> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Winners of the Pets on Quilts Show

The 2011 Pets on Quilts Show is officially over, but you can still view all the entries at your liesure.
There were 109 entries this year (66 entries in the 2010 Pets on Quilts Show).  And, we had  5,000+ visitors to the show this year!

I want to recognize and thank all of the sponsors for this show and I hope you will also thank them and support them too, when you have the opportunity.  They've been very generous donating wonderful prizes.
Thank you to everyone that entered this show.  You are all truly winners and the show wouldn't have happened without you entering!  We had a large variety of entries from dogs, cats, fish, birds, llama, EQ designs, and art quilts and everyone was delightful.  But, for added fun, like many shows, we have the Winners of the Viewer Choice Awards, which were based on nominations of viewers.  They are:

Other winners were randomly drawn based on a number of categories (e.g. PR Angels,  those that entered the show, those that came to the show to have fun and view the show, those that took time to view all the entries and leave a comment on the post of the entry, those that voted for Best of Show, Best of show winners, etc.).  And, as there were a few winners of last year's show where a particular sponsor never did ship the prize, when those winners came back to participate in this show, they were automatically given a prize.    Once all the names were identified for the 26 prizes, I did my best to match winners up with the prizes that some of you expressed an interest in.

Congratulations to all of the lucky winners!  I'm sending out emails to all of them today, to let them know and confirm they want to claim their prize.  If they do not claim their prize within 3 days I will draw another winner. 
Sponsor Prize(s)

Prize #1
One very lucky winner will receive a $150 gift certificate to the Fat Quarter Shop

winner: Hand Wash Only

Prize #2
One lucky winner is going to have fun making a cute quilt with this very cute Muchas Poochas quilt pattern, from Java House Quilts. To clarify, this prize is a full pattern set for the Muchas Poochas BOM.

winner:  Stormy Days

Prize #3
One lucky winner will receive a beautiful stitchery "kit", created special for this winner.  This special prize will  include a hoop, embroidery needles, floss kit, fusible interfacing, and The Rasberry Rabbits new Christmas pattern called "Birds on my Berry Tree's"

  Winner: KdQuilts

Prize #4
One lucky winner will receive a kit to make this cute "Sienna" bag:

Prize #5
One lucky winner will receive a Kona Fat Quarter Set, 7 spools of Presencia Perle Finca Thread and one yard of Marcus Super Softly Flannel to use for their embroidery stabilizer. 
winner: What a Hoot

Prize #6

One lucky winner will receive a $75 gift certificate to The Quilted Kitty.

Winner: Seriously..I think it needs stitches

Prize #7
One lucky winner will receive a $100 shopping spree at Fabric.com

Winner:   Bejeweled Quilts by Barb

Two Wacky Women
Prize #8
One lucky winner will receive a Two Wacky Women welcome package (given to all participants at their Award Winning Quilt Retreats).  Package contains fabric and notions.

 winner:  Chris (Cats on my Quilts)

Prize #9
One lucky winner will receive a fat quarter bundle of the new Sapphire Collection by Skipping Stones Studios from Clothworks.

Winner:  Happy Cottage Quilter

Prize #10
One lucky winner will receive the book "Snuggle and Learn Quilts for Kids" by Chris Kirsch, a pattern called "Whiskers" by the Ginger Cookie Company (It has cats on it) and a charm pack, called Grand Finale from Moda

Winner: Jo's Country Junction

Prize #11
One lucky winner will receive a Little Windows brilliant resin  photo jewelry starter kits (retail $48). Photobucket

Winner: Vroomans Quilts

Prize #12, 13, 14
Three lucky winners will receive a 2012 Pets on Quilts Calendar (12" x12" wall calendar), estimated value $25 each

winner #12: tpott
winner #13: Apple Avenue Quilts
winner #14: My Life in Quilts

Seven lucky winners will receive a copy of one of the following books:

Prize #15 - Strip-Smart
winner: Joy
Prize #16 - Stash Magic

Prize #17 - Fancy to Frugal

 winner:  Chatterbox Quilts
Prize #18 - Heartfelt Giving
winner: Nanbon's Corner
Prize #19 - CopyCat Quilts
winner: TBD

Prize #20 - Sunbonnet Sue and Scottie at Play

 winner: TBD

Prize #21 - Out of the Box with easy Blocks

Prize #22
One lucky winner will receive:
A Sulky kit that contains:  A concepts in Sulky Book, a randomly selected solid color sample spool of Sulky's NEW 60wt. PolyLite Thread, a randomly selected multi color sample spool of 60wt. PolyLite, a randomly selected color of Sulky 30wt. Cotton Blendables, a 1yd package of the NEW Sulky Soft 'n Sheer Extra, a package of 12 precut sheets of the NEW Printable Sticky Fabri-Solvy, and a Sulky Iron-On Transfer Pen, with a Total Retail Value of $40.92.

winner: A Creative K

Prize #23 and #24
Two lucky winners will receive:
one(1)  e:patterns from  Patterns to Quilt. 

winner #23: Legarthiclass

winner #24: TBD

Prize #25
One lucky winner will receive a Wonderfil Thread pack of 7 InvisaFil threads Bold-n-Bright donated by I Have A Notion.
winner:  Southern Style

Prize #26
One very lucky winner is going to win a beautiful handmade necklace (design of their choice from current selection ) from "1 Stitch Off", which makes jewelry handstamped with mixed metals embellished with charms, crystals and vintage beads.  They also specialize in personalized ordres.  Email One Stitch off for special orders.  They also specialize in necklaces for Quilters and have also created some necklaces with blog names.

winner:  And Sew On

 I hope you will come back and participate in the 2012 Pets on Quilts Show, or come back and have fun viewing the entries. 
Please remember that there are pets living in shelters that need good homes.  If you have room in your heart and home, I hope you'll consider adopting one.  You may also want to consider making a quilted pet bed, or quilt, for an animal living in a shelter to have a cozy home.  But do check with your local shelter to see if they have any special bedding requirements before you do sew.


Jean(ie) said... 1

yay to the winners!!!!!!!!

Jocelyn said... 2

Oh my goodness Darlene, I won!!!! WOW!!! Thanks to all who voted for my little golden babies :-)

Jan said... 3

Congratulations to all the winners, and congratulations to you, Darlene, for hosting this great event.

Kelli Fannin Quilts said... 4

I won one of the prizes!! I can't believe it! :) You have made my day. Thanks for hosting this, it was so much fun seeing everyone's pictures and quilts. I will look for your email later today. Thank you, thank you! :)

Dana Gaffney said... 5

Darlene, time for the standing ovation. Bravo. I think we all had a great time, I know I did and I know it has to be so much work for you. Thank you for all of it. Well done.

Michelle said... 6

Congrats to all the winners!

Darlene - thank you for hosting such a fun event!

Belinda said... 7

Oh you lucky girls!! Congratulations to everyone!

Miss Hillbilly said... 8

Thank you to Martingale publishing for my win! And HUGE thanks to Darlene for all the work that went into another event. You really work hard and we very much appreciate it!!

Libby said... 9

WOW!! WOW!!!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! I have never ever ever won anything!!! I am screaming!! This was SOOO much fun even before I won!!! I loved all the pics and everyone was SO nice!! This is the best day ever!!! Thank You so much for hosting this!!!

Libby said... 10

Oh Yes!! I am so excitied!! Thank You to The Fat Quarter Shop!! I LOVE Kimberly and all the folks there!! and DARLENE, THANK YOU!!!

Snoodles said... 11

Congratulations to all of the winners! This really WAS fun! Thank you Darlene for organizing this....can't wait till next year!

Yumm yumz by patticakes said... 12

Thank you for hosting and moderating this fun, fun, fun show! I loved seeing pictures and reading the stories of everybody's babies!
I hope you will make the calendars available to the General Blogging Public - I would love one!

Vroomans' Quilts said... 13

Thank you Darlene for hosting such a fun event - look at those numbers!! Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to all the sponsors.

Joanna said... 14

I won a book - that's great. Congratulations to the other winners. Thank you, Darlene, for arranging this event. You really are a wonderful organizer and host.

paulette said... 15

Thanks so much, Darlene!! Great job...as usual!!.. and a wonderful show!! Also three cheers to the Sponsors!! Some lovely things were donated which of course added to the fun!! Well done!!
Take care...now rest!

Joy said... 16

Squeal!!! I won a book that I have been eyeing for quite a while! Thank you so much for both the opportunity to win, and for all the enjoyment I had looking at the different entries, etc. Such a fun time! (I am going to make some blankies for a rescue - I think that is an awesome idea and I will talk with a local rescue group that I see at our Petco on the weekends, they probably would LOVE to have them!) Thank you again!!
(joybmts (at) yahoo dot com)

Jen said... 17

Congrats winners!! Thanks so much Darlene. I had such a great time checking out all these cute pets on quilts.

Becky said... 18

Congrats to the winners! Thanks, Darlene for a wonderful quilt show!!!!

Jan said... 19

I'm happy for all the winners, all well deserved. Thanks for hosting and putting on this contest, I had a lot of fun entering and then viewing all the other entries. Communicating with some of the other folks was fun. well done everyone!

Linda said... 20

Congratulations to all the winners!

andsewon said... 21

Oh my goodness I won the necklace!!!!!! Thanks so much Darlene for hosting such a fun event!! All the sponsors were terrific as well!
I so enjoyed see all the cute pets and pretty quilts to boot!!
Thanks for all you hard work hosting all the quilt shows!!!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said... 22

Congratulations to all of the winners! Thank you for hosting this fun event - I'm already looking forward to next year!!

marina said... 23

well done to the winners! It was great fun to participate. Thanks for organising it, it must have been huge!

Anonymous said... 24

Such lovely prizes...congrats to all the winners and Thanks SewCalGal for the fun Quilt Show :)


Gene Black said... 25

Congrats to the winners and to you for a very successful online quilt show.

Marcia - Crafty Sewing and Quilting said... 26

Congrats to all the winners! What a fantastic event! I entered too and was able to visit several of the blogs! Wonderful dogs, cats, and quilts and other animals! This was my first year and Tonya from Hillybilly Handiworks shared the information with me! I am so thankful she did. Thanks again Darlene and thanks to all the wonderful sponsors!

Jennifer said... 27

Congrats to the winners! What a fun show. :)

Thearica said... 28

Thank you to Sherrod Studio for my gift! It is always nice to see merchants giving back to the quilting community! :)

Maria Wallin said... 29

Major congrats to all the winners!

And thank you so very much for hosting this super fun show! =)

elizabeth said... 30

It was a fun quilt show!