> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Heavenly Patchwork

Every quilt has a story. From my perspective that story may be about the quilter and what they were thinking about while making the quilt, it may be the story told in the design of the quilt, or it may be a story about the recipient of the quilt. There are no rules about a quilt story, but I do wish more people would capture these stories and share them. They are as special as the quilt itself!

Fortunately, Judy Howard has compiled many entertaining and heartwarming stories in her book “Heavenly Patchwork, Quilt Stories Stitched With Love”. I enjoyed reading this inspirational book. I also believe you’d enjoy reading it, and that it would also make a special gift for a quilting, as well as non-quilting friend. It is also a must for a Quilt Guild, or Church, to have in their library to share with members. And, Judy also has an excellent Fund-Raising program for non-profit Quilt Guilds and/or Churches through her book sales.

Judy categorized the stories by: teaching, giving, helping, remembrance, answered prayers, and healing & comfort. It would be difficult for me to pick my favorite stories from this book. Some made me chuckle, while others brought tears to my eyes. But in each story I found comfort in knowing these stories were captured to share, and that many were similar to situations I had personally experienced in my lifetime, or were similar to situations I know friends have gone thru, or are currently going thru. As such, these stories offered support, encouragement and friendship through reading this book. The story tellers opened their hearts to us, and Judy helped to facilitate this opportunity.

One heartwarming story within this book is “Promise Quilts”, by Mary Greeno. Mary shares her story, beginning when she had a mammogram in 1995 and was told she had breast cancer. She was also going through a total abdominal hysterectomy when they did the biopsy in her breast. While she was going thru the therapy, she made two blocks per day. She continued with quilting and has made many quilts to help raise money for Susan G. Komen for the Cure. When this story went to print, she had raised over $95k to help fight breast cancer, all through quilting! Each quilt has “promise in its name”. There was Pink Promise, Pineapple Promise, Album Promise, Perennial Promise, Heartfelt Promise, and many more promise quilts. She concludes her story sharing an inspirational perspective “Creating a Promise Quilt enables us as survivors to strike back at a disease so that someone in the future can live.”

Again, all the stories in this book are heartwarming and inspirational. I do believe that you would enjoy reading this book, as much as I have. And it would also make an inspirational gift that would certainly be treasured by the recipient for many years to come.

All profits go to non-profit organizations that make quilts for the needy. No salaries or expenses, other than the actual layout and graphics, printing & shipping costs are deducted from total sales to figure the profit.

Heavenly Patchwork
Quilt Stories Stitched With Love
By Judy Howard

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