
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

2012 Free-Motion Quilting Challenge - October Recap - Teri Lucas

 photo 2012FMQChallengeBadge4x6_zps2dba5c11.jpg

First, I want to recognize and formally thank Teri Lucas, our October FMQ Expert for her wonderful tutorial.

Teri shared insights on her technique of creating beautiful projects incorporating a variety of designs.  She also introduced us to writing our names with our free-motion quilting, creating beautiful nautilus shells, grids, feathers and more!

While this was a challenging tutorial that some are still working on, everyone had fun learning and/or improving their FMQ skills using Teri's tutorial.

At the point of writing this post, there are ~100 quilters that have completed this tutorial and entered to win a monthly prize.  (note: there are over 2,000 participants that have registered to complete this challenge, but only a small percentage enter the monthly challenges).  And many enjoy the ability to "master" these tutorials at their leisure vs rushing  to complete an exercise in the month it was released.

 It is fun to look at all of they entries, as each of them are truly beautiful.  SewCalGal hopes everyone will be able to view all of the entries too!  There are also more photos, from those that have shared on our optional Facebook Group and/or the Flickr group.

Some have already created beautiful projects using their practice sandwiches or other sandwiches.  Janet McElroy turned her sample from this challenge into cute postcards and an Artist Trading Card (ATC).  She has also posted on Facebook that she is willing to coordinate an exchange of such, if others are interested in turning their practice sandwiches into postcards or ATCs and doing a trade, talk to Janet McElroy on Facebook or email her.  And, click here for a link to a tutorial that she shared on how to create these cute postcards.

Quilters of all levels, from all over the world, are participating in this challenge.  While some have experience doing FMQ, many are quite new.  But, we all enjoyed Teri's tutorial very much!  And many participants are already applying Teri's insights, and designs shared in this tutorial to their projects.

On behalf of all the participants, SewCalGal and all of the participants want to extend a warm thank you to Teri for providing us such a wonderful tutorial and inspiring us to learn and improve our free-motion quilting skills. 


The objective of the 2012 Free Motion Quilting Challenge is to encourage quilters to learn and improve their FMQ skills, as well as gain more awareness to various FMQ Experts, opportunities to learn, tools that are helpful for those doing FMQ, all on a home sewing machine. While the focus is on learning, and SewCalGal does not want the focus to become all about winning prizes, but I'm also delighted that many generous sponsors have donated wonderful Grand Prizes and Monthly prizes, that will be awarded to participants randomly. It doesn't matter how good you are at FMQ, what matters is you take time to learn and improve.

Participants that do complete the monthly tutorial, in the month that it was released, and choose to enter per the rules on the original tutorial post, will be eligible to win a monthly prize.  For the October tutorial, there are eleven (11) prizes and the winners will be announced ~ mid-October.   This includes the normal monthly prize bundle, plus ten copies of QuiltingArtsJanuary/Feburary 2011 – Improving Machine Quilting compliments of Teri and Quilting Arts.

I do want to recognize and thank our sponsors for this challenge:

SewCalGal is proud to recognize our
for this challenge.

Sponsor(s) Prize(s)
The Fat Quarter Shop
Six prizes for Grand Prize Winners:
1 - $250 GC
1 - $150 GC
1 - $100 GC
3 - $50 GCs
logo One lucky winner will receive a $200 gift certificate to The Stencil Company where they can pick out their favorite continuous line stencil designs that are perfect for quilting
Dream World
One lucky winner will receive a Pieceful Holiday Quilting Package, which includes:
a Steady portable tables, a Travel/Storage Bag, Sew Straight Guide, Spinner Tray and Polish Kit
Pieceful Quilting Holiday Package w/ Drawer Tray
estimated value: $149.99
The Electric Quilt Company One lucky winner will receive a copy of EQ7

Retail price: $189.95
June Tailor A bundle of June Tailor products, perfect for free motion quilting, with an estimated value over $100
A bundle of books, perfect for those interested in free motion quilting, with an estimated value over $100

SewCalGal is proud to recognize our
for this challenge.


sampler pack of 5 threads (12) which will be used in the monthly "bundle" prizes, every month.

Silk Stars Thread kit, with 12 spools of 40 wt threads, that was awarded to a winner in the January Challenge:

Aurifil Silk Stars Thread Collection-

note:  This prize was awarded during the January challenge.


SewSlip has donated 12 SewSlips, to be awarded to the winner of each monthly "bundle".
Revolving Sewslip images
Sewline: Trio Three Color Fabric Marking Pencils with an extra refill package to be given to winners of monthly prize bundles.
Sewline Products
Quilters TouchQuilters Touch has donated 12 bundles, each with a value of $27.95, which will be given to the winners of the monthly "prize bundles":
Machinge 1 (Medium)

  • Sew Precise Sew Fast Machine Binding DVD (retail $19.95),

note:  As machingers are sized for the winner, they will be shipped directly to the respective winners of the monthly prize bundles, from Quilters Touch.  The other part of the monthly prize bundle will be shipped to the monthly prize bundle winners from SewCalGal.
Electric Quilt winners' choice of Quiltmaker Quilting Designs software
from Volume 1-8.  This prize will be awarded during one of the monthly challenges, in a month where there will be two winners.

The monthly Prize Bundle for this Challenge includes:
  • a sampler pack of 5 Aurifil threads, donated by Aurifil.
  • a SewSlip, donated by SewSlip
Revolving Sewslip images

Quilters Touch has donated a pair of  Machingers quilting gloves value $8 each
Machinge 1 (Medium)

And, Quilters Touch donated a Sew Precise Sew Fast Machine Binding DVD (retail $19.95),


Sewline has donated a Trio Three Color Fabric Marking Pencils, with an extra refill package.
Sewline Products

There is still time to enter to win a prize, simply visit the October tutorial for more information. But all entries for this monthly challenge need to be submitted in October, so this is the last day you can enter to win one of  eleven (11) prizes to be randomly awarded to winners of the October Challenge.  To clarify, this is not a judged challenge.  Just simply complete the tutorial and follow the instructions to enter, that are posted on the respective tutorial.  

The main page for this challenge, which has a tab under the header of my blog labeled "Free-Motion Quilting Challenge", will be updated mid-October, to announce the winners of the October Challenge. 

And, don't forget you can find Teri at:

Be sure to check out her online schedule, to see if she is teaching a workshop in your area.   You can also speak with your local Quilt Guild Program Chairperson and your local quilt shops to have them schedule a workshop with Teri in your area.  Teri loves to travel and teach workshops, as well as give presentations.  She has a variety of topics too, which inspire many quilt guilds and shop to have her come on a regular basis.  Check out her workshop & lecture description page, for a complete list.


Lastly, The November tutorial will be released tomorrow, November lst. An email announcement, with additional information, will also be sent to those that signed up for optional emails for this event. If you didn't sign up for such emails and are interested, click here to sign up. 

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  1. Thank you so very much....I had a great time with it. Looking forward to next month.

  2. Подскажите, как вставить выполненный урок за январь месяц. Я только что обнаружила, что не вставила блок месяца января, так как не знала как это сделать , а потом просто забыла о нём.

  3. Thank you Teri, it was a lot of fun! and a great Challenge! Thank you Sew Cal Gal, really enjoying the challenge each month!

  4. Thanks so much Teri, for all the creative inspiration in your tutorial! I'll be posting my sample later today - nothing like a last-minute rush! Appreciate your willingness to provide the tutorial. Thanks too, SewCalGal!!!

  5. Thanks to everyone's inspirational posts - it helps to know that we are all learning together and keeps me motivated. Organizing everything and hosting is a huge undertaking, so thank you sew much to our hostess at SewCalGal!!!

  6. Thank you for the inspiration - it was fun playing with the free motion quilting :-)))

  7. Some absolutely fantastic samples have been done as you can see on the Facebook pages, and all thanks to you for sharing your knowledge with us. many many thanks for this great tutorial Teri I thoroughly enjoyed it. from Jan across the pond.

  8. Thank-you Teri!! This was a challenge for me, but I love pushing myself to create beyond what I think I can do. I hope you are enjoying all the beautiful quilting that you inspired, awesome!!!! Thanks again and I hope to meet you someday :^)

  9. A HUGE Thank You to Teri Lucas and Sewcalgal!!! Loved the challenge! Looking forward to November!


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