
Friday, November 2, 2012

Beam N Read's Annual Pre-Holiday Giveaway

I'm excited to share insights you today about Beam N Read's Personal Lights and their Annual Pre-Holiday Gift Giveaway.

I was introduced to Beam N Read by Kelly Jackson, the owner of I Have a Notion .  I've come to learn when Kelly recommends a product, I know I'm going to like it.   Before I share more about these cool lights,   for those that know Kelly, you may not know that she took a bad tumble at Quilt Market last week.  She broke a bone in her hand and will be going thru surgery today (Friday 11/2).  You probably know she has a great sense of humor, so I encouraged her to take a Beam N Read light to her surgeon (to make sure they can see), as well as some high quality "fine" quilting pins (to make sure they do a quality job pinning).   You may want to visit her blog, send her an email, or a card via snail mail.

Update:  Kelly's surgery went well.  It probably helped that her surgeon wore a Beam-n-Read light!  You may want to check out her post-surgery post.

Ok, back to sharing insights on how I've come to join Kelly in wanting to give an honest recommendation for the Beam N Read Personal Lights.....

I've found that they are very handy to take with you when traveling and wanting to do some handwork in a car, airplane, boat or train.  In addition to helping me see while doing handwork they are also very helpful when reading a book.  They have a strap that makes it easy to wear around your neck, but you can also stand these up on top of your sewing machine, book case and other places, to add light when needed.

The new Beam N Read Personal lights have the ability to turn on all six LED lights or just three, which is really a great feature.  Helps to better adjust the strength of the light to your situation.  It also comes with large clip on color filters and magnifier, which can be very helpful.

One thing that I've found challenging when wearing Beam N Read Personal lights is that it is difficult to take a picture of yourself!  So, I recruited a few friends to help show you how they work.

{above} My friend El shows how she likes to use the light in 3 LED mode when she is quilting.

{above} Oreo likes to have all six LED lights on when he is reading.  And he really loves the new "Simply Fat Quarters" book by the Sew Emma Team too!

{above} Beaky likes how you can easily change the angles of the personal light, as well as the length of the neckstrap, to help adjust to your body.  Beaky will also share with her long nose that without the Beam N Read, regular lights just cast too much shadow onto her projects, for her to be able to see at night.  Thus, when she uses the Beam N Read, she doesn't get any shadows on her project and has better visibility with her projects late at night.

{above} Woody also enjoys the angles as he tends to like to lay back when reading and the Beam N Read can easily be pointed upward to his book, to accommodate his preference for reading while on his back.

All my friends really like the Beam N Read as much as SewCalGal does too!  We also think the Beam N Read Personal Light would make a great Christmas gift too!  So, we are all delighted to participate in Beam N Read's Annual Pre-Holiday Giveaway.

Did I mention a giveaway?

Thanks to Beam N Read, one lucky follower will receive their own Beam N Read Personal Light.    Public Followers can simply leave a comment on this post to let me know you are interested in winning your own personal light.  I'll randomly select a winner and announce next Friday.  And, Beam N Read will l ship the prize directly to the respective winner.

I'm also happy to announce winners of recent giveaways.

I Hope you'll mark your calendars to visit all of the delightful blogs participating in Beam N Read's Annual Pre-Holiday Giveaway. You'll find a variety of ideas on how they use their Personal Lights, as well as have more chances to win your own.

Scheduled Giveaways:

You can find Beam N Read reading lights in your local quilt shops.  If not, ask them to carry them and they can order wholesale thru ASF Lightware Solutions.  You can purchase online at ASF Lightware Solutions OR through Kelly at IHAN.

ASF Lightware Solutions

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  1. I would love to be in to win if they'll ship to overseas.

  2. I definitely can use a light like this! Thanks for counting me in.

  3. This looks very useful. I'd love to win if I'm eligible, living in the UK.

  4. LOVE your models they are too cute! Thanks for the posting on the lights!!

  5. I would love to win one. Thanks for the chance.

  6. These lights seem to be a good buy.They would be an extra "tool" to help as the eyesight needs a boost.

  7. I loved reading your friends insights into how they use Beam N Read, especially Beaky! I would love to win one. Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I REALLY need one of these lights. I have severe nearsight as well as glaucoma. Thanks so much for your blog. Love it!!!

  9. These look fantastic. Would come in very useful with all the applique I have planned :-) thanks for the great giveaway.

  10. I would love to win a Beam N Read to use for handwork. I might even try some needle turn applique.

  11. My old eyes would just love one of these lights. Thanks for a chance to win!

  12. My husband likes to watch TV in the dark. This light looks like it would be perfect for me to keep stitching without disturbing him.

  13. Would love to win a Beam N Read for traveling at night - I could just keep on stitching!

  14. Good lighting makes such a difference to me when I'm doing handwork! I carry my Ott-Lite from room to room now, but this would be so much easier! Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. A good light is so very handy...I would love to win this.. Thank you

  16. I would love to win this. I just built up my new quilt room, and although the room is wonderful, the lighting is not. I have to quit sewing when the evening comes. I am supposed to be getting some better lighting, it just hasn't happened yet. With a Beam n Read I could just keep on Quilting late into the night.

  17. This would be a great light to have. Thanks

  18. I'd love to win this light - it'd make my evening detail work much easier!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  19. I have been looking for that 'just right light' for sewing and have not found it yet! Maybe this is the one!

  20. oh you have the best competitions i would love one of these lights,we go camping and it would be perfect,thankyou for a chance.xx

  21. I read Kelly's blog and I saw her hand. Pretty rough.
    thanks for the giveaway. looks like a really neat product and it would be nice to have when traveling when I don't have the perfect lighting to work on a project.

  22. I would love to win the beam and read. Thanks.

  23. Too funny!!! Loved your post as always!

  24. The Beam and Read lite would be SO helpful while hand stitching bindings or other hand work in the evening! I'd finally be able to get the light right where I need it. This is such a great idea!

  25. The perfect answer to night-time stitching problems!

  26. Sounds like a wonderful light for those of us who need to see better as we (hmm) age. Would make a great birthday gift for me and my birthday is this month.

  27. Thank you for the chance to aid my not getting any younger eyes!

  28. Not only would I love to have one of these....I need one of these! Eyesight isn't what it used to be but mostly because I need a better light!

  29. My mom would love one of these, she was just telling me what a hard time she has been having seeing her cross stitching.

  30. What a great way to show its use!! Poor Kelly. That break looks nasty.

  31. Thanks for the giveaway! I am a follower!

  32. Sure, I'd love a chance to win the light, but what really got my attention was the fact that I have a Panda named Oreo, too. My other two bears are Ginger Snap and Snickerdoodle, so I imagine you can guess their colors. : )

  33. The light looks fantastic! It would be so helpful in so many situations! Thanks for the opportunity to win one!

  34. This light looks like it would be a great help with hand stitching. Thanks for the opportunity on the draw

  35. Wow! this looks like something I really need (want?). Thanks! Connie in California

  36. I'd love a Beam and Read! I was looking at them last week online.

  37. This would be a great addition to my tools! I have cataracks and need the extra light to see with.

  38. Been meaning to buy one of these lights! I never have enough light for hand work!
    Thanks for reviewing, and for the chance to win.

  39. I would love to have this light for handwork. It would be great to use on car trips too. Thanks for the giveaway. Beaky's difficulties with shadows make me laugh!

  40. I am already the lucky winner of one of these, but don't look half as cute as your little companions wearing mine. Just adorable!

  41. I definitely need one of these lights, and have wanted one for a long time now.

  42. Yay! Info already sent! Poor Kelly! Her hand looked bad! What no flamingos? I love her blog and the local flamingo updates! Want a funny? My daughter has a head lamp for when we camp and I ha e used that when I need light! I'll bet this would work better!

  43. I would love to win one of these. Hopefully it would help me cross stitch at night. Thanks so much for the chance.

  44. I've been wanting one of those lights for quite a while now! If I don't win, I may have to break down and buy one :*)

  45. Looks like a handy gadget. Thanks for the chance to win.

  46. Looks like a great light. Thanks for a chance to win one.

  47. You sure have some darling friends!!!! ;) They are so cute! :)

  48. Oooo what a great giveaway. Looks like a very handy gadget.

  49. i would love to win a copy of the book, thank you

  50. I would love a chance to win these. As my eyes get older, additional lighting is always a plus!

  51. Thank you for this giveaway! i would love to win-

  52. Love the part about bringing the light and the pins to her surgery!! Please enter my name. I would love to have this light. Thanks!

  53. I'm a follower and am interested in winning my own personal light! Thanks for the chance!

  54. I've read about these lights before. If not a winner, I might have to put one on my wish list.

  55. This looks like a great light to have when doing hand sewing.

  56. I would love to have my own light!
    I usually sew with a floor lamp over my head, puts out lots of light and but lots of heat too.
    This would be super for any guild sewing where their is poor lighting.
    Thanks for the chance at such a great giveaway : )

  57. I am sad to say that I have reached the age where this kind of light is almost necessary for needlework :-( Thanks for the chance to win!

  58. Love your models! I used to have something similar and loved it, DH got a hold of my light and it ended up in the "Husband Zone" :D

  59. I'm a follower, and would love to win this! Thanks for the chance. :)

  60. I could have used a Beam n Read on Tuesday when Hurricane Sandy knocked out the electricity for a few hours. I was actually cross stitching on my lap desk that has a light attached. They definitely are helpful to these old eyes.

  61. I would love to win a Beam N Read light. Being over 60 I do need the extra help for better vision.

  62. I'd love to have one of these lights for hand sewing in the evening. Thanks so much for participating in the giveaway! Thanks for filling us in on Kelly! I'll look for a card to send to her.

  63. This would be perfect for me to use at the bus stop in the morning. I try to read while waiting for the bus, but it is too dark some mornings!

    Thanks for the chance!
    Sandy A

  64. I have aging eyes, this would be so appreciated.. Thanks for the giveaway

  65. I'd love to win one of these. Thanks for the chance.

  66. Wow SewCalGal would love to win this. I hardly sew at night due to poor lighting and this would be an answer..thanks for sharing.

  67. Since I figured out that moving my sewing room into the living room gives me lots of space, but three sources of light all too far from my sewing machine and cutting table to really help me out at night, I'd love a product like this! Thank you very much for the giveaway!

  68. Now - THAT is something I would LOVE to win... sounds just like what I need at present as I am trying to work out the washable thread problem specially at night :) That's for the opportunity to be in this give-away.

  69. I would love to win this. I know anything Kelly recommends is an awesome product. I know I would use it for hand sewing my binding.

  70. OH YES....I want one of these lights....and my CHICKEN (I don't have a teddy bear) would like one too. LOL.

    Loved your post!
    sao in Midlothian, VA

  71. This would come in handy a lot. I ride with my husband once and a while in his semi. He turns on a lite for me so I can see to work on my sewing, but I hate to ask him. At home it would come in handy a lot to.

  72. Love the fact you can where it around your neck! Let there be light!!

  73. This is exactly what I need on the occasions I have to " unquilt"!

  74. This would be great for when I applique.

  75. Thanks for the comments on the Beam N Read light. The would be great for close work and for reading at night so as not to disturb sleeping husbands! Well, I only have one husband, so I guess I should have said "sleeping husband." But you get the idea. Have a great weekend!

  76. My eyes are getting older. They need all the help they can get. I would love to win one of these.

  77. I'd love to win a Beam N Read - my eyesight can use all the help it can get. Thanks.

  78. I'd love to win the light. Thanks for the chance!

  79. This would come in sew handy when I do my hand work. The lighting in our living room is so dim that I find it very difficult to see what I am sewing. I would love to win one so I can try it out.

  80. As my eyes age, I find I need more and more light to craft and read. This would come in so handy!

  81. I remember Kelly's first review of this light and wanted one then...and still want one. Love how "your friends" like to use it.

  82. I can see all kinds of uses for this little light! Thanks for another great give away.

  83. wow this is really wonderful. this would come in handy many times. thanks for this chance to win.

  84. This would be really useful to own! The lamps in my living room are too far away from my sofa for me to see my handwork, and there isn't an electrical outlet near the sofa.

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  85. I would love to win this light. Thanks for the chance.
    CathyC in BC

  86. That is exactly what I need. I've had bad eye sight since the 5th grade. Please put me in for the drawing. Thanks

  87. Would absolutely love to win these lights.

  88. I would love to win the Beam 'n Read light. The light in my living room is horrible to see to sew.

  89. I don't understand it. The older I get the less wattage the lights have! I would really use one. Thanks.

  90. Hi, all you bloggers visiting, SewCalGal. Just wanted to tell everyone that I purchased one of these lights from Kelly at IHAN. I LOVE it! I do not do any handsewing without it around my neck. Super! SewCalGal, you don't need to add me to the giveaway; I just wanted everyone to know how much I like my Beam N Read.

  91. Thanks for this giveaway the light would be great. I can never have enough light for some of my projects.

  92. So great :-) Would love to see better.....
    Have a great week end.

  93. Thanks for the chance to win a Beam n Read - which will become for me a Beam n Sew if we are so fortunate as to win.

  94. I follow and thanks for the chance to win..It would be great for sewing or reading...

  95. Wow! What a great lighting accessory. My eyes welcome the opportunity to win this. soparkaveataoldotcom

  96. Thanks for the great giveaway. I love your assistants.

  97. Love that your friends were available to display for you.

  98. Thanks for the giveaway! This would be great to use when I'm just sitting and binding a quilt. It is dark and turning on the lights it glares off the TV. This would really help!

  99. I have been looking for a good book/craft light. The ones I've found so far have only frustrated me. This one looks like it will work well.

  100. I've been wanting to try one of these lights. As I get older, there just isn't enough light for projects or reading. Thanks for the chance (yes, I've been a follower for a long time now).

  101. I'd love to win one of these. Thanks for the give away!

  102. I'm a follower and would love to win one of these. Too funny about suggesting Kelly have one for her doc. I'm heading over there now to wish her a speedy recovery. Jane

  103. I have the first version of the Beam 'n Read but would love to win the latest because of its greater flexibility. I'm sure it would help my appliqué as these older eyes and hands try to do quality work. Thanks for the opportunity.

  104. I would love to win a Beam n Read, it would be great for all my stitching!

  105. My eyes say I need more light. These new lights aren't as bright as the old ones were. Send it my way , please.

  106. I would love to be included in the drawing-thanks for the chance to win!

  107. This light would be great for my "maturing" eyes.

  108. I've been wanting a Beam N Read reading light and trying to win one since Kelly first introduced them on her blog...of course, I'm interested in winning my own personal wonderful Beam N Read light! Thank for counting me in. :)

  109. I would love to win one of these. The lighting in my house is atrocious!

  110. What a great light to win and use in sewing and quilting. Thanks for the giveaway.

  111. This looks like a fabulous light. I'd love to try one for handwork and to take on trips. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  112. Cool - this would be perfect for our holiday road trip in December! Love your models - :-) !!

  113. I'd love to be included, please!! :)

  114. This would be a great help in so many ways1

  115. This would really help when doing hand work on this dark evenings.

  116. I would love to win , I could sure use some extra light for handsewing in the evenings!Thanks for the chance.

  117. This would be helpful during the evening when I am cross stitching.

  118. I'm stuck in hotel rooms 4 nights a week (I travel for work); I could really use this when traveling, especially! Thanks for the chance!

  119. I would LOVE to win on these great lamps for so many reasons!!

  120. I would love to win one of those lights. What a great gadget!

  121. The Beam N Read would be great for handstitching in the evenings! Thanks for the chance!

  122. What a handy light! I would love a chance to win this as I could use any help possible to see better in the evenings. Thanks for the chance to win!

  123. I find I need more light when I work as my eyes are aging. this little light is just the thing!

  124. If you are allowing overseas entrants, please count me in.

  125. Would love to win one. It will help at night when I am beading.

  126. This would be perfect for crochet at night!

  127. This looks great. I would love to have one of these for crafting.

  128. I'd love to have one of these lights for english paper piecing my hexies!


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