
Saturday, December 1, 2012

2012 Free-Motion Quilting - Grand Prize Entries

 photo 2012FMQChallengeBadge4x6_zps2dba5c11.jpg

For those that are participating in the 2012 Free-Motion Quilting Challenge (FMQ) this is the post for those that want to enter to win a Grand Prize.

First, I want to recognize and thank all of our FMQ Experts as without their help this challenge would never have happened:   Leah Day,   Ann FahlDiane Gaudynski,   Susan Brubaker Knapp, Don Linn,  Diane Loomis, Teri LucasFrances MooreCindy Needham,  Paula ReidWendy Sheppard,   Patsy Thompson,  Angela Walters and Sarah Vedeler.

I also want to recognize and thank all of our sponsors who generously donated prizes for this challenge:
AurifilDon Linn, The Electric Quilt CompanyThe Fat Quarter Shop, Kaleidoscope Kreator Diane Loomis, Martingale, Cindy NeedhamQuilters TouchPaula ReidSewline:SewSlipWendy SheppardThe Stencil Company,  Dream World Northwest (Sew Steady Tables), June Tailor, and Patsy Thompson.

SewCalGal is proud to recognize our
 for this challenge:
The Fat Quarter Shop
Six prizes for Grand Prize Winners:
1 - $250 GC
1 - $150 GC
1 - $100 GC
3 - $50 GCs
logoOne lucky winner will receive a $200 gift certificate to The Stencil Company where they can pick out their favorite continuous line stencil designs that are perfect for quilting
Dream World
One lucky winner will receive a Pieceful Holiday Quilting Package, which includes:
a Steady portable tables, a Travel/Storage Bag, Sew Straight Guide, Spinner Tray and Polish Kit
Pieceful Quilting Holiday Package w/ Drawer Tray
estimated value: $149.99
The Electric Quilt CompanyOne lucky winner will receive a copy of EQ7

Retail price:  $189.95
June TailorA bundle of June Tailor products, perfect for free motion quilting, with an estimated value over $100
A bundle of books, perfect for those interested in free motion quilting, with an estimated value over $100

There are many ways you participants in the 2012 FMQ Challenge can enter to win a Grand Prize, but ultimately you need to complete 12 of any of the FMQ tutorials (monthly or bonus) tutorials, anytime in 2012 and show evidence via the single entry link that you use to enter in this post on or before December 31st, 2012.

To clarify, you need not have completed a monthly tutorial during the month it was released, as you are still eligible to enter if you complete 12 tutorials anytime in 2012.  For example, you could complete the

What you will need to do is show evidence on which of the 12 tutorials you completed AND describe what you learned during this challenge.  Did you just do the samples?  Did you apply any of what you learned to other projects?  Did you learn about threads, batting, other new techniques?  Did you enjoy learning about FMQ Experts?  Please feel free to describe what you learned as you feel appropriate, thinking back on this past year and what these FMQ Experts offered and how you might look forward to using FMQ in your projects in the future.

For participants that created the optional FMQ Sampler they simply need to show evidence of their completed sampler, sharing insights on which 12 FMQ tutorials they applied to their sampler.

For participants that completed 12, or more, FMQ tutorials, they can share photos showing the 12 Tutorials they completed.   Or a single picture that shows 12 practice sandwiches.

For bloggers, this is probably easier than non-bloggers as everyone is limited to one "link" entry.  And certainly a blog allows you the flexibility of sharing one or many photos in a post.

Non-bloggers can upload one image to Flickr, with one link back to this Grand Prize linky.   As such, non-bloggers may want to take a picture of their FMQ sampler quilt, or a single picture of all of their practice sandwiches, or consider using a software program that allows them to create an single image that shows a collection of photographs.

1) You will need to have a Flickr account ( 
2) Upload your photos for this month's challenge to Flickr, batch organize, send your photos to groups, select "2012 FMQ Challenge". While Flickr, limits the amount of text you can share in your description, feel free to share your perspective on this exercise and/or your past FMQ experience, if you wish.
3) After your photos have successfully been loaded to the "2012 FMQ Challenge" group, click on your best photo in that group, ideally one that shows the stencil and how you quilted using that stencil. Copy the URL link to your particular photo entry. Add that link to the linky tool below, to officially enter.

note: While there was a unique group for each monthlychallenge, based on feedback the generic 2012 FMQ Challenge  group was been created that will hold all your photos for the remaining monthly challenges, so you will not need to rejoin a group on Flickr every month.

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  1. How do we, as non-bloggers, put all of the information into the linky photo? Also, can you give us an example of a software package that will merge all 12+ photos we have?

    Hmmmm.....I just realized that I may still have a blog already set up on another site that I could post everything. I'll have to give that a try, to see what I can accomplish.

  2. I entered my link for December but I do not see my name and such. Should I link it up again or is it pending, do you think? SHould I check all my others in case another is missing?

    Michelle Harrison

  3. I really enjoyed this challenge!! I posted my projects using the 'set' in Flicker - I hope that works to enter for the grand prizes!

  4. Thank you to SewCalGal and all the tutors! It has been a fabulous ride and I've learned so much.

  5. I've had a terrific time and learned so much. Thanks for everything you did to bring this all together!!

  6. I echo Patty's comment - thank you so much for all you have put into this.

  7. Thanks so much for hosting this challenge. The instructors were incredible. I've learned so much this year. Thanks to all the sponsors as well.

    If you decide to do this one again, I'm definitely in.

    May God bless you an yours in the coming year.

  8. This must have been a huge undertaking for you and I am so grateful! I can't believe how far I have come and I don't think I would have ventured to try so many new things if this challenge hadn't stretched me.
    Thank you, thank you!!

  9. What a wonderful learning year for me. The FMQ challenge was one of the best things I've ever done. My skills improved and I had fun!! I would actually SMILE at what I had accomplished each month. Thank you for a great challenge, SewCalGal. I appreciate all the hard work you did to have such a smooth running challenge. And thank you to all the teachers. You were ALL wonderful!!

    Sue in Belton, TX

  10. Thank you so much for organizing this! I learned so much and I am really inspired to keep pushing myself.

  11. Thank you sew much! I know this was a huge amount of work to organize and you did a wonderful job. You Rock!

  12. This was a terrific experience from start to finish. I learned so much from all of the experts, and I know I shall return to the lessons again and again. Thank you to all the experts and to you for all of your efforts organize this wonderful challenge. I can't wait to see what you do next! but take a well-deserved rest first!

  13. I must echo each of the comments...Sue H. said it all...a wonderful learning year! I cannot believe the increase in my skills AND confidence through this year. Thanks so much to all the teachers who provided time and their tutorials for us to use. SewCalGal has had a big job to keep this going all year. I have saved so many bits of information that I know I will return to many times. Thank you, thank you!

  14. I missed my chanse. Didn't know I had to put all 12 in on this....

  15. Even though I missed getting all twelve done and posted, I learned SEW much this year. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the work you did coordinating this! I now have favorite FMQ experts, I've bought books knowing what I was getting, and bought tools. And I love FMQ. Everyone gasps when they see my work!

    For those of us who didn't get twelve done to post here, would you consider another link for those who still have to share and show off?



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