
Friday, March 4, 2011

May you be sew blessed!

It is easy to look around and see someone who could use a helping hand, a hug, or some encouragement.  My heart is warmed, as I hear about those that help others.  I enjoy seeing quilts made for various charity projects or fundraisers, as well as pillowcases, stuffed toys, clothing and other sewn items.

Today, I want to share insight with you on a quilter who is making a difference in helping a wonderful program that you may also want to help with.

For the past six years Thearica (Pigtales and Quilts) has hosted a raffle on the HGTV Quilting and Needlework forum for charity, with the last three years the proceeds have been given to the Ronald McDonald House charitiesFunds raised have helped Ronald McDonald Houses in North Carolina, Texas and California.  And the 2011 raffle is focused on helping the house in Springfield, Missouri.

Thearica has accomplished raising these  funds by way of a raffle that includes handmade quilts and gift baskets full of items that any quilter would love to have (e.g. fabric, patterns, books, threads, etc).  But to do this, she also needs the help of others that donate items (e.g. completed quilts, table toppers, wallhangings,  and/or items that can go into a gift basket that a quilter might want to win).  

Personally, I'm planning on donating a few items to go into a gift basket that quilters might want, and I'm also  making a quilt.  For me, while there are many wonderful causes that I support on a regular basis, there is something special about the Ronald McDonald Houses, and I do realize they need donations to help provide a home for children and their families while they are getting medical treatment for serious conditions.

If this cause interests you, I hope you will visit Thearica's blog and learn more about her goals of raising money to help the Ronald McDonald Houses.  And you can contact her for more info, or to let her know you are willing to donate a quilt or item to go into a quilty gift basket.

Thearica needs to receive the items (quilts or items to go into a quilty basket) by October 31st.  She will start ticket sales in November and the drawing will be held in July 2012. 

May you be sew blessed!


  1. This is such a wonderful thing that Thearica is doing, supporting the Ronald McDonald Houses. Twenty three years ago, my daughter was born prematurely, weighing 1 1/2 pounds. The hospital was 3 hours away from home. We were able to be with her as much as possible, only because of the support of the local RMH. Today, she is a healthy, wonderful 23 year old woman, and we are still overwhelmingly grateful for the support we received from the staff and other guests at the RMH. Thank you to anyone who supports this cause.

  2. Thanks for's always nice to hear about great causes and people who are working to meet the needs of others.


  3. Darlene, this is such a good thing to do and quilters do make so many hurting people smile.


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