I had so hoped to show you the Halloween Quilt that I've been working on, complete with
AccuQuilt cats & bats, along with free-motion quilted spider webs, pumpkins and other interesting designs. But, something very wicked happened yesterday.

The very bad Computer Witch put a spell on my computer. No blue screen of death, just a complete black screen.

So, I hope you understand why I'm hiding out for awhile. The good news is I have my computerized sewing machine with me, plenty of UFO projects, etc., so I have some fun things to do even though I can't share insights with you. I'm not sure when it will be safe to post (able to post). But, as I do have some fun insights to share, I hope it is soon.
In the meantime, you may want to check out the page on my blog labeled "Free-Motion Quilt Challenge" as it will give you a sneak peak on something I've been working on.
I do hope you have a Spooktacular Halloween. Just be sure to remember to back up your computer, should any goblins or bad witches want to zap it.
And, remember, if you don't hear from me for awhile I'm still in hiding from the bad Computer Witch (or out shopping for a new computer).
UPDATE: The PC Medical Examiner decided a death certificate was not appropriate for my computer. A PC doctor was able to get my PC back in good health. I'm definitely going to do a backup this evening!
UPDATE #2 - EMTS were called later this evening. Hopefully tomorrow we'll have a better diagnosis for Mr. Red computer. In the meantime, I'm back in the ranks of borrowing a computer when one becomes available for loan. {not fun}.
I hope you recover your computer and we'll see your work.See the musical "Wicked" spell may be gone from your laptop!)
That last photo would make a fabulous photo quilt. Of great another idea rolling around in my brain!! But it really would, wouldn't it? Hope your computer gets well soon!
Happy Halloween to you, too! Maybe you can find a house to drop on your bad Computer Witch! :)
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