
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Free Motion Quilting DVDs

In my journey to improve my free-motion quilting (FMQ) skills, on a home sewing machine,  I found great inspiration and insights through DVDs.  I compiled a list of DVDs on FMQ and actively began researching these DVD and their authors.  To clarify,  I do not have copies of all of these DVDs (but would love to). 

I hope this list may be of use to you and that you also have a chance to check these DVDs out.  These authors are amazing free-motion quilters who have given us a wonderful gift by sharing their insights through their DVDs.  I also want to  encourage those interested in learning and/or improving their free-motion quilting skills, to seriously consider building their own library of FMQ DVDs. 

If you have insights on other DVDs I should add to this list, please let me know.  And, of course, I'd love to hear  about your favorites.
When I have been able to write a review on any of these DVDs  the Title will contain a link to my review.  For general interest, I am also researching to determine what year these DVDs were published.  As such, I do plan on updating this list, over time, so you may want to bookmark this page in your Favorites and check back for future updates.

{link for review}
Cover PhotoAuthorPublisherYear Published
Free-Motion Machine Sketching

Candy GlendeningQuilting Arts2014
Free-Motion Quilting simplified  Don LinnSelf Published2012
Divide and Design Lisa CalleSelf Published 2012
Dynamic Quilt Design: Paint Meets Stitch
Susan Brubaker KnappQuiltingArts2011
Creative Machine Quilting

Elin WaterstonQuiltingArts2011

Fluff & Stuff Machine Quilting with Paula Reid
Paula ReidSelf PublishedTBD

Domestic Trapunto Basics

Sharon Schamber tbdtbd
Domestic Filling the spaces
Sharon Schambertbdtbd
Domestic Beginning Stipple

Sharon Schamber tbdtbd
Domestic Basic Freeform Feathers

Sharon Schamber tbdtbd
Domestic Feather Abundance

Sharon Schamber tbdtbd
Domestic Feathers, Borders, Corners & Blocks

Sharon Schamber tbdtbd

Fast and Free! Volume 0.5
Patsy ThompsonPatsy Thompson Designstbd

Fast and Free! Volume 2

Patsy ThompsonPatsy Thompson Designstbd

Fast And Free! Volume 3

Patsy Thompson
Patsy Thompson Designstbd

Free Motion Fun...With Feathers! Volume 1
Patsy Thompson Patsy Thompson Designstbd
Free Motion Fun...With Feathers! Volume 2

Patsy ThompsonPatsy Thompson Designstbd

Free Motion Fun...With Feathers! Volume 3
Patsy ThompsonPatsy Thompson Designstbd

Free Motion Fun...with Feathers! Volume 4

Patsy ThompsonPatsy Thompson Designstbd

Free Motion Fun...With Vines and Leaves! Volume 1

Patsy ThompsonPatsy Thompson Designs

Free Motion Fun...With Vines and Leaves! Volume 2

Patsy ThompsonPatsy Thompson Designstbd

Free Motion Quilting Project DVD Book Combo
free motion quilting dvds

Leah DayDay Style Designstbd

 Grand Finale

Ricky Timstbd
Master Machine Quilting

Susan Brubaker KnappQuiltingArtstbd
Master Machine Stitching

Susan Brubaker KnappQuiltingArtstbd
Ann Fahl Teaches You Coloring with Thread  Ann FahlC&T Publishing
Feathers of a New Generation
Lisa CalleSelf Published2006

If you are interested in learning and/or improving your FMQ skills, you may also want to take the pledge for the 2012 Free-Motion Quilting Challenge.


  1. Oh my gosh... I know you put alot of work into your post but this is outstanding. Thanks so much!

  2. how about Ricky Tims Presents Grand Finale: Fine Machine Quilting and Finishing Techniques

  3. This is a terrific list...I sure will be taking a look at some of these different titles as we go through the FMQ challenge!! :)

  4. Renae Allen's Skill Builder Series. Her pre-printed practice panels are brilliant as well.

  5. Hi di hi
    May I suggest you add Pajama quilter?
    I guess you could say she is more about long arm quilting but I have to say her DVDs have done more to inspire me than anything else.

  6. Thank you so much for collecting this information, it will be interesting to hear any reviews from your followers. I haven't seen any of these, so reviews would be helpful.

  7. I'd like to suggest Diane Gaudynski:

    She is an award winning domestic machine quilter, teacher and author.

  8. Good morning! I would suggest you look into the stitching of Barbara Shapel, The Art of Machine Quilting, by Quilters' Schoolhouse DVD Series, 2009, Her work is absolutely stunning. When she fmq, there is often another picture on the backside.

    Thanks for your blog!

  9. I can't wait to try some of these DVD's. I've taken a class with Sharon Schamber and found her amazing! Thanks for this list. I'm sure it took a lot of work to get this together.

  10. This is great!! I have a few of these DVD's, though I haven't had a chance to watch all of them yet, what I've seen is fabulous. I will have to check out Sharon Schamber's DVD's!!

  11. I have Volumes 1 & 2 of Vines & Leaves by Patsy Thompson and she does a great job teaching. If you have a chance to take a class with Patsy in person, do it. She's a great teacher and I learned several things that I didn't know. I also have Mastering Machine Stitching by Susan Brubaker Knapp which is great if you want to learn to thread paint. In the last year I have found that free motion quilting and thread painting work great together. If you want Free Motion Fillers, Leah Day is great!

  12. I'm sorry. It appears that Diane Gaudynski hasn't produced a DVD. My mistake!

  13. I'm not sure she has any DVD's available, but Wendy Sheppard has a lot of demo's on her blog:

    Here's her very latest post, working with depth of feathers

  14. I love DVD's because we can watch them over and over again. What I always miss is the tips that are given verbally because there are NO subtitles or captions on any of the quilting DVD's. This is a big stumbling block for me because I am Deaf and often the quilters are not in the frame when they are talking.
    I do like your list.. I'll be checking several of them out. :)

  15. How about Paula Reid's (Batts in the Attic) Fluff and Stuff? It is made for domestic sewing machine users. It has been a while since I watched it.

  16. Wow! Great list and resource! Thanks for doing that!

  17. I'm joining others in thanking you for this list. As Barb stated, you put so much work into it for us and it's much appreciated. At some point it's all going to click in and I'll be much improved fmq'er. And it's fun, too:)


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