
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Announcing the 12 Free-Motion Quilting Experts for the 2012 Challenge

I want to take this opportunity to recognize and thank the 12 Free-Motion Quilting Experts who have volunteered to help with the 2012 Free Motion Quilting Challenge:
  1. Irene Bluhm
  2. Leah Day
  3. Ann Fahl
  4. Diane Gaudynski
  5. Susan Brubaker Knapp
  6. Don Linn
  7. Frances Moore 
  8. Cindy Needham
  9. Paula Reid
  10. Wendy Sheppard
  11. Patsy Thompson
  12. Sarah Vedeler
If you haven't yet taken the Pledge to learn and/or improve your FMQ skills, on a home sewing machine, in 2012, I hope you will consider doing so.  I think you'll be amazed how much you can learn in a year.

While I'll be sharing more info on what everyone can do to get ready for this challenge, which starts January lst when the first FMQ tutorial will be released, this is a great time to:
1) Make a few sample quilt sandwiches ideally out of good quality 100% cotton fabric, preferrably in a neutral fabric that will allow you to see your stitching.  A good general size is in the range of ~18-24"x18-24".
2) Make sure your sewing machine is in good working condition and that you are able to drop your feed dogs.

For those on Facebook, you may want to join a group that I created for this challenge called the "2012 Free Motion Quilting Challenge".  This will be a helpful tool to help those participating in this challenge to network.

You may also want to watch some videos on YouTube about free-motion quilting.


  1. Thank you all, that sounds very good, I´m so looking forward to participate at this project.
    Liebe Grüße
    Bente - Germany

  2. Thank you and the 12 Quilting Experts who have volunteered, this will be great. I'm ready!

  3. I'm so looking forward to getting started! Do you have any recommendations on sizes for sample sandwiches? Thanks again for putting this together!

  4. Looking forward to it - thank you to all the teachers!

  5. Great line up of teachers! I am so looking forward to this challenge :)

  6. Wow Darlene, what an amazing line up! Can't wait to get started.

  7. That's quite the line up! I'm looking forward to it. Is there a recommended size of quilt sandwich?

  8. How exciting to see so many wonderful teachers! Like some of the others, I'm curious about the size of the practice sandwiches.

  9. looking forward to getting started

  10. I will make some sandwiches up right away! Thanks so much!!

    Will your teachers talk 'thread'?

  11. Thank you so much for this...I am starting to do a little practicing....but need lots of help I really am anxious, a bit nervous, and looking forward to learning as much as I can.

    Thanks again to you and the teachers....

  12. Woo Hoo! I love this list of wonderful free motion quilters. If anything, you're helping us connect with one another and I absolutely appreciate that Sew Cal Gal!


  13. This is SO EXCITING, SewCalGal! Thank you SO MUCH for your thoughtfulness and hard work! Kd ~

  14. Wow Xs 12!! This sounds fantastic! Count me in!

  15. Can't wait for this project to get started! What a great way to learn about free-motion stitching.

  16. Woo Hoo - this is gonna be fun! Thanks SewCalGal!

  17. Looking forward to learning more about free motion quilting!

  18. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't wait! And thanks to all those who will be teaching! I am so excited to start!

  19. Come om Jan!! Lets get this whole holiday thing over with (yes call me Scrooge this year) i'm ready to do some quilting!!

  20. i am really looking forward to doing this. I will be making up some sandwiches.

  21. I guess I'm just dense, but I don't see how to join the group. I clicked on a link on the group list but didn't see anything happen.
    thanks for doing this - I am really looking forward to working on this.

  22. Will the "Practice" pieces be usable for other projects? Just wondering whether to make these out of muslin or of some nicer fabric if they can later be used in another project.

  23. I am planning on participating. I have several batting scraps leftover from current projects and some fat quarters I am not using for anything at this time. I guess I am all set.

  24. I am going to try this out. I hope I can do this. Can't wait.

  25. Hello,
    I'm running a FMQ QAYG QAL next year -
    Might direct people to some of your posts for inspiration!

  26. Hi again,
    just one question, wich batting would you recommend? I want to be prepeard *lol*
    liebe Grüße
    Bente - Germany
    I like to QuiltBlog

  27. Thank you for the recommendation and review. It is good to learn about these things, even if I can't buy them right now!

  28. • • • I'm impressed with the line up of experts. You can count me in. I am always looking for new ideas. Thank You!

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