
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Clothworks - The Great Quilt Giveaway

As many quilting, sewing and embroidery enthusiasts are passionate about helping others, directly or through various charity programs, I'm absolutely delighted to share insights with you on a great opportunity for you to find a way to help your favorite charity.

Clothworks has launched "The Great Quilt Giveaway" where you could win a quilt for your favorite charity!  Every couple of months Clothworks will donate 5-8 quilts, or other home-made items, that can be given to someone in need, or used for raising funds.  They have launched this effort with their first giveaway where 14 gorgeous quilts are up for grabs.

There are many wonderful charity programs that you can enter to win a quilt for.  Or, you may want to help SewCalGal try to win a quilt for Operation Homefront (OH).  I'm passionate about many charity programs and like to help as many as I can, but I do feel Operation Homefront is in need of help. And, I'm hoping to rally quilting, sewing and embroidery enthusiasts to embrace OH and do what they can to help.

Why?  Operation Homefront is a non-profit program that focuses on helping Military families in a variety of ways.  I'll be sharing more insights in the near future, but if I were to be lucky enough to win a quilt I'd like it to be given to OH for use in their homes that are used to house wounded soldiers (and their family) as they go thru the steps of leaving the military and find non-military jobs, and ultimately a permanent home of their own.  It just seems to me that either a wounded soldier or someone in their family could really use one of these quilts.  So, I'm hoping I'm lucky enough to win and I also want to take this opportunity to increase awareness of OH.

Want to help support Operation Homefront ?
If you are on Pinterest, enter The Great Quilt Giveaway hosted by Clothworks and nominate Operation Homefront as the charity of your choice.

Consider making a quilt for Operation Homefront?  SewCalGal can provide you contact and mailing info to send it to an Operation Homefront office nearest you.

Of course, cash donations are always appreciated.  Even donations of $1-5 help make a difference.  You can donate direct to Operation Homefront, but please put "SewCalGal" in the comments, if you do.

Your local Operation Homefront may also have insights on other items that they are in need of.  I know my local OH office is short 800 toys for a family Christmas Party scheduled for Military Families in early December.  They also need baby items (e.g. baby quilts, clothes, diapers, etc.).

Again, you may have another charity that you wish to win a quilt for.  I do hope that you'll enter The Great Quilt Giveaway, hosted by Clothworks, and win a quilt to help that charity.  There are so many wonderful charities that could benefit. And, I'm just delighted that Clothworks has created this program, which I believe will help many great charity programs, on an annual basis.  As such, I hope you'll also help to increase awareness of this program too!

You can find Clothworks at:

For more information on Operation Homefront:

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  1. It is done pinned for Homefront ...

  2. Have not been on Pinterest in months!! Just haven't had the time, but took a few minutes to repin for such a great cause. Thanks SewCalGal for the info and better yet - Thanks Clothworks for the great giveaway for all of the worthy causes!

  3. I repinned that quilt for Operation Homefront.

  4. Pinned for you, would you like us to pin more than the one you pictured?

  5. That is a wonderful organization and I will be glad to go and pin it. I would also like to find a local chapter and donate toys for Christmas! Thank you so much for the info!!!


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