
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Last Giveaway Opportunity for Pets on Quilts Prizes

While winners of the  Pets on Quilts Show have officially been announced, a few winners have requested that another winner be selected.  With the cost of postage, I do appreciate it when any winner recommends a re-draw, as I'd prefer prizes be sent to winners that truly want them. And, for those that were kind enough to "pass", I believe this brings them good kharma in future giveaways.

I've attempted to re-draw names for a few prizes, without much luck, so I have decided to "test the waters" with a special post and giveaway of prizes remaining to be claimed, from the 2011 Pets on Quilts show.  Here are the prizes that are available:

Prize #19 - CopyCat Quilts

winner:  MJ 

Prize #20 - Sunbonnet Sue and Scottie at Play

Winner: Caren Kristine (As the Thread Breaks)

Prize #24 e:pattern of your choice from Patterns 2 Quilt.


winner:  Brita (Scraps of Happiness)
If you are a follower and participated in the 2011 Pets on Quilts Show (e.g. PR Angel, entered a quilt, viewed quilts in the show, etc) and you are interested in one of these prizes, please leave a comment on this post.  If you have a particular prize # that you'd like to win, let me know in your comment. 

Deadline to enter this giveaway is Friday, September 2nd midnight PST.  I'll update this post on Saturday, Sept 3rd with the respective winners.  And, those winners will also be referenced in my prior post about winners too!


  1. I would love a second chance. My choice is the Copycat Quilts book. The quilt on the cover intrigues me.

  2. I, too, would love a second chance. My choice would be #24 e:pattern of your choice from Patterns 2 Quilt. Thank you for this opportunity!

  3. I viewed the quilts. I would choose prize #19. Thanks for the chance!

  4. I would love a chance, I did view the quilts and enjoyed the postings, but never got a chance to enter one. I would love the kitty book.


  5. I'm a follower and viewed the quilts I would love a chance at #20. I have always loved sunbonnet sue.

  6. Oooh, pick me this time! LOL I would love to have a second chance - because I really wanted that Sunbonnet Sue and Scottie book from Martingale! LOL Thanks for another chance to win!!

  7. I would love any of those! #24 would be especially great!

  8. I'm interested in either 19 or 20. Thank you for the opportunity.

  9. Great re-giveaway opportunity :) Please dont' enter me as I have more than I can handle on my plate now...but I love when people really want something to win it.


  10. Thanks for a great 2nd chance! #20

  11. Who doesn't love a second chance! Thanks for the opportunity! I love prize #24. The sewing clip-art on her website is something I'd love to play with. Have a great day!

  12. I submitted a picture of my Annabella on her quilt, and would love to win prize #24, but I'd enjoy any of them! Thanks!

  13. I would love to win prize #20. Thanks for the second chance.

  14. Count me in too. :) I like the Sunbonnet Book #20. Thanks so much!!

  15. Would love to have a second chance! The sunbonnet book is something I would like to win.

  16. I voted for the pets on parade quilts, does that count? If so, I'd LOVE to be counted in on the draw. And since I LOVE Scotties, I'd <3 to win #20.

    Sandy A
    (aka scottylover)

  17. I viewed your Pets on Quilts... All very good!
    If I had my druthers I'd take the "Copy Cats" (#19)... but all wonderful prizes!! Thanks to the sponsors and wish I could have entered a quilt this year! Hopefully next... Thanks


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