> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Frances Moore Free-Motion Quilting Retreat, with Two Wacky Women

While I recently shared insights on quilt retreats with Two Wacky Women, I haven't had time to share insights with you on Frances Moore that teaches a 3-day free-motion quilting retreat, as one of the many wonderful retreats offered by Two Wacky Woman.  So, today I'm focusing on sharing insights about Frances, including a few photos of some of her beautiful samples and exercises.
This past year I've been doodling (aka FMQ on paper or digitally), reading FMQ books, watching FMQ videos, and trying to take as many FMQ classes as I possibly can.  My goal was to improve my FMQ skills, and see if it is realistic to significantly improve yours skills in a year of focusing on FMQ.  I must confess, I had not heard of Frances Moore until Marilyn & Robin, of Two Wacky Woman, recommended to me to attend their FMQ retreat with Frances.  So, in pursuit of my goals for the year I signed up. 

I found Frances to be an excellent teacher, knowledgeable, organized, cheerful and very helpful.  She truly did a great job to ensure every student learn the art of free-motion quilting, inspire them to practice and build on their skills, while also helping to make the learning experience fun and encouraging. 
She shared oodles of tips from needle selection, thread tension, thread selection, choosing free-motion quilting (FMQ) designs for your quilt, creating quilting designs, to batting selection, fabric marking, threadplay and much, much more.
I particularly enjoyed hearing tips from Frances on how to FMQ large quilts on home machines.  And, I found the 3 day retreat to provide appropriate time to really practice, with a variety of free-motion quilting designs that Frances walked us thru on paper, and then demonstrated on a machine, before we took time to practice each design.  It was also inspirational to see the gallery of her quilts and hear her insights on how she selected designs and quilted them.  Her insights on troubleshooting was also very helpful.
And there was plenty of fun and great humor.  I learned that it is "illegal to machine quilt and text at the same time".  There were also many other wonderful insights, but you really just need to to take one of her classes to see for yourself.  I know you'll enjoy it too!
You can sign up to attend future retreat with Frances on  Free-Motion Quilting by contacting Two Wacky Women directly.  Frances is also available for guilds, private classes, and other retreats, workshops, or classes and I'm including her contact info, should you want to contact her or recommend her to your guild or local quilt shop. 

I highly recommend Frances Moore to anyone wanting to learn or improve on their FMQ skills.  

Contact info:

Frances Moore
email:  frantasticquilts@sbcglobal.net

Two Wacky Women


Sunnybec said... 1

I so wish I could join one of the classes, I really want to be able to FMQ - I love the leaves with all the different designs. Unfortunately France is too far away otherwise I would be the first to sign up. Mmmmm wonder if she fancies a trip to France for some private lessons......Linda

SewLindaAnn said... 2

I love, love, love those leaves.Totally fun. Looks like a fun workshop, I'm always inpsired by people that go out of the box and explore. I've been trying to learn at home with Leah Day's "365 FMQ" blog DVD's that I bought, she's really good too.

suemac said... 3

Wow. You really went for three days of free motion quilting. Maybe that is what I need to get me over the hump. I have so many pieced tops and have not quilted one of them.

WoolenSails said... 4

That looks like such a fun class to take. I need to practice more myself, but would like to learn some basics to improve on my skills, but too far away for me.


Barb said... 5

Your free motion is awesome!!!!

Quilthaze said... 6

Sounds like you had fun! I love the FMQ designs especially those leaves - I'll have to try them.

Kim said... 7

How fun! I wish they were in my area!
Looks like they set your spirit FREE.

Happy sewing

Terri Stegmiller said... 8

Those free-motion designs look great.