Some special people I know are dealing with the loss of a loved one.

Some are dealing with family members, or even their own medical issues.

Some are going thru menopause.
And some have moved, or are moving to new areas where they've yet made new friends.
Please consider this my hug to you.
Hugs, big hugs,

Thanks, we can never get too many hugs. Hugs, right back to you!
Everyone should get a hug everyday. Big hugs for you too!
Thank you...I needed one today. Hugs to you.
thanks for the hugs! Here's a HUG back!
Thanks Darlene! Just what I needed - hugs right back at ya!
Thank you so much, I'm taking it, I'm needing lots of them now..., hugs back at you!!!
Awe....Thanks Girlfriend :) That was so needed!
Can't give a hug without receiving one too.
I can never receive too many hugs. Thank you!! And a big hug right back to you for thinking of all of us today!
You are right, and it's very sweet of you. Lots of people need to be thought of and given a mental hug, if not physical. And I feel much better, too. Thank you.
HUGS coming right back to you, Darlene.
BIGG hugs.
Ahhhhhh now that is just what I needed....ahhh back rubs too..do you do that? lol
No really, what a lovely gesture...let's go viral..
You are so sweet! Everyone needs a hug every now and then. Here's a hug for you too!
Thank you, I am giving you a hug back.
Thanks for the hugs, we can always use a big hug from someone. Now hugs and blessings to you.Sandra
Sending one right back to you! Hugs welcome here today. I'm doing what I can to help hubby get over pneumonia. He is doing better but resisted 4 days before I forced him to Urgent Care on Sat a.m.
Hugs back at'cha!
Thanks Darlene!! I needed that!! Right back at you!
Thanks Darlene. A hug is always welcome, especially from a friend ;-D
After my last night and today
I'll take that hug and put it to good use!
Thank you very sweet lady ... and may your hug be returned a hundred fold! Blessings to you!
Thanks so much! I also Hug you back!
I'm sending one right back to you. I guess I needed one since you brought tears to eyes. Enjoy your day.
Thankjs for the hug. A big hug to you too, Darlene.
OH! Great big hugs back to you.
I just love the song in that video.
I am doubly blessed to receive this hug from you, my dear! Many hugs in return,
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