
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Road to California 2013 - My Story, by SewCalGal

Road to California Conference and Quilt Show (aka Road) is holding a Video Challenge, for those that attended their 2013 event.  It is called "My Story" and is all about telling your story (e.g. why you came to Road, your thoughts about the show, etc.).  You can create your video using a variety of tools, upload to youtube and enter by adding a link on their blog.  This post is my entry!

You can also watch this video by clicking this link, and watching it directly from youtube:

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  1. Love your video and the show looks a real fun experience. I've played it several times as there was so much to see in such a short video.

  2. OH my gosh, that was so entertaining, what a great job you did on the video. What fun, wonderful quilts and great vendors....I felt as if I was there.!

  3. Love it! Missed seeing you there. I walked the show on Friday.

  4. Love your video. You caught some nice shots of interesting people and beautiful quilts. I wish there were a Road to Massachusetts or Rhode Island so I could at least think about attending.

  5. Fantastic video...thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Seems like a fun event...that video was great to watch. Some very interesting quilts on there.

  7. So enjoyed the video...Looks a wonderful place to go to. Thanks
    for sharing :)

  8. That was wonderful! I'd love to see some of those quilts posted here, so I can really check them out. Thanks, I'm smiling.

  9. Great vid! You did a super job of putting it together.
    Rd2Cali is always so fun. I was there several days this year. Really gets the juices going! lol

  10. This is a wonderful video. You are as creative with video as you are with quilting. Love it!


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