Quilt businesses can quickly and efficiently increase awareness of new products and/or sales with their customers, through Facebook. They can also increase sales by special offers only shared with Facebook fans. And they can conduct inexpensive Market Research with voting on polls, as well as engaging customers in questions. Product giveaways on Facebook are also a good way to grow you fan base, along with sharing quilty tips, photographs and creating interesting discussions on your Facebook page.
AccuQuilt has a giveaway every "Fun Friday" and everytime they reach another 1k level of Fans on their Facebook page. Cozy Quilt Shop has Facebook Only Auctions for selected products. Martingale & Company has frequent contests where winners receive free books. And there are many more quilting, sewing & embroidery businesses that have an active Facebook page, and can show an increase in sales by way of connecting with customers thru this social media tool!
There is a "viral effect" where insights on Facebook can quickly be shared, reaching far more people faster than a traditional "word of mouth" insight. If a quilting business is not on Facebook, they are missing an opportunity to connect with a larger customer base.
I haven't been able to find out exactly how many quilting enthusiasts are on Facebook, but the rate is growing rapidly. When we look at the connection rate (aka Fans, Likes, Friends) it is easy to see that those in the business are able to reach far more customers. We also need to remember that information can be shared faster on Facebook than traditional communication tools that are typically one way (e.g. Newsletters, emails, et).
While Hobby Lobby is focused on all sorts of crafty customers, they make a great example of what can be achieved through Facebook. Their connection rate of reaching 210k customers on Facebook is excellent. And, they have already connected with several hundred more customers in a few hours since the graph below was created. Amazing, having a couple hundred "new" customers come to you for information & fun on Facebook. Wouldn't every business love to pick up hundreds of new customers every few hours?
Note: If the graphical images are too small to view, try double clicking on the graph to enlarge the image for a better view.

Quilters have fun sharing insights and inspiration on Facebook with those that share a common interest. But they also enjoy networking with Designers, Authors, Publishers, Stores and others that are "in the business". To clarify, quilters on Facebook value the ability to get timely information, hearing about new designs, sales, products and more long before the general quilting world sees products in stores, magazines, or quilt shows.
Clearly, not all SewBiz insights on Facebook are covered in this post. But for those that have additional insights and would like to share their thoughts, I hope you will leave a comment. It would certainly be fun to hear insights from others on the topic of Facebook for quilting, sewing and embroidery enthusiats. I'm also thinking it would be interesting to hear your insights on:
- Recommendations for how a business can grow their fan base on Facebook?
- How would you inspire other quilters to join Facebook?
- Would you be interested in a part-time position to help a business take advantage of social media Marketing?
I am completely leery of Facebook and twitter. A year ago I opened accounts and within a week I was hacked, spammed, and identity theft (caught). I couldn't close them fast enough and will never open them again.
ReplyDeleteI just want to get my business going again...but I think my family isn't ready for me to yet. I have been working very hard at networking. When I used to have an etsy shop and a fb page I did work that hard and now at least I have new friends from it!
ReplyDeletePerhaps I should market my toilet paper designing skills on fb? LOL, I guess not. I get on there all the time and beg for tp rolls...to no avail.
Very interesting. I joined FB because of my quilting, but really don't have the hang of it. I have been hi-jacked twice and finally set a separate email for FB. Thanks you have me thinking.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Darlene.
ReplyDeleteFull of information.
I tend to use twitter more than Facebook because it is short and sweet; a stream of mini blog posts. Twitter allows you to keep up-to-date with your own selected crowd. I follow a lot of pattern and fabric designers. I love to hear what they are working on. I share my thoughts too about what I would like to see. You can learn from the experts. I have met so many creative talented quilters, some right in my back yard, some across the miles. I urge you to set up a twitter account. It is easy. You will be addicted just like me.
ReplyDeleteI'm on Facebook, but I keep it completely separate from my blog / Flickr world. I certainly don't follow companies as I don't want to have to look at advertising on Facebook. For me it's a way of keeping up with friends and family, not a marketing tool.
ReplyDeleteHow neat to see the list like that! Did you generate that in FB?
ReplyDeleteI actually have a quilt page for most of my chat
with almost 6,300.
A personal page on FB is only allowed 5,000 between pages and friends.
That is why Lazy Girl, M. Hawley, and M. Lipinski and I all have 2 pages. Actually Moda also.. we all started with a personal page.
So my total is close to 10,000 but on 2 pages.
Im on Facebook because i heard its a great tool to promote a business. It did help me in someways, i gained fans so it brought traffic to my site. But i wouldn't really rely on Facebook For Businesses for promotion