
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Giving Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini

SewCalGal certainly enjoys sharing insights about new books and products. As such, I'm delighted to share my thoughts with you today about "The Giving Quilt",  by Jennifer Chiaverini,  the latest Elm Creek Quilt Novel.

After reading this book, I have a feeling that I've just returned from an amazing quilt retreat, where I learned a new quilt design and many tips,  made a beautiful quilt for charity, made wonderful new friends, and enjoyed excellent meals in a beautiful setting.  It left me wanting more......

This is the twentieth Elm Creek Quilts novel, where Chiaverini does a great job, as always, bringing her characters to life in a setting that you can related to and feel as if you are a part of (or would like to be a part of).  In this novel, the setting is Elm Creek Manor, which hosts weekly quilt retreats throughout the year.  And, it is focused a particular week where the event is called "Quiltsgiving", appropriately  held the week after Thanksgiving, where all attendees at quilt camp make quilts for Project Linus.

The GIVING QUILT definitely reminds the reader: "Giving from the heart blesses the giver as much as the recipient, and while giving may not always be easy, it is always worthwhile".

SewCalGal loves "The Giving Quilt" and hopes you have a chance to read it soon.  You should be able to find this book in your local quilt shop, or online shop, as well as at  

Jennifer Chiaverini is on a book tour, where I also hope you have a chance to meet her in person.  Here is her current schedule:

  • Tuesday, October 30 — Madison, WI 
  •  Thursday, November 1 — Cedarburg, WI and Oconomowoc, WI 
  •  Friday, November 2 — Lincolnshire, IL and Naperville, IL 
  •  Saturday, November 3 — Omaha, NE 
  •  Sunday, November 4 — Denver, CO 
  •  Monday, November 5 — Wichita, KS
  •  Tuesday, November 6 — Hutchinson, KS
  •  Wednesday, November 7 — Decatur, GA 
  •  Thursday, November 8 — Raleigh, NC 
  •  Friday, November 9 — West Chester, PA
  •  Saturday, November 10 — Hudson, OH 
  •  Tuesday, November 13 — Elm Grove, WI 
  •  Sunday, November 18 — Spring Green, WI

For event locations, dates, times, and other important details, please see the Events page on Jennifer's website (  If you'd like her to come to a book signing in your area, talk with your local quilt shops and book stores and encourage them to contact Jennifer's publisher.  If enough shops contact the publisher, it might help to get Jennifer to travel to your area.

Those that are able to attend her book tour, will also receive a limited edition "Giving Quilt" pin for each copy of THE GIVING QUILT you have me sign, while supplies last. The new pin for THE GIVING QUILT features a design inspired by the cover art, and you can see a photo of the pin here: .

SewCalGal is curious - "Why do you give?"

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  1. I LOVE Jennifer's stories, and look forward to getting this one. I met her at Quilters Take Manhattan. She's charming! I agree with your feelings on wanting to experience this, and feeling like you were on a retreat with friends.

  2. I got my copy yesterday and haven't finished it yet. I Blogged about it today too. You must have received an advance copy. I give because I have so much to share. I mostly give to my Grandchildren and the Christmas holiday is my favorite time to give! My Mother isn't here to do it so I do what she would have done for my children. My Mother and Grandmother were my examples of Giving!

  3. I have many of the books in this series, and have borrowed many of the others from my library, and have loved each and every one. The characters in her books have become "old friends" and Elm Creek Manor a place that I long to go for a retreat. Thanks for the "heads up" on the new book and Jennifer's schedule. I sure wish that she was coming out west.

  4. Why do I give? I've never thought about why! I guess because I can. ~Jeanne

  5. To make a difference, yes, it does make me feel good. Because I want to show those I really care about that I truly do care....

    Sounds like a wonderful book.

  6. Giving fills the heart, with love and gratitude, the best gifts of all.
    I love the Elm Creek series, having spent many childhood hours at my grandmother's house in north-central Pennsylvania at the edge of a small town, I can totally envision Elm Creek Manor as a place that really could exist. Jennifer does such a fantastic job bringing real humanity to her characters. Can't wait to read this new book!

  7. Because growing up...people gave to me and my family. Incan now give back and there is NO greater gift!

  8. I give because it is so nice to see someone smile when you give them something that is special to them, or needed, or wouldn't get for themselves...

  9. Downloaded it to my Kindle this morning. We give for so many reasons, most of all because we care.

  10. I havent read any of the books in this series but I think I am going to start, it sounds wonderful.
    I give because it makes my heart happy. Even when I can't see the person or child receiving the quilt, I try to picture them smiling. It helps me fill the quilt with love and joy for them. Having something you keep to yourself is no fun, the fun is in the sharing.

  11. I just finished the 19th book last night, I have read them all since Labor Day weekend. I could hardly put them down. Work kept getting in the way. Waiting for the new one to arrive. Enjoy!!

  12. I have been enjouying her books for years and will be shopping for this one next.
    In stitches

  13. Simply put, giving to others is the right thing to do. There is give and take all through life, but we are all in this life together. Giving to others is to the benefit of us all!

    And thanks for the intro to this book series -- I'll being checking it out!

  14. i would love to win this book thanks

  15. I can't tell if my long winded comment was accepted or not! If it was, please delete this duplicate!

    I love the Elm Creek Quilt Series!!! I met Jennifer and her lovely Mother when she came to the public library in Bountiful, Utah!

    I give of my time, because it's what I have! I love to make charity quilts (fabric hugs) to give to others!

    Elm Creek Manor or Bust!


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