When I was a small child we lived near street that was officially called Candy Cane Lane. Every holiday our family and friends would have a night where we would go door-to-door and sing Christmas Carols. I enjoyed these fun nights and remember the crisp air, where we would frequently drink hot coca or hot apple cider to keep warm. But my real highlight was seeing all the beautiful Christmas lights on Candy Cane Lane.

Funny how childhood memories can feel like they were yesterday, when something modern happens. I feel that way with the Beam N Read Lights.
The Beam N Read Lights are very bright and very handy for quilting,sewing and embroidery enthusiasts. They travel well, they are versatile in that they are great for helping provide great lighting for various hobbies, reading books and more. I actually think that it would be fun to see a candy cane lane made out of Beam N Read lights! Ok, that might be silly, but a Beam N Read light would certainly make an excellent Christmas Gift. Ok, you may not be thinking about the upcoming holidays, but did you realize how quickly Christmas will be here?
Beam N Read wants to help you get ready for Christmas. So, they've created a very fun Pre-Holiday Gift Giveaway campaign. And, SewCalGal was one of the blogs asked to participate. Which means, you have a chance to win a Beam N Read. You could win and give this Beam N Read away as a Christmas gift, or keep it and no one will ever think of you as the Christmas Grinch either!

To enter to win the Beam N Read offered on SewCalGal, all you need to do is leave a comment and tell me anything you want about Christmas. And, as Bob from Beam N Read offered this giveaway to SewCalGal's readers, if you are a follower, feel free to leave an extra comment for an extra entry, if you want to do so.
The deadline of this giveaway is November 7th. I'll announce the winner on this page on November 8th, as well as send the winner an email to let them know.
And, I hope you'll also visit other blogs that are participating in the Beam N Read Pre-Holiday Gift Giveaway. Here is the list of participating blogs and timeframes:
Nov 1 to Nov 7 - SewCalGal
Nov 21 to Nov 30 - Sew I Quilt
For more information on Beam N Read lights, visit ReadingLight.com. And, if you are looking for places to purchase this handy light you can order it via their site, as well as from Kelly of "I Have a Notion",
Oh, one last requirement to be officially entered in this giveaway. You need to ensure I have a way to contact you. If your settings do not allow me to reply to contact you, consider leaving your email address embedded in your comment. Remember if you can't be contacted I can't reach you to tell you you won. You'd also be called, what many bloggers label a "no-reply blogger" as that is how your comments appear in our email. Another tip, is if you do not hear back from me, after you leave a comment, there is a very good chance your settings are not set to allow me to reply.
I can't believe Christmas will be here in less than two months. I'm not ready!!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway :)
I am a faithful follower of your wonderful blog :)
Is it really only 60 days away? I love Christmas and try very hard to keep the true meaning in our Christmas. I also love the times spent with family and friends. Thanks!
I am a follower but for some reason Google won't let me comment using my google account.
I love singing in the choir at our midnight Christmas Eve service. It is that magical, wonderful time when suddenly it is Christmas and we sing Joy to the World that fills my heart.
I am now an official follower.
I am not sure I like that little countdown thing. lol It is coming too fast.
I try to take one day at a time but when it comes to Christmas you definitely have to think ahead to be prepared. Now that my kids are adults Christmas is different but still I love being all together.
I'd love to win one of these lights. I saw Kelly's review of it a while back and loved it.
Thanks for the chance.
Definitely one of your faithful followers. Thanks, for all you do in blogland.
oops.....forgot to tell you something about Christmas and don't want to be disqualified for not doing that.
After our kids were in bed waiting for Santa, my husband would go outside, throw some rocks on the roof, and shake some jingle bells...so the kids would go to sleep right away...fun memories.
Christmas and cookie baking and a batch of fudge. I'm anxious to see the Beam and Read. I've read all the positive reviews.
I'm a new follower.
Thank you for the chance to win a Beam 'N Read. The best part of Christmas is all of the beautiful decorations and lights.
I am a follower via E-mail.
These look like such cool lights so I'd love to have one!!
Christmas when I was a teenager included going around the neighborhood, singing carols at people's front doors. It was such a lovely evening both for the singers and for the home owners who we met along the way.
Putting the cheesy lantern lights on the tree - mom would only let them go on the part of three no one saw, but I knew they were there!
There are so many times when a little light would come in handy. We have been losing power here more frequently than usual with the East coast storms so this light would be wonderful.
Looking forward to standing rib roast and Yorkshire pudding for Christmas Dinner this year! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I could sure use a light like that. My mom could use it when she visits. She says I just don't have enough light for her do her crocheting.
Christmas is a time of relaxing and having xmas pudding, mmm love it.
thanks for the giveaway, I follow you.
I look forward to baking Christmas cookies with my grandkids. They are always excited to come and make, eat and take home their very own cookies. This light would be wonderful to have
to sew quilts with. Thanks for the giveaway.
I remember having a silver metal Christmas tree with a multicolored light that shined on it. I tried to talk my husband into getting one and he looked at me like I was crazy. What was up with that? I would love the beam and read light. Thanks
I love Christmas...I love everything about it, especially making presents for those I love. It's so funny...when I was young, I didn't like getting handmade presents at all. Now they're my FAVORITE! Funny how life changes as we grow up.
I'm a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.
I used to bake a lot of cookies at Christmas. They were my main gifts to co-workers. Well, one year I decided to make all the dough ahead of time & then do a marathon baking session the weekend before Christmas. While baking the first batch, the bottom unit in the stove broke & because it was old, it was going to take a couple of weeks to get a replacement part (we were renting at the time). I ended up baking all those 100s of cookies in a toaster oven - 6 cookies at a time. I still like to bake at Christmas inspite of that. Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm a follower. Thanks for the giveaway chance.
Christmas will be great this year as have 3 grandnieces that will be celebrating for the first time (all under one). I'm excited at seeing their eyes sparkle when they see the tree lights and all the activities of the family. Thanks for the beam-n-sew (my name) as this light will make my eyes sparkle and see to sew should I have the good fortune of winning.
Christmas just makes me feel warm and fuzzy! And baking and planning is just a small part of getting that feeling! Thansk for the giveaway!
Would love a Beam n Read! Candy Cane Lane is just tooo cool. Growing up, we always went out into the timber to cut our own Cedar tree. Invariably, the tree that looked so small outside nearly filled half of the dining room and barely fit in the front door!!
You said that Bob from Beam N Read offered this giveaway to SewCalGal's readers so...I am now following your blog. We have our Christmas early - the second weekend in December. I am getting stressed out already!
I love so much about Christmas, but it's not the expense. The music, the lights, the decorations, the food, and the quilts! Thanks for a great giveaway...Kd ~ www.KdQuilts.com
I am a follower of the SewCalGal blog (WeimerMom). :) Kd ~ www.KdQuilts.com
The Christmas items are starting to appear in the shops. This light would be so useful while I am wrapping up those presents late on Christmas Eve. Thanks for the chance to win.
happy days.
I follow your blog via the email postings.
Happy days.
My favorite thing about Christmas is getting the tree decorated and having snow outside. And then sitting in my living room late at night with the lights off and just the tree lights on. It is so cozy and comfy. Thanks for the chance to win a Beam and Read - I would love one of these! I might even have to turn that on while I"m sitting by the tree!
I am a follower of your blog! And I love it!
love Christmas. We spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day with my son, our grandson and our new DIL. Then we head for Florida for the remainder of the winter. Oh yes, I love Christmas For Christmas this year I want a pretty piece of jewlery and a new sewing machine.
I went over and told Bob hello. and I am a follower of your blog my dear. Did you go to Market? I haven't been able to keep up with who did or did not :(
I am a follower.and beside quilting I love reading.
One of my favorite things to do at Christmas......Was go to my Aunts house my Aunt lived on a street that every house decorated. And when you bought a house on that street you had to sign a contract that you would decorate. And then from December 10-25 you had cars driving down the street all night long. It was so fun to watch the people walking and looking at all the lights.
I have been looking at that light and thinking about getting one - but there was always something else to be had. For Christmas I keep telling my husband that I want a big sparklie and he keeps telling me I have the only one he will ever buy but he will buuy me anything to go in the sewing room - go figure
Don't hate me, but...I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping! This would make a great stocking stuffer for my Husband to give me! Thanks for the chance.
I'd love to have this to give to my mom. She definitely needs a little extra lighting when working on quilts and when trying to thread her needles.
Great giveaway! My 10 year old daughter would love this for reading in bed!
I usually put up 15 Christmas trees each year (one in each room, some rooms more than one). And if you think that's crazy...I know people who put up 3 times that, and started putting their trees up in August. Me...I'd rather be quilting!
And I'm a follower. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I decided this Christmas not to hint at what I wanted, I came right out and told DH that I wanted EQ7.. think I might get lucky?? Sure do hope so.
I'm a happy follower of your blog!
My biggest Christmas wish is that my son's heart would be changed, and he would want to reunite with the rest of our family. What a joy that would be!
I'd love to win this cuz my eyes aren't what they used to be when I was younger. I need all the help I can get - so yes, this baby would definitely be welcome in my home.
Christmas?? Wow, hard to believe it's almost here. I'm just hoping for good health to come my way (as well as good health for a few friends also).
I'm following you...if you can't see me, I must be at the end of the line. Or maybe I'm shorter than the others.
I am a follower! Thanks for the chance - this would come in very handy!
The only thing that I have to say about Christmas is that if I don't get myself organized making gifts soon... I'll be in panic mode!! Yikes!
I try to avoid all the Christmas hype but I do love the tradtions of the tree, homemade gifts, card giving & getting, cookie making & especially the peaceful feeling Christmas Eve & Day bring (especially if there is fresh snowfall).
I do follow Sew Cal Gal & want to say thanks for the chance to win a Beam N Read. And thank Bob too!
I am a bit of a Christmas grinch and love to get away without having a tree, however my s-i-l is coming for Christmas this year and I will have to have a tree. She is the original Christmas enthusiast!
And yes I am a follower. Thanks for a chance to win.
I love xmas as it is when all the family and relies come together for lots of fun,thankyou for a chance to win this lovely prize.
I'm a follower, always enjoy your blog. Great giveaway!
Would love to win one of these great lights! I enjoy making new place mats, runners and things for Christmas and then giving them away.
I love Christmas lights! It's so much fun to drive around after dark and see all the beautiful houses.
Thanks for such a great giveaway. I love the fact that our family gets together at Christmas and I am able to spend lots of time with our grandchildren.
I just found your blog and am a new follower. Would love to be entered in your giveaway.
I want (would love) the weather to be slightly cooler than normal, no broken bones, and a long long day...it always goes so fast!!
Thank you for the giveaway
Christmas, I love what Christmas does to people's hearts...it brings out the good. The kindness, caring, generousity, even benevolence is brought out and held up to the light and it is worthy of examination...which leads me to the beam and light...I didn't start out to say that for this reason but it just so happens to be true, it is Christmas all year round with this kind of sharing and caring in the quilting community...thanks for holding this giveaway and thanks to the nice people at ReadingLight.com.
Well what I love the most about Christmas is that all of my immediate family get together every year to celebrate. We don't see each other nearly enough the rest of the year. And my 3 sisters and I have had this tradition for years...we each give the others "sister" gifts. My lone brother hates it and feels so left out but he can never understand the bond between sisters.
And I will add that I am a follower now.
i love most about Christmas is spending special time with my family and being thankful for the birth of Jesus and to remind people to be true to themselves and others especially at this holy time. thank you for entering us all in your giveaway
I am looking forward to putting up the Christmas tree this year - we bought a pre-lit tree in the after-Christmas sales last year. I used to spend a couple hours getting our old tree lit just right. Hopefully this year will be much easier!
I am a follower!
My favorite part about Christmas is the Christmas Eve service at church. I also love all the beautiful decorations everywhere - it's always so festive.
I am a follower of your blog. Thanks for a chance at this wonderful light.
I love to decorate my house for Christmas and have the smells of cookies baking in the house.
Thanks so much for the chance to win this great light, it looks so handy!
Happy Sewing
I'm a happy follower......
Happy Sewing and thanks for the chance to win.
I'm with the others...wanting Christmas, but nowhere NEAR ready for it. With six kids, I have tons of ideas for things I'd like to do...but with a full time job, I rarely actually act on them :( Thanks for the great giveaway chance!
Thank you for this giveaway, I remember playing my records on my stereo (that goes back a couple of years).
What I love about Christmas is the whole family getting together, even those who we don't get to see often.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow via GFC,
Jan Messali
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com
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