
Monday, June 27, 2011

This road is paved with creativity, inspiration, and amazing classes: Road to California 2012

The classes for the Road to California 2012 Quilt Show are absolutely amazing. This is always a spectacular quilt show, that also has an exceptional offering of classes from many award winning instructors. 

Class information is now available on-line and registration will open on  Saturday, July 10th.  There are many classes to help longarm quilters, traditional quilters, art quilters and quilters with other intersts be inspired and learn. Even  machine embroidery enthusiasts can find spectacular classes.  Classes are offered for beginners thru advanced quilters, along with very interesting lectures.  Here are some highlights of classes at Road to California 2012:

#1008 Scoop it Up, by Angie Steveson, Lunchbox Quilts, will be teaching a fun class for machine embroidery enthusiasts.

#1201 Embroidered Applique' for Beginners , by Sarah Vedeler, Sarah Vedeler Designs, will be teaching a two day class for beg-intermediate machine embroidery enthusiasts, using Sarah's recently released GO! Bloom Designs.  SewCalGal has stitched out many of Sarah's designs and they always stitch out beautiful and I've taken a prior class with her and have found her to be an amazing teacher.  I'm so inspired I'm signing up for this class and already looking forward to two days with Sarah! 

#1202 – Superior Threads School of Threadology,  will be a two day class where attendees will enjoy an open "thread bar", have fun with fusible thread, play with Texture Magic.  Not sure about you, but attending the Super Threads School of Threadology is high on my wish list for classes.  This is a great opportunity for those able to attend "Road".

#3003 - Radiant Star will be taught by Eleanor Burns (Quilt in a Day), where you'll learn an amazing & easy strip piecing technique that makes this beautiful quilt so easy to create.  I've seen Eleanor in action teaching this technique and give this class a high recommendation.

#3011 – Tea With Me is taught by the talented Sandra Leichner.   This class is perfect for any intermediate-advanced applique' quilter.
Sandra will also be teaching #4501 – Garden Bird

Sandra will also be teaching #6009 – Cupcake FunI don't know about you, but I'm hungry for a class with Sandra.

#4001 – Bento Box and Beyond will be taught by the famous Tracey Brookshier.  This is such a fun quilt pattern that has an amazing 12 different designs, in 5 block sizes, that allow you to create your own unique style 

#5013 – Thread Painting  will be taugh by Nancy Prince is a perfect class for anyone that wants to have fun and be creative with threads.

#5035 – Painted Blocks taught by Laura Murray  will certainly be fun as students play with paintstiks, stamps, and fusible web to create unique and spectacular quilts.

There are so many amazing classes at Road, and all at great prices.  I hope you'll check out the complete list of classes at the Road to California site. And I hope  you'll come.  Road to California Quilt Show will be held January 19-22nd 2012 in Upland, Ca.  This location is a great location for those flying in, from around the world, or coming by car, or train.  This show is also near Disneyland, making it a great show to visit and bring the family.  And don't forget Southern California weather is wonderful in January, when many areas are packed with snow.    Yes, definitely check out the classes for Road to California Quilt Show.  And sign up early!



  1. I love Road to California and will be taking at least one class.

  2. This Quilt Show is ON my calendar for 2012... I've been wishin' they had a button so that I could put it on my blog. =)

    I was thinking it would be fun to have some kind of "meet-up"?


  3. Oh my goodness, what awesome quilts...too bad California is so far away...looks like a wonderful place to be in 2012

  4. In my dreams...for sure in my dreams. I would love to take the thread painting class and an applique class. I wonder if they need me to make a display? I wonder what the airline would think if I took a suitcase full of empty TP rolls?

  5. This sound like a fun and interesting place to go. Will you be going?

  6. Awesome classes and an amazing line-up of instructors. Sounds like a nice quilting vacation.

  7. I'd love to take a class or 3 with Sandra, but unfortunately California's a bit too far away from NC!

  8. Ok, I will sign up for the cupcake the 3d effect of that one...Love the scoops...and I am not even a sweet eater...ok let's go Darlene...I am game lol

  9. What a tantalizing post......wish I could GO and take a couple classes. Just too far for me.

    Have fun!


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