
Friday, November 9, 2012

Traveling Stash, Hoffman Sushi Bundle Giveaway

I've had fun watching Traveling Stash Boxes get exchanged with various quilters.  And, I was delighted to have a chance to participate when I entered and won a recent Traveling Stash Giveaway on Grammie Q's blog.

What is a Traveling Stash Box?  It's a box that's filled with a collection of fabrics, patterns, thread and other quilty fun! Winners receive a box and get to keep what they like, but need to re-fill the box own stash, hold a giveaway and then send it to the next lucky person. You can find all the rules and guidelines (including how to save on postage) here.

I don't have a complete list of all the bloggers that have participated, but here are a few that I know of:  

The traveling stash changes with each stop on the journey.  Some items find a home, some keep traveling, and some new items are added.

This is what I found in the Traveling Stash when I received it, along with what I decided to take, as well as add.

And, to make this stash even more exciting I added a Hoffman Sushi Roll.  For those that may not be aware of what a Hoffman Sushi Roll is, it is a bundle of fabric that I picked up when I toured Hoffman Fabrics this summer with Kelly Jackson (IHAN).  Thanks to Hoffman, as I've been periodically using these Sushi Rolls for Fun Friday Giveaways.  I decided this Sushi Roll needs to be squeezed into this Traveling Stash, so I'll also remove enough fabric from this stash, to allow room for this beautiful roll of Hoffman fabrics.  And, what I need to pull out, to make sure this roll fits,  will go to a local charity project that makes Linus Quilts.  Is this a wise choice on my part or not?

This Hoffman fabric bundle is beautiful.  Truly a test of my ethics as I could certainly have had fun creating with it, but it was given to me to give to a follower of SewCalGal.  I'm just taking liberty to send it with the Traveling Stash to a very lucky follower.

Want to Win this Hoffman Sushi Bundle and Traveling Stash ?
I am hosting the Traveling Stash Giveaway for followers of SewCalGal.  So, any follower of SewCalGal can enter, but only if you agree to the following rules and criteria that have been set by the Traveling Stash committee:

Traveling Stash Rules:
1.  Be an active blogger. Post about receiving the box on your blog in a timely manner. Post the giveaway for the box soon after receiving it.
2.  There's a note in the box that logs where it's been. Please add your info and place the note back in the box.
3.  There's a list of Rules and Guidelines in the box. Please read and follow these and return the list to the box.
4.  You may take anything you like from the box. Just replace every item with comparable quilt shop quality items equal to the amount taken.
5.  Ship the box to the next person in a reasonable amount of time.
6.  Due to the amount of postage shipping is only within the USA.

It is very important that those that enter understand that this is a Traveling Stash that they can keep what is in the box that they want, but they must fill up the box with other items that would be of interest to a fellow quilter and be of high quality.  And, they must host a giveaway on their box and ultimately pay to ship the box to the respective winner. Fortunately, the box being shipped uses a large Flat Rate box so you can pack heavy items in it, or light items, and the cost is the same.

Want a 2nd entry?  For those on Facebook "like" Hoffman California Fabrics and leave a comment on their wall letting them know SewCalGal sent you and you want to win the Traveling Stash.  Then come back here and leave a 2nd comment, to claim your 2nd entry.

This giveaway ends next Thursday, November 15th midnight PST.  I'll randomly select a winner and announce next Friday.

Do be sure I have a way to get in contact with you.  No-Reply/Wanted bloggers are not eligible to win, but they can take steps to change their settings which will significantly help their chances on winning giveaways on various blogs.

I'm also delighted to announce the winner of the Fun Friday Giveaway from last week, which was sponsored by Beam N Read. The lucky winner is: #81 Judy Chain.

Don't forget to check my page where I share insights on other giveaways & contests!

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  1. Morning SewCalGal I would love to participate in this. I did one about 2 years ago and had so much fun with it. Please include me in your draw for the next round.

  2. I went over to Hoffman on FB and liked them and told them I came from here to be a participant in their stashbox...would really love to join in...thanks so much. I hate being the first to post thought cause one is never called but somebody has to do it.....

  3. ooooh...that Sushi bundle looks lovely! I participated in a traveling stash about 4 years ago and it was such fun! Can't go to Facebook as I don't have an account...but I can comment here!! Thanks for the chance.

  4. This sounds like great fun! Have never done a traveling stash box before but already thinking of what I could add (and what I would do with that sushi roll!). Thanks for a chance to win.

  5. Love the Sushi bundle, would love to get the box again. I see the traveling turtle is still hanging in there.

  6. I would love to have this gorgeously stuffed traveling box come visit me!

  7. Just waiting for the traveling stash box. Pls enter me I. The drawing!

  8. Sounds like a blast!!!

  9. I love the idea of traveling stashes! So fun! :)

  10. It can come visit me! I would be happy with that! I always have room for one more at the table! ;o)

  11. This is the first time I have seen the Travelling Stash, it looks like a lot of fun, please count me in!

  12. I would love to play "traveling stash" and the Sushi roll looks yummy! Definitely would blog about it too! Thanks for the chance.

  13. Just went to FB and Hoffman, left a message on their wall.

    Thanks for the 2nd chance.

  14. I would love to have the traveling stash box come for a visit. The sushi roll looks great.

  15. I liked Hoffman on Facebook and left a message on their wall. Thank you for the second chance.

  16. I totally enjoy having the Traveling Stash boxes visit my home. Would love to explore this one! Take care!

  17. It would be great to have the box come to Kentucky!

  18. I would love for this box to come visit me!

  19. Whoohooo!! Count me in on the one, please -- thank you VERY much!!! :)

  20. And I *did* hop over to facebook and like *and* comment! :)


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