
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Teacher (Designer) Showcase: Road to California 2013 - Kimberly Einmo

While at Road to Calfornia, I had the opportunity to pop into a class with Kimberly S. Einmo and I'm delighted to have a chance to share a few insights with you today.
Kimberly designed the famous EZ Pineapple Ruler, EZ Jelly Roll RulerEZ Star and Geese Ruler, and the EZ Hearts Cut Tool.

She is also the author of three quilting books: Jelly Roll MagicJelly Roll Quilts and More, Quilt a Travel Souvenier,  and Precut Bonanza: 200 Blocks From Cut Strips and Shapes.  And, she travels the world teaching, along with teaching on as well as major quilt shows, like Road to California.

SewCalGal had the opportunity to observe her "Lone Starburst Magic" class at Road.  Everyone was doing a great job making their unique Lone Starburst Magic quilt and having fun.

Kimberly shared examples of this beautiful quilt and helped the students with tips and tricks to make this quilt, which uses 40 - 2 1/2" strips to create a diamond design that doesn't use "Y" or any set-in seams.   Definitely magical sewing!

Kimberly also shared variations of this beautiful design.

The Quilt Show also had a special Faculty Exhibit, which has a beautiful quilt designed by Kimberly on display.

Thanks Kimberly, for all you do to help make our world of quilting so wonderful.

You can find Kimberly at:


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  1. Those stars are gorgeous! I took a class with her several years ago at my LQS and really enjoyed it. Her technique looks interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow, those are just beautiful! And I love the fact that she helps us eliminate the Y seams....I know, I'm a weenie. I do dread those! LOL
    Thanks for sharing this with us!

  3. Thanks for sharing!
    Those stars are awesome.
    I'll take Kimberly's class at Craftsy.
    Brazilian's hugs Sewcalgal!

  4. Those are beautiful...the quiting on that one...niceeee.


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