> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Virtual Christmas Quilt Show

There are so many talented people with beautiful Christmas Projects.  I'd love to be able to collect them in a way to allow easy viewing for everyone to enjoy, plus create some holiday fun.

SewCalGal will be collecting prizes for which those that enter this Show will have a chance to win.

If you wish to become a sponsor and donate a prize(s), please email me.  I will be updating this post with sponsor info, as appropriate.  I will also be posting "Special Announcements" providing visibility on these sponsors via my other blog where I share insights on contests, giveaways & special announcements: http://sewcalgalcontestinfo.blogspot.com/   

Prizes include:

1) Collection of items, including four (4) yards of fabric from SewCalGal.

2) A collection of five (5) patterns from Prairie Moon Quilts, all from their Cowboy Christmas Stocking collection.

3)  A beautful "limited edition" Mermaid panel from BBS Quilt Designs.

4)  Five (5) beautiful fat quarters of fabric, donated by Cindy Carlson, from SewCindy.  (Home of the "One Day"). Cindy recently purchased these fabrics at the Sedona Quilt Shop and she is kindly donating them for prizes in this event. 

5)  Five 128MB USB Memory Stick Flash Thumb Drives from ALLBRANDS.com.

6)  An Odyssea Fat Quarter Bundle of Momo for Moda Fabrics from FatQuarterShop.com.  This bundle of beautiful fabrics includes 30 fat quarters!

7)  An autographed copy of "Layer Em Up 2". This delightful book is the second in the Cozy Quilt Designs series by Sharyn Craig, donated by Cozy Quilt Shop.   And, Cozy Quilt Shop is also donating a pack of pre-cut 8” squares.

8)  Ten (10) spools of Isacord 1000m Polyester Thread, donated by I Have A Notion (IHAN).  This thread has a retail value of $59.  This is a fantastic thread for those that like to Machine Embroider, and many quilters also like to use it for machine quilting!

9) A Creative Cut Ruler, with instructional DVD, donated by JuneTailor.

10) Book "Sizzling Circles", by Lacey Hill, published by Nancy Dill, QuiltWoman.com and the companion "Circles and More Ruler", donated by Lacey Hill.

11)  "Eggplant Purr-mesan Wallhanging Kit", by Garden Patch Cats, donated by Alderwood Quilts

12)    Quiltmaker Volume 7 software, donated by The Electric Quilt Company.

13)   Nature-Fil Bamboo batting  (90” x 108”), donated by Fairfield.

14)  "Mix & Match for Christmas" pattern sets have been provided in electronic format (pdf) for two different winners, by Nina Lise of Mrs. Moen.  This pattern set includes six (6) beautiful applique designs and five (5) projects where you can mix & match the applique designs to create beautiful table runners, wallhangings and pillows.

15) Fabric.com is donating a $25 gift certificate which can be used at their delightful online store to buy great quilting fabric, home decor fabric, apparel & fashion fabric, or notions & patterns. Fabric.com has something for everyone!

16)  YouCanMakeThis.com is donating two electronic (pdf) copies of this cute "Believe" pillow pattern for two winners.

17)  QuiltingArts has donated a bundle of items including QuiltingArts 2010 Calendar (2 copies), a copy of Quilt Scene, a copy of Quilting Arts Magazine Holiday Issue,  a copy of Quilting Arts Magazine December 2009/January 2010 Issue #42, a copy of Cloth Paper Scissors Studio Winter 2009/2010 special issue!

This Show will close on December 25th, and a winner will be selected.  We may also have more winners, if more sponsors donate prizes.  Winner(s) will be selected using a random number generator.

Here is what you need to do:

1)  Write a post about your "Christmas" quilt (or quilted item).  This needs to be a new post, on or after December 3rd. It need to include at least one photo of your Christmas Quilt, insights about this Virtual Christmas Quilt Show, and a link back to this post. 

If you do not have a blog to write a post, consider joining Flickr and posting a photo of your quilt on Flickr and adding it to the group "SewCalGal Virtual Christmas Quilt Show".

Quilts can be of any size and need not be finished.  But they must be a "Christmas" quilt.   Posts are also appreciated when they share your insights about the quilt, what you enjoy about the holidays and/or any traditions you enjoy.

2) Once you have completed your post (step 1), come back to this post use Mr. Linky to Insert your name and the url to your post (not a url to your site).

If you do not have a blog to write a post, and you posted a photo of your quilt on Flickr, be sure the link to your photo on Flickr is a valid link.  {but be sure to post comments in Flickr that you are entering your item in the Virtual Quilt Show and include a link back to this post}.

3) Post a comment on this post to let me know you have completed steps 1 & 2 and be sure to provide yor email address, if an email address is not accessible from your site.  If you do not provide a way for me to contact you, you will be disqualified from winning any prizes.

4) And  IF you do not have a Christmas Quilt (or Christmas Quilted item) to enter in this show, you can enter to win prizes by leaving a comment at the bottom of this post.. AND IF you are a follower of this blog, your name will be entered one time  for the drawing on December 25th.

5) For those that enter a Christmas Quilt (or Christmas Quilted item) into this show, their name will be entered FIVE (5) times for drawing on December 25th.  IF you are a follower of this blog and your post which reflects your entry shows that you are entering in the Virtual Christmas Quilt Show and provides a link back to this post!.  Same applies if you post your entry in Flickr (it must provide insights that you are entering it in this show and have a link back to this post).

6) Review all of the quilts shared in this show, leaving a comment at each site to thank them for entering their quilt in this show.  And leave a comment on this site to vote for your favorite quilt (for one point).

Please send me an email if you have any questions about these rules, or how to enter.

There is no judging in this show.  This is truly a virtual Christmas Quilt Show, where SewCalGal hopes you'll share insights about your quilt and what you enjoy about the holiday season and/or traditions you enjoy.

Everyone is welcome to join.

              Virtual Christmas Quilt Show Participants

Click here to see the winners and prizes for this quilt show.


collettakay said... 1

I've completed steps 1 & 2. I look forward to see some beautiful Christmas quilts.


Barb said... 2

I don't have a Christmas quilt....whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Anonymous said... 3

Oh, this is going to be fun!!!!! I will join next week.

Unknown said... 4

Thanks for the invite. Can't wait to see all the Christmas creations!

Anonymous said... 5

Thank you for letting me enter your Virtual Christmas Quilt Show. I've completed the 2 first steps and hope there will be many more Christmas quilts to discover.

Anonymous said... 6

I think I've done everything I needed to do. Let me know if there is something I missed. Can't wait to see all the Christmas quilts!

Four O'Clock Quilt Company said... 7

I left my link to my post, hope to see some great quilts here!

Cleary (Cie) said... 8

I posted my link to my post. Thanks for letting me know about this.
Happy Holidays,

Lisa said... 9

Hi there, I have done my post...I have completed the first two steps...Im looking forward to checking out all the quilts. Thanks for stopping my my blog... Hugs Lisa

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said... 10

Hi! I have done my post, and added it to your MrLinky. Looking forward to be a part of your show!
Nina Lise

Cindy said... 11

I just added my post to Mr. Linky and finished Steps one and two. Thank you SewGalGal for sponsoring this fun event.

I have emailed you personally with a donation for a prize.

Anonymous said... 12

Thanks for hosting this fun event! Thank you for the giveaway as well.

Anonymous said... 13

Thank you so much for the invitation! I did step 1 and 2. A brazilian Happy Holidays wishes to you! mmdaju@yahoo.com.br

Michelle said... 14

Ok, I have posted about the cool Christmas Quilt Show & have done the Mr. Linky thing. Thanks for hosting! Merry Christmas!

Jan Hatchett said... 15

Thanks for hosting this virtual quilt show! I have never done anything like this before, but I have entered two items. I put an incorrect link in #16 but corrected it later on.

I have completed all of the steps and look forward to seeing everyone's beautiful work.


Lori said... 16

I'm in! I htink I did everything I was supposed to:)

Lollydo said... 17

Okay, I finally got it together long enough to enter this wonderful quilt show! Can't wait for the quiet of Saturday morning and a cup of hot coffee to view all the entries!

Kaye Prince said... 18

Very neat! I wish I had a Christmas quilt to share, but I only started quilting in May/June and haven't gotten that far yet. Good luck to everyone who entered!

Jocelyn said... 19

This is such a fun Virtual Quilt show. Thanks for hosting it. I have written my post, and linked it back here, completed steps 1 & 2. I also follow your blog(s)!

free indeed said... 20

I'm not entering this show this year; maybe I can participate next year. Thanks for hosting this and thanks to the sponsors for their generousity as well!

free indeed said... 21

Oh, I am a follower too....don't know if I needed to add that?

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said... 22

I completed 1 & 2. Woo Hooo.....add my name to that wonderful basket of names :)


Lis Harwood said... 23

I've completed steps one and two and am now off to look at everyone's lovely Christmas quilts. Thanks for organising this and to the sponsors, it's great fun, love following your blog. Happy Christmas one and all, Lis

Donna Keating said... 24

Thanks for inviting me to enter. I posted my infoon my blog and in flickr.com. Both parts are completed.

Julie said... 25

thanks for looking at my blog & XMas quilt. I completed steps 1 & 2. what a fun idea...going to look at all the Christmas quilts now.

Anita in Florida said... 26

I have completed Steps 1 and 2. My quilt is one of my first, back in 1998. It is the only Christmas Quilt I have made.


Anita in Florida said... 27

I have completed steps 1 and 2. It is Santa Thru The Years, made in 1998...one of my firsts.


Anita in Florida said... 28

Ok, I'm now a Follower too. So I must have completed all 5 steps now...whew...


Jeanne Turner McBrayer said... 29

What a fun Christmas idea! I wrote about a family favorite quilt featuring gingerbread houses and gingerbread men. I didn't include in the post that the backing fabric has a recipe for gingerbread. :)

Becky said... 30

Thanks so much for inviting me to participate in your Christmas Quilt Show! I have just linked my blog through Mr. Linky.

I have also become a Follower of your blog. What fun!

Anya said... 31

OK, I've posted my link. This will be fun. Thanks for hosting!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said... 32

I have completed Steps 1 & 2 and am a follower of your blog.

Apple Avenue Quilts said... 33

Thank you for this chance to share my quilts. I have completed steps 1 & 2 as well as become a follower of your blog. I'm looking forward to enjoying the other quilts.

SheilaP52 said... 34

I don't have a Christmas quilt, but I love your blog, and would really really love to win a prize! Sheila. My email:


Millie said... 35

Thank you for having this Virtual Quilt Show...I know I will enjoy all the Christmas quilts.
Merry Christmas!

Mia's Cottage said... 36

hey there... I took your advice and entered your Virtual Quilt show. I did steps 1 and 2, put a link to your blog, I am a follower of it also. Whew''. I think I got it all. LOve your blog too!

West Michigan Quilter said... 37

I have completed steps 1 & 2 and if I'm not a follower of this blog I will become one. I think I follow one of your blogs.

Moneik said... 38

I added my link with the post about my Christmas quilt and am a follower of your blog. Looking forward to winning.

Poppyprint said... 39

Thank you for starting this fun tour! I especially love Christmas quilts and other holiday handmade projects, so I am thrilled to be a part of the tour and to see everyone else's work, too! Come and visit the Cheeky Mice at PoppyprintCreates!

Kelly@ Charming Chatter said... 40

What a fun idea! Thanks so much for hosting this fun Christmas Quilt Show! I've posted on my blog, and used Mr. Linky!

arlette said... 41

I've completed steps 1 & 2, I'm your follower and already linked my quilt!, I love your idea!, thank you for sharing...

KatieQ said... 42

What a wonderful idea! Even though my procrastination kept me from having a project to enter in the virtual show, I love being able to see so many creative quilts. Thank you for this fabulous show. Maybe if I start now, I can be ready for next year.
Happy Holidays to everyone!

sewfunquilts said... 43

I have been a follower of your blog for sometime. I plan to post a quilt soon.

Always Sewing said... 44

I've completed steps 1 & 2. I look forward to see some beautiful Christmas quilts.

Needled Mom said... 45

I have finished steps one and two and have so enjoyed seeing everyones wonderful projects.

Needled Mom said... 46

I am a follower.

Zlaty said... 47

Thank you so much SewCalGal for the great idea and opportunity to join the fun of entering a quilt to a quilt show! I just posted on my blog! So exciting!

Have a happy holidays!


Marge Gordon said... 48

I've added my blog to the list and now am off to view all the others. Thanks for doing this, I love on-line quilt shows!
Delaware Quilts

QuiltSue said... 49

I have completed steps 1 and 2, so please would you enter my name if entries from overseas (UK) are allowed?

Thank you for hosting this. I LOVE christmas quilts.

Anonymous said... 50

I have to say that looking at everyones quilts has been great. I to have added my link to my post. Thanks so much for doing this!

heather said... 51

I added my link. I'm number 56.


Colleen's Blog Long Island NY said... 52

I follow this Blog, but don't have a Christmas quilt to enter in the contest. Colleen

Kelly said... 53

I do not have a Christmas quilt, but plan on making one! (thanks for the invite, I hope I win something!)

Nat Palaskas said... 54

Thanks so much for hosting this fantastic Virtual Christmas Quilts Show. Such a great idea. I just posted it up on my blog - Hugs Natima

Karen S said... 55

This is fun- thanks for doing this. I just posted it on my blog and put in the link.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said... 56

I just finished steps one and two! Thank you for the great show!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said... 57

Oh!~ I am now a follower too~ I love all your Christmas posts! :-)

Bridget B said... 58

I comlpeted step 1 & 2. Am enjoying your virtual quilt show. Thanks

SheilaC said... 59

whew! I think I am entered! I posted about my quilt and signed up on McLinky....

Can't wait to go and see all the other quilts...

Thank you for hosting this fun event!

(PS what if I see another quilt and I really want to vote for it!!? :) )

Astrid said... 60

Hi! Thanks for hosting such a great show! I have completed step 1 and 2. I've had a look at some of the quilts that are entered - GREAT WORK!!!!
Thanks for the comment on my blog!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said... 61

I don't have a christmas quilt - boooo hooo hooo - but I'm working on one - just have to get it to the place where it looks like a quilt - but I'm going to go and look at all the pretty quilts -thanks for the fun.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said... 62

Oh - I discovered that I did have a christmas quilt - I had forgotten about a wallhanging I made - 8 of the same one - so I blogged about it, linked back to your contest and did Mr. Linky. Thanks for the fun.

Quilts And Pieces said... 63

Thanks SoCalGal! Steps 1 and 2 done!

Quilts And Pieces said... 64

This has to be my vote for viewers choice!

Rosa Robichaud said... 65

Good Grief! I thought I still had WEEKS to submit my name to your wonderful contest!!!!

I woke up this morning, and my first thoughts were, "OH MY! It's Christmas Eve!"

Second thoughts, "YIKES! I didn't submit my name nor my quilt to SewCalGal!!!"

Hope this is okay. I'm off to work in a few minutes!


Rosa Robichaud said... 66

Oh.. kaaaay... I forgot to mention that I have your link on MY blog page AND I believe I'm one of your followers and here's my Christmas web link:

Tks, SewCalGal!

Rosa Robichaud

Sipiweske Quilts said... 67

What a wonderful show! So glad to be able to participate - thank you. I've got my quilts posted and linked into MckLinky - all is well! - Marlene

What Comes Next? said... 68

What beautiful projects - thank you everyone for sharing. I've added my Cranberry Salsa wallhanging to the show. Merry Christmas everyone!

What Comes Next? said... 69

I love all the entries, but I just keep returning to Mrs Moen's Urban Christmas - I just love that quilt!

Sarah said... 70

I have posted my Christmas quilt! And I became a follower of your blog. Thanks for doing this - I have enjoyed looking at all the quilts!

the disorganized quilter

SewHip said... 71

christmas quilt? it's still 100 degrees here, but guess the calendar won't wait on the mecury falling. but i don't have a christmas quilt, but i am a follower! hope that counts.


Lynn said... 72

I think I completed steps 1 & 2 correctly.