denmark ;)) But I'll manage perfectly well on memomry, I think ..

Catherine said... 36

Well ! It's so nice to get news from your quilting friends all around the world and to be able to read from them as soon as you wake up in the morning ! Thanks for this wonderful challenge !

monica said... 37

What a great exercise to start this challenge! I'm happy that I registered and I thank all those who are working for us. I'll have to join Facebook! :)

Party supplies said... 38

Really interesting and informative images. You've certainly outlined your subject with a detailed and comprehensive manner. Some of these links are amazing,love it.

Kate C said... 39

Great tutorial, can't wait to get started!

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said... 40

Great tutorial. Though I would love some more information on supplies and settings. I don't have the specific threads she uses and had some tension issues.

Unknown said... 41

Thanks Frances and SewCal for a wonderful tutorial and for helping us learn FMQ..I have posted a pic of my first try for the leaves. It was allot of fun and I will keep trying,practice,practice and more practice but at least I am having fun doing it...

quilthexle said... 42

Thanks for this wonderful tutorial !! I was seriously afraid of doing leaves - and realized it is not so hard! To be honest, I had a LOT of fun ;-)) looking forward to February !!

Anonymous said... 43

I enjoyed watching this tutorial. I needs lots of practice though. My brain can go in one direction smoothly; lots of starts and stops with the other directions. But it will come to me. I really like the stitch too; the range of freedom with it in size and shapes. I never knew I could do leaves! I will be doing another practice run tonight.

ConnieB/CA said... 44

this was fun. Next I think I will try the variation, and get better on my linking stems.

Irelle said... 45

I'm so glad I took your challenge! After finishing my January project, I kept trying new things - some successful - some not so much. Just proves that it takes practice, practice, practice!!!

Mare said... 46
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joyce said... 47

I hope I entered correctly! Added the link above this and will add to the flickr group. I really enjoyed doing this. I did 3 quilt practice sandwiches and spent some time with a dry erase board before I got the best free motion to date for me. Thanks again!

Anonymous said... 48

Like Joyce, I hope I entered correctly!

--RhondaB, in Western Australia

Jackie's Stitches said... 49

This first challenge month really shows how much my FMQing skills can improve. No place to go but up! :)

Heather said... 50

I filled out the pledge form. I am guessing that my linked name won't be up until I post my quilting? I'm going to work on it tonight, so hopefully soon. I set my machine up last night.

Mary Ann said... 51

Just completed my daughter's graduation quilt using fmq on a twin size quilt for the first time! Now I'm ready to learn something besides stippling and a feather border...leaves will be a great addition - thank you for the video tutorial!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said... 52

This is a great challenge for anyone. I loved Frances' tutorial and practice pieces. She did a wonderful job for all of us...thank you Frances.
I can only get better...fingers crossed..lol.

2ne said... 53

This was great. I have done my January challenge and it will be a lot fun to get better in this :-) It is soooooo much fun. Thank you

Debi R said... 54

I posted my picture on the Flickr page, and blogged about it. What else do I need to do, what is a linky? Thanks.


Sue in Belton TX said... 55

I have posted a picture of my January challenge. I so need to improve my skill level. Thanks for this opportunity to do so. I'm using a light tan thread on white fabric, but I'm trying to get my courage up to use brighter thread colors!

AnnieBikes said... 56

Thanks so much for the challenge. It has really got me practicing and I feel like I am doing better!

Sue Halter said... 57

I set up a Blog after I posted & linked the photo to my Picasa Website. Is there any way to change the linky? Or do I wait until next month and we will have another linky list to use?

Also, I never saw an answer as to how to get the FMQ Challenge picture on a blog. I'm a total novice to blogging....TIA!!

Jan Alexander said... 58

Wow, I think I've done it.... not just the FMQ exercise, but the Linky thing too! Great tutorial from Frances, a really good challenge to start with, looking forward to the next one.

sewmuchfun said... 59

My January challenge was an exercise in learning this pattern. picture posted on my blog.

Dea said... 60

Just linked up my results for January. I loved the tutorial and the leaf motive! So much fun to FMQ! Thanks!

Elaine said... 61

I have some experience, but I hope this new 'discipline' will keep me practicing more regularly. My link, unfortunately, shows 'Page Not Found,' but the blog entry IS there--Monday January 30th-- entitled 'What to do, what to do?' If one just goes to the blog, it's hard to miss!

Marina_msk said... 62

Just Add my self with a link to the list of participants! Wish everyone luck to get as much pleasure in running this quilt challenge!!!

Anonymous said... 63

Wonderful to see so many entries! This will be a fun year.

NotTheNorm said... 64

Is there a way to see if I've already "taken the pledge?" I think I did a month or more ago, but I may have put it off until "later." Now I can't remember if I did or not!

NotTheNorm said... 65

Is there a way to see if I've already "taken the pledge?" I think I did a month or more ago, but I may have put it off until "later." Now I can't remember if I did or not!

Josie McRazie said... 66

You know, I was sure I had linked my post up, but I do not see it up there now??? Is it just me?? Grrr sometimes I think Blogger is not my friend! LOL Well I did it and I blogged about it on the 15th here http://jocrazymama.blogspot.com/2012/01/fmq-challenge-jan.html I don't know what happened to my little linky guy! I can't wait to start Feb, on my new machine!! Thanks again!!

Mare said... 67

Am so enjoying this challenge and getting better every day and also learning about computer skills such as linking and creating a blog...so good for my brain.
Thank you Francis.

Fran Wiest said... 68

I am too late for the January prizes but I did complete the tutorial and here is my link

Anonymous said... 69

Looks like this 'collection' is closed. Where do we post our February Feathers? Thanks.